ESPN LA - Kings' future still uncertain

George is actually playing a useful role all the sudden. He's the scapegoat that Sac fans can dump their bitterness and blame on, both for past and future actions. This allows the public to accept the Joe and Gavin back in... speeding an arena process along... WTG GEORGE!!!
Neither of the maloofs sound very intelligent when they speak, especially George. Also if the city owns and manages the arena will they keep all the money from parking and concession sales?
Meh neither do I (speaking and writing) but we are the type you got to look out for ;) We might surprise you! hehe.
I think George's whole focus is the Palms. And to that end, he sees the Kings as a tool to promote the Palms. To him Sacramento is not really his target market. We are too small, underpaid and too close to Tahoe, Reno and Indian casinos. I'm sure he was dreaming of all those high rollers in the LA market just hoping to rub elbows with all the Maloofs B list celebs at the Palms. To him it was just pure synergy. It's also why their sister Adrianne parades herself on reality TV shows. So for them to say one business has nothing to do with the other is an ouutright false statement. They will shell out big money and do just about anything to cross promote their casino. Yeah probably even settle for a so-so deal from Samueli to get there.
I've mentioned before that George Maloof is not Sacramento's friend, and if you think its accident that he is granting interviews and dropping soundbytes that would threaten to put a damper on things, you are kidding yourselves. The Kings were never his half of the empire. His half collapsed. He needs the money the Anaheim deal would have provided for his own purposes.
This is exactly how I see it.
I don't trust George one bit. He blew it in LV with the condo towers and he sees the move to Anaheim as redemption. A way to save his failing casino and a way for his family to hold onto the team. He's been working on this Anaheim move for years. He sees the brother as big time playboys stuck in a small time city.
The one important thing to remember about all this is that Stern has made it pretty clear, and in prominent fashion with that editorial in the Bee. This will be a public/PRIVATE partnership and the owners of the team MUST invest in it as well. I don't know what a "big checkbook" means exactly, but if Stern himself doesn't think it's big enough and the Maloofs don't have the ability to do more, that's when KJ's Burkle "bombshell" comes back into play. Sorry Maloofs, the power has shifted, don't pout, go with the flow, and if Sac doesn't get it done then it's all yours to practically give away to the Samueli's like you wanted to before all this went down.
Another little thing that I may be misremembering, but it talks about how they'd get all that much more money from the luxury suites in Anaheim, wasn't like 90% of that money going to Samueli!?

Yeah, misinformation indeed.


Hall of Famer
The one important thing to remember about all this is that Stern has made it pretty clear, and in prominent fashion with that editorial in the Bee. This will be a public/PRIVATE partnership and the owners of the team MUST invest in it as well. I don't know what a "big checkbook" means exactly, but if Stern himself doesn't think it's big enough and the Maloofs don't have the ability to do more, that's when KJ's Burkle "bombshell" comes back into play. Sorry Maloofs, the power has shifted, don't pout, go with the flow, and if Sac doesn't get it done then it's all yours to practically give away to the Samueli's like you wanted to before all this went down.
Interesting point. If Taylor/ICON comes out with a reasonable plan, that is financially viable, it will be very interesting to see the Maloofs response to whatever amount they are asked to pay. If Stern thinks it's fair, and the Maloofs don't, then does Stern pressure to sell? The Maloofs have said they aren't coming into this with a "big checkbook". Well, are they willing to pay what is fair in Sterns eyes? If the deal is fair, and they don't agree, and won't pay, then does Stern turn to Burkle?
Interesting point. If Taylor/ICON comes out with a reasonable plan, that is financially viable, it will be very interesting to see the Maloofs response to whatever amount they are asked to pay. If Stern thinks it's fair, and the Maloofs don't, then does Stern pressure to sell? The Maloofs have said they aren't coming into this with a "big checkbook". Well, are they willing to pay what is fair in Sterns eyes? If the deal is fair, and they don't agree, and won't pay, then does Stern turn to Burkle?
Essentially, yes. Stern has made it abundantly clear he wants to keep basketball in Sac, and KJ has done everything to put the pieces in place that will force that to happen, Burkle being the insurance policy. Having an ex NBA player, and charismatic like KJ, is a wet dream for David Stern. Now that Stern senses that the political environment has shifted, he will simply make sure there is a reasonable deal on the table, and if the Maloofs don't like it... they're done. They have zero negotiating power because their cards are on the table in the form of the lease agreement with Anaheim. All Sac has to do is beat that. Not that hard. Again, if they balk, in comes the Burkle bomb. Pretty simple really.


Hall of Famer
Essentially, yes. Stern has made it abundantly clear he wants to keep basketball in Sac, and KJ has done everything to put the pieces in place that will force that to happen, Burkle being the insurance policy. Having an ex NBA player, and charismatic like KJ, is a wet dream for David Stern. Now that Stern senses that the political environment has shifted, he will simply make sure there is a reasonable deal on the table, and if the Maloofs don't like it... they're done. They have zero negotiating power because their cards are on the table in the form of the lease agreement with Anaheim. All Sac has to do is beat that. Not that hard. Again, if they balk, in comes the Burkle bomb. Pretty simple really.
This is one reason I'm so confident. The city/Taylor/ICON/KJ don't have to make a deal the Maloofs consider fair. They've essentially taken the Maloofs out of the equation. They decide what the Maloofs pay, and if Stern agrees, the Maloofs have no choice. They have to make a deal Stern thinks is fair. If Stern likes the deal which ends up being proposed, it doesn't really matter what the Maloofs think. It will be a put up the money or sell scenario.
This is one reason I'm so confident. The city/Taylor/ICON/KJ don't have to make a deal the Maloofs consider fair. They've essentially taken the Maloofs out of the equation. They decide what the Maloofs pay, and if Stern agrees, the Maloofs have no choice. They have to make a deal Stern thinks is fair. If Stern likes the deal which ends up being proposed, it doesn't really matter what the Maloofs think. It will be a put up the money or sell scenario.

To add to this: Sacramento only needs to propose a deal that is similar to that already implemented in other NBA cities, meaning that the Maloof's desire to have huge parking spots/control of non-NBA revenue, etc are pretty much moot. Sacramento only needs to point to another city and emulate their model in a manner that is fair to the city. If the Maloof's don't like it, they get to sell. The Maloof's took a huge gamble in trying to control the design/strategy of the arena, and now that it has blown up in their face, they have zero bargaining power. They have been outplayed by every other player at the table. Ironic, no?
It's not a road block. There are businesses that specialize in arena management. The city would just contract such a company.
Exactly. This is why I once mentioned AEG or SMG as an alternative to MSE running things. You contract them for around a million a year and then they book an extra $10 million worth of events due to having the connections necessary that MSE doesn't have. For example, if AEG gets the contract, they can tell someone that they get a preferred date at Staples but only if they play at the Sacramento arena. They almost always make the deal in those situations and in turn, you reap big time revenue for the building, revenue that can be added to whatever is needed to help pay the building off down the line.
Uh, lots of cities do ! KC makes money on their arena having someone manage it ! Most of the arena's are owned by the cities and managed by a business.
Another reason why I mention AEG. They run the KC arena and it's profitable as a result of their connections.

If I'm not mistaken, AEG is partners with ICON. I think that's another reason why Buss was so adamant about the Kings staying. He was speaking on behalf of AEG, minority Laker owners, as well as himself.