FG %'s for last five games

Here's the last five games of FG stats: I went back 6 games for Brad's (because of his suspension) and more than that for Peja because of his back injury, but they are everyone's last five game numbers. (Note: I didn't use Peja's short game against Boston on Sunday when he left with hamstring injury.)

Webber: 38-100, 38%
Bibby: 44-87, 51%
Miller: 31-61, 51%
Mobley: 33-73, 45%
Peja: 33-73, 45% (nope, no mistake...same as Mobley's).

Webber: Settling for the jumper instead of getting more of his teammates involved and/or taking it to the hole. Even when he is holding the ball, I see him thinking how to get a shot off or to the basket instead of creating a play for others but often it is too late and he's being doubled by then. While this isn't always so, I find it to be a good deal of the time. Let Bibby play the point more often, no one moves much when Web has the ball. Why is that?

Bibby: Second most shots taken, but most shots made, Nuff said. Give Bibby the ball.

Miller: Higher percentage because of the ease at which he can make shots close to the rim, additionally his FG % has declined drastically in the last 6 or 7 games, he isn't as confident lately taking those jumpers. You CAN do it Brad!!!

Mobley: Is quick on the fast break point and often just takes it in himself, without getting others involved (sometimes this works, and sometimes not). 45% is not a shameful FG%, but I notice he makes some bad shot attempts by being too anxious. But, he can be clutch beyond the arc.

Peja: WOW, I think his 3 point % was better last year, very disappointing for a shooter of his caliber. The fact that he has only had as many opportunities as Mobley, and 27% less than Web tells me he is not getting enough touches. Who's fault that is is beyond me, since I'm pretty new at this game. But I can say this, Peja needs touches to score.

Note: I'm such a novice but feel like I have to give some analysis if I'm gonna throw stats out there. :eek:


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Well yes, but until tonight I would have said that those numbers were largely irrelevant. The story with us has been our inability to stop people, not problems scoring. Heck, we're the #2 scoring team in the league, and our ppg has been RISING even with all of the injuries. But the defense has just sucked so bad that we'd have to average 120 to be assured of victory every night.
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Bricklayer said:
Well yes, but until tonight I would have said that those numebrs were largely irrlevant. The story with us has been ouor inability to stop people, not problems scoring. Heck, we're the #2 scoring team in the league, and our ppg haas been RISIGN even with all of the injuries. But the defense has just sucked so bad that we'd have to average 120 to be assured of victory every night.
Oh yeah, then there's defense. :rolleyes:
Bricklayer said:
What's that? ;)
That thing we play in the playoffs, or at times in the 4th quarter!

It stands to reason, if they are reluctant to play defense don't they then need to find ways to win offensively? Scoring 100+ points in loss after loss is just for sissies when the other team scores more. 50 games into the season and still no sign of defensive minds out there on a consistant basis.

If they aren't gonna play D, then find other ways to score. :D
albeitrue said:
Webber: Settling for the jumper instead of getting more of his teammates involved and/or taking it to the hole. Even when he is holding the ball, I see him thinking how to get a shot off or to the basket instead of creating a play for others but often it is too late and he's being doubled by then. While this isn't always so, I find it to be a good deal of the time. Let Bibby play the point more often, no one moves much when Web has the ball. Why is that?
Note: I'm such a novice but feel like I have to give some analysis if I'm gonna throw stats out there. :eek:
I honestly believe that Chris is running on fumes on that knee. Call me a Webber apologist if you want to. He has absolutely no lift on his jump shot. His ball is flat. How many dunks have we seen from Webb in the last two weeks. One in Chicago. The dude is psychologically not able to play in the post because in his mind he is not effective in the post right now. So we keep seeing jump shot after jump shot because as far as scoring that is all he probably feels like he can contribute. His shot has not been falling since Cleveland game (Jan 20th) AND If Popovich sits Duncan out of the All Star Game like the rumors say, you know Webber is next in line and his pride will make him go. So there is a possibility that there will be no rest for the weary.

But if I am the Kings, Webb does not play again until Washington, February 27th. That would be 11 full days of rest. But I would hope he would take that time to practice and do nothing but shoot and rest.
I must admit, I am a little concerned with C-Webb taking so many shots and not making hardly any. In the last 3 games, its been:

6-20 (New Jersey) - 12 points
7-21 (Chicago) - 15 points
7-23 (Boston) - 14 points



what do webber's numbers look like when peja is on fire? maybe that would tell us more about the situation.....
Those percentages are indeed bad. I see an awful lot of Webber bashing whether it be vieled or otherwise from Kings fans. This is my first post here so I don't want to step on any toes, but Webber is the Kings bread and butter. The Kings are at their best getting the ball to him in the high post and moving....I said moving. I have seen far less movement this year out of the offense than in years past and that is one of the biggest issues with this team to me. When no one moves, Webber believes that he has to take his man one on one, which used to be his strength. Unfortunately time has not been kind to his knee so he can't do it much anymore. Same goes for his inside game. Used to be a strength, and he can still do it on occasion...but he and the Kings are at their best when he is at the high post distributing the ball and hitting the open shot. If Chris misses 10 open jumpers from the top of the key and we lose, so be it. There aren't many players that shoot that ball better from that spot than he does (I know it is hard to remember that given this recent run, but I believe it to be true) and I would rather die by him shooting those than by him passing them up for a contested shot somewhere else on the court.

I think one of the biggest issues with this team now is that we don't get easy points anymore...we have to work way too hard now. Sac played pretty good defense a couple of years ago....you can't be a good running team if you don't get steals/defensive rebounds. A lot of those blow-out margins came from getting easy baskets to supplement what was (and still is on most nights) the best half-court offense in the league. Do we even average 8-10 points a game anymore in transition? That is one area I think we can improve in...though it would be a product of playing better defense/defensive rebounding as well as committing to running more often when we have opportunities.
Just my two pennies.
This thread should be about the OPPONENTS shooting percentage, which has been largely off the charts.

It is hard to ignore Webb's bad numbers, however, the past few games. At least for many of them he passed the ball and led the team in assists too, so you can't blame him too much.
Rockmeister said:
I must admit, I am a little concerned with C-Webb taking so many shots and not making hardly any. In the last 3 games, its been:

6-20 (New Jersey) - 12 points
7-21 (Chicago) - 15 points
7-23 (Boston) - 14 points
Positive side: at least he is decreasing the number of shots!
skeletor8 said:
Those percentages are indeed bad. I see an awful lot of Webber bashing whether it be vieled or otherwise from Kings fans. This is my first post here so I don't want to step on any toes, but Webber is the Kings bread and butter. The Kings are at their best getting the ball to him in the high post and moving....I said moving. I have seen far less movement this year out of the offense than in years past and that is one of the biggest issues with this team to me. When no one moves, Webber believes that he has to take his man one on one, which used to be his strength. Unfortunately time has not been kind to his knee so he can't do it much anymore. Same goes for his inside game. Used to be a strength, and he can still do it on occasion...but he and the Kings are at their best when he is at the high post distributing the ball and hitting the open shot. If Chris misses 10 open jumpers from the top of the key and we lose, so be it. There aren't many players that shoot that ball better from that spot than he does (I know it is hard to remember that given this recent run, but I believe it to be true) and I would rather die by him shooting those than by him passing them up for a contested shot somewhere else on the court.

I think one of the biggest issues with this team now is that we don't get easy points anymore...we have to work way too hard now. Sac played pretty good defense a couple of years ago....you can't be a good running team if you don't get steals/defensive rebounds. A lot of those blow-out margins came from getting easy baskets to supplement what was (and still is on most nights) the best half-court offense in the league. Do we even average 8-10 points a game anymore in transition? That is one area I think we can improve in...though it would be a product of playing better defense/defensive rebounding as well as committing to running more often when we have opportunities.
Just my two pennies.
Thanks for your response.

Why is it the offense won't move when Webber has possession? (This is a serious question, not trying to be backhanded in any way) Is this the same as asking "why don't they play D"? There doesn't seem to be an answer, but I wonder about that as much as I do about their not grabbing boards and shoddy transition D.

Also, when 10 missed shots result in possession by the opponent (in most cases--because of our poor D), then the transition points change drastically. Again, defense plays a role in missed jumpshots by nature. That is on everyone, but the bad shot has to be made in order to create the fast break opportunity for the opponent.

I see King's as having lost up to 50% of their great half-court offense, and I'm not saying it's Web's fault, because others are not moving without the ball. To me, that is the King's bread and butter...their great half-court offense.
Except for the fact that the Princeton offense is based mainly around the ability of Webber and Miller to both pass and hit that elbow-extended jumper. You could not put someone like Shaq or Amare in this offense because the big man has to be able to hit that elbow jumper to make the defense step out and play defense. Otherwise, they can sag into the lane and take away all of those cuts to the basket. So when you say that Webber should pass up those shots, you are basically saying we should give up on the very point at which the offense is trying to attack. Is it frustrating to watch 10 of thsoe clang off of the rim...yes! Is it nice to watch him make 5 or 6 of those in a row? yes!! I am willing to cop-out and say that Webber has been struggling with the jumper due to pain in the knee and that perhaps a week of rest will help...

It is hard to say why nobody seems to cut anymore. Peja, in previous years, was easily the best backdoor cutter in the league (in part due to tremendous passing from Webber and Vlade as well as a surprising ability to finish and get to the line) but he seems to not cut nearly as much this year. Missing Bobby is key as he was also great at not only cutting but finishing once he received the pass. Doug was also good in that area. All of the young guys and Cat are new to this offense (even at 50+ games for the kids) and I think it takes a lot of game-time to develop understanding of where and when to make those cuts and read the defense properly. There is also the "stand around and watch Webber work" attitude which has always gotten us in trouble. All that to say that I think missing Bobby, Doug, and to a large degree Peja, has hurt the backdoor cutting game that used to be so productive for the Kings. Now it seems that most of our assists result in jumpshots instead of in the 5-10 layups we used to get. Remember the Dallas series a couple of years ago?? How many layups and dunks was that again? (I should remember, I live in the Dallas area...hate the Mavericks...that's another topic).

But everyone is also right...can't keep giving up layups to the other team...when you are shooting jumpers and the other team is laying it up, you are going to lose more often than not...no matter how great of a shooting team you are. Here's to hoping that the All-Star break magically cures all that ails the Kings!!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Come on people -- before last night's flameout this team had averaged 109 points a game in February!!! That's Phoenix like offensive numbers. Offense is not only not a problem, we've been remarkable on that end. The problem has absolutely been on the other end.
Bricklayer, i definitely agree, but still...Webb has to start making that elbow jumper, or if it's not falling pass the damn ball !. Our problems are on the defensive end.....wait what defensive end. Yeah that pretty much sums it up.

I'm really puzzled and confused. This team played decent defense until that Knicks game. What happend all of a sudden, lack of motivation??? our guys are tired?? :confused:
BullKing said:
our guys are tired?? :confused:

: ding : : ding : : ding : We have a winner.

They are exausted!!! Especially Webb. Notice of late those most of his misses have been short? Thats the sign of a tired player. We dont have the athleticism that other teams have so our players have to exsert more effort and thus exaustion sets in quicker then other teams. Also, The schedule of late hasn't been easy either.
I'm Gonna Take a Break ....

The sun is out .... it's warming up a tad.

Time to hitch-up the boat and take her out !!!!

Ya'll have a nice All-Star Break ....

note: course, ya know it's impossible to completely pull-away for the next five days ... I'll develop withdrawal symptoms.