for 2006, who kings can get(free agent)??

hello everybody!!! i live in brazil, but i'm a fan of the kings!!!
here i don't have many news about the sacramento!! SOH, WHO THE KINGS CAN GET??? WHO WILL BE FREE AGENT THAT THE KINGS CAN GET???
honestly how can you even make a thread like this when the playoffs are about to start!!! this is my favorite time of the year, this is my life, this is all i look forward to every way i can even think about the offseason right now
GoSACtown said:
honestly how can you even make a thread like this when the playoffs are about to start!!! this is my favorite time of the year, this is my life, this is all i look forward to every way i can even think about the offseason right now
and yet you come to this thread
GoSACtown said:
because it irritated me..and i wanted to be known
C'mon member from another country. Can we be a bit more welcoming? Glad to have you limadigo...don't have a good answer for your question, but bibbyforprez listed a good site to look at. Do we have a lot of fans in Brazil?
Since I'm feeling good after seeing Bobby back, I'll indulge the topic with my top 10 FA for the Kings. There are various reasons for this top 10 and it's too early to get into what they are. Anyways...

1. Stromile Swift Memphis Unrestricted F.A.
2. Tyson Chandler Chicago Restricted F.A.
3. Bobby Simmons L.A. Clippers Unrestricted F.A
4. Samuel Dalembert Philadelphia Restricted F.A
5. Eddy Curry Chicago Restricted F.A.
6. Kyle Korver Philadelphia Restricted F.A.
7. Reggie Evans Seattle Restricted F.A
8. Shareef Abdur-Rahim Portland Unrestricted F.A
9. Jon Barry Houston Unrestricted F.A.
10. Joe Johnson Phoenix Restricted F.A


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
swisshh said:
Since I'm feeling good after seeing Bobby back, I'll indulge the topic with my top 10 FA for the Kings. There are various reasons for this top 10 and it's too early to get into what they are. Anyways...

1. Stromile Swift Memphis Unrestricted F.A.
2. Tyson Chandler Chicago Restricted F.A.
3. Bobby Simmons L.A. Clippers Unrestricted F.A
4. Samuel Dalembert Philadelphia Restricted F.A
5. Eddy Curry Chicago Restricted F.A.
6. Kyle Korver Philadelphia Restricted F.A.
7. Reggie Evans Seattle Restricted F.A
8. Shareef Abdur-Rahim Portland Unrestricted F.A
9. Jon Barry Houston Unrestricted F.A.
10. Joe Johnson Phoenix Restricted F.A
A solid start, but I would also add:
Dan Gadzuric Milwaulkee Restricted F.A.
Donyell Marshall Toronto Unrestricted F.A.
Kwame Brown Washington Restricted F.A.
Larry Hughes Washington Unrestricted F.A.
Eddie Griffin Minnesota Restricted F.A.
Marko Jaric Clippers Restricted F.A.
Zydrunas Ilguaskas Cleveland Unrestricted F.A.
swisshh said:
I almost put Donyell on that list. I've never liked Hughes and Kwame's mental weakness bothers me. They're both talented guys though.
Thats funny cuz I was thinking if Cat does leave we should make a run at Hughes I really like his game, should be an interesting off-season whatever happens.
Bricklayer said:
Oh, BTW I will say that I would leave Shareef off the list as he would only add to our softness problem, not solve it. ;)
Well yah, I can't figure SAR out. He's always been talented, put up numbers, but he's been on so many losing teams. He also had a bit of a fallout with Bibby up in Vancouver, but both say thats over with now.

Hughes is a more shot-hungry version of Mobley and I think Mobley is the better shooter.
swisshh said:
Well yah, I can't figure SAR out. He's always been talented, put up numbers, but he's been on so many losing teams. He also had a bit of a fallout with Bibby up in Vancouver, but both say thats over with now.

Hughes is a more shot-hungry version of Mobley and I think Mobley is the better shooter.
Isn't Hughes avg over 22 pts and 6 rebs and almost 5 assists a game and leading the league in steals? He seems like a real good slasher and a better scorer than Cat, but I know what you mean.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
swisshh said:
Well yah, I can't figure SAR out. He's always been talented, put up numbers, but he's been on so many losing teams. He also had a bit of a fallout with Bibby up in Vancouver, but both say thats over with now.

Hughes is a more shot-hungry version of Mobley and I think Mobley is the better shooter.
Hughes is bigger, more creative, more versatile, better to the basket and a much better defender. Took him forever to develop, but he's come on in a big way this year. Still takes some dumb shots, but 22.2pts 6.3rebs 4.7ast 2.9stls...that's a heck of a player.
Bricklayer said:
Hughes is bigger, more creative, more versatile, better to the basket and a much better defender. Took him forever to develop, but he's come on in a big way this year. Still takes some dumb shots, but 22.2pts 6.3rebs 4.7ast 2.9stls...that's a heck of a player.
a heck of a player and your ideal Christie replacement/upgrade.

I still say trade do whatever it takes to make this happen (sign and trade, etc):


Then sit back and wait for the parade in June.
LPKingsFan said:
a heck of a player and your ideal Christie replacement/upgrade.

I still say trade do whatever it takes to make this happen (sign and trade, etc):


Then sit back and wait for the parade in June.
Yeah, I was even a little surprised by Hughes numbers when I looked them up. I wonder If we could get him. I like that lineup^ though.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Reality is, we're not going to get Hughes. He's out of our price range now and I'm sure Washington is going to do everything they can to keep him. Especially now that they're a playoff team. Even if Cat leaves we're over the salary cap. Corey Maggette would be great too, but that's a real longshot. We can't offer any impact players in return without creating more holes in the team somewhere else. I think Tyson Chandler and Stromille Swift are out of our price range too.

What we can get though is somebody who's ready to breakout. Or somebody with the defensive skills we need who's less valued because they're not a feared scorer. Some ideas:

Mickael Pietrus would be fantastic if we've got something Golden State might want for him. They've got a great SG already in J Rich, but they need big men. Not one of our strong suits really. He's not the best shooter out there, but he's a possible defensive specialist with some scoring ability. And he's to be had at bargain prices. We'd have to give up somebody important to get him though and his contract his small which makes that tough. Maybe a draft pick?

I was thinking Marco Jaric may be obtainable with the MLE and could be a good fit at SG. He's got good size, knows how to play defense, and loves to pass the ball. Sounds just about right doesn't it? Oh and he's Serbian too. Which I think should be weighed as a positive given the 'Peja Situation'. He definately wants out of Clipper town.

I'm still on the Theo Ratliff bandwagon (by myself I suspect) and I'm pretty sure Portland will be looking to unload his contract in the near future with the youth movement in full effect. Unless they want to keep him around as a role model, but that's a pricey role model. And he's a starter for us so his contract is justifiable. That's exactly the tough inside presence we need. Not the greatest rebounder, probably a small dropoff from the Kenny Thomas/Brian Skinner tandem, but he's a decent scorer around the basket. He's not a long term solution, but he might give us three years of continued contention. And I mean championship contention, not just making the playoffs.

Ronald Murray. Who isn't curious about that guy? Seattle seems to have forgotten about him.

Reggie Evans is a kay piece in Seattle. They'd be crazy not to keep him. It seems like Dalembert and Korver are going to be important pieces for Philly, but the former could be what we're looking for if they don't sign him to a big contract. I don't see why we'd want Korver. Signing Bobby Simmons should be priority number 1 for the Clippers. But they're the Clippers, so you never know. He may be out of our price range too. What team with money doesn't take a shot at that guy? Eddie Griffin and Kwame Brown are risky, but may be worth it. I'm not sure Big Z is an answer for us. He's not bringing a lot of defense with him. Joe Johnson would be a good call, but how can Phoenix break up that perfect unit the way they've been playing? And who would leave? He'll resign with them. Oh and Gadzuric sounds like a good idea. I really have no idea what Milwaukee's plans might be though other than trying to get Redd back. They're in a real tough spot. Does Redd say no to King James and co? Would you? Maybe Gadzuric slips through the cracks into Sacramento.

Man, it's really going to be interesting to see wha happens.

In the mean time, thank you Bobby Jackson! Bring on the Sonics!
except that he'll be in line for a massive raise after what he's done in washington. there's no way we can grab him, seeing as he'll probably be grossly overpaid wherever he ends up, and my guess is back in washington


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Nikos said:
Could the Kings actually afford Hughes?
Nope, anything we did to get Hughes would have to be a sign and trade unless for some insane reason he wanted to come play for us for the exception (which quite obviously he will not). And there's no way Washington signs and trades him to us unless he can mount a credible threat that he'll just walk from them onto some other team with cap room, so its a real long shot.
Larry Hughes will be getting a new contract starting at about $9 million a year and he has no reason to leave the Wizards, he's enjoying it there and he's playing with friends. We can't sign him and we can't trade spare bench parts to get him in a S&T. The only realistic option I can think of would be trading Peja to get him and I don't think you want to do that.
Whatever GP does we need to get faster, bigger, defensive and more athletic. We cannot continue with a sub-par front line and by that I mean defensively and rebounding. Of the three perhaps you can excel with one being a liability rebounding and defensively but not all three. In the back court we need a solid scorer (not just shooter) who you can give the ball to when you need a hoop and watch him beat his man one on one creating his own shot and can play defense, especially if Bibby remains at PG (as he should since he makes our offense go) but is a defensive liability making the need for a shotblocker that much more acute. So, if not Swift and Hughes, guys just like them like Ratliff and Pierce.
You guys all know you did get suckered in to this thread by a Laker fan asking a purposely absurd question... looks like I just got duped as well!