GO KINGS!! thread version 6.0

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Super Moderator Emeritus
And I have him on one of mine. That pretty much guarantees he may not step back on the court all season.

GO KINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
::crawls out from under rock::

Whew...This is the first time I´ve been able to get to a city with internet access and have some time to check up on somethings. Whenever my cell phone has been working I´ve been able to check some scores, but it seems as if our Kings are in a little funk. No BJAX, that´s going to hurt. I wish I could see a game to know how Mo Evans and the rest back up PG by comittee is doing.

The weather is more than I could ask for, haven´t got sick with the food or water ::knock on wood::, now if I could just learn how to use this modified keyboard. ;)

Happy Holidays all and GO KINGS! :D

::crawls back under her rock::
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