Good morning
This is the little "corner" gave me to keep you company and I hope that you will too, especially for the period I am not in Greece. Starting today, since I am already in the USA.
My first round at Sacramento from the Draft to the end of Regular season is over. A season, which didn't turn out as I would have thought it would be. The program was mainly "A lot of work", and during discussions Reno Bighorns were mentioned as a possibility. It was decided that I should play there as well and get some experience through the games as the team already had its core.It turned out to be a very good experience for me; I learned more on how the game is played in the USA, and the differences in comparison to the European style.
For me there was no difference regarding where I was playing. My plan was only hard work in practice. I never gave up. I did exactly what I was told by the team; sometimes I had to switch teams within a day or a couple… That meant 2 hours drive back and forth on good weather, up to 5 in bad weather, so that you will get an idea "geographically“. Near the end of the season I stayed with the Kings, had some good game and we have to continue from that point…
I ended the regular season, the way I wanted (with the Kings). I entered the plane and came to Greece which I have missed. Not so much my immediate family as my parents are here most of the time and my brother Minas as well. Family! I am lucky in that aspect, I always had a good home cooked meal, unlikely many young players in a new town.
I had missed my friends. Saw them, talked a lot, had a great time… Only for a little while of course, because my schedule is waiting for me, and it will be finalized now that I came back: A lot of workouts daily, not only about basketball, but for strengthening, stamina and condition as well, with special exercise in the sand for my legs. It will be a good… boost for me and my teammates...Everyone will have his personal schedule, but we will be there for each other, and help as bond even better...
I am also really looking forward for our National Team. I hope I am well and be for the preparation in August, as i already got the OK from the Kings. I am really happy about it, being back to the National teams (he is eligible for both Men and U21). I will repeat what I usually say: It is the biggest honor for a player to represent his country.
So I hope I will see you on August and then on Helsinki. And hopefully later in Turkey…
That’s it for now…Talk to you soon…
Bless you all,