"GO MONARCHS" thread!


Homer Fan Since 1985
Okay, it is time for everyone to check in and be heard. Yell loud and clear, and let the whole world know that you are a Monarchs fan. :D

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Wow 54 points from the Starting line up...

Nice job...

Kara looked good with her first game back. I hope DeMya suits up in Sac. We need her ready. She needs minutes.

Minus the last 4 minutes Great Game.

On to Sacrameneto.
Luv13fan said:
I hope DeMya suits up in Sac. We need her ready. She needs minutes.
Well looks like you won't be getting your wish, 'cuz she's definitely out for the rest of this series...they say she might be ok'd to play in 7-10 days. We miss you DeMya!! GO MONARCHS!!
SacTown Monarchs RULE!!!!

Can you feel the Arco rumble?

We will be loud...our team will be so pumped. Let's go Monarch's....silence the Sparks with your stifiling ''D''

Sac is one of the loudest arena's in the WNBA/NBA...We will be ready!!!!