Not really enough details. E-40 is alleging what he suspects security was thinking and that’s not really a good place to start a fair “investigation”.
I mean, if it was solely security taking the word of one person over the other than maybe I can see it his way, but I would be surprised if one person, or one couple reported that E-40 cursed at them and security just decided to remove him if he was saying that he didn’t do it. It sounds like others heard E-40 cursing her out.
did security hear him cursing at the woman? Did witnesses in ear shot overwhelmingly confirm that E-40 was being an “excessive stander”(is that against the rules?) and became vulgar when called on it?
suspect if I called a woman a ***** at a Kings game I wouldn’t get a warning before I was tossed.
oh well, how about that Kings win?