Draft 2006: Update Before Madness..

Whoever we draft is gonna be thirsting for minutes all year. At this point I'd almost be tempted to deal our pick or young guys, seeing as we can barely get all our guys PT as it is. Depth is definitely not this teams problem.
captain bill said:
Whoever we draft is gonna be thirsting for minutes all year. At this point I'd almost be tempted to deal our pick or young guys, seeing as we can barely get all our guys PT as it is. Depth is definitely not this teams problem.
i'd rather it were, to be honest. if jason hart, kenny thomas, and corliss williamson make us "deep," then i'm really beginning to miss the bench mob days...

if we get a big who's "thirsting for minutes"...great. and if it's a big who's "thirsting for minutes" and is a lottery pick...even better. it means there's a chance to develop whoever it is into an impact player defensively (and we all know that a "defensive impact player" for the kings wouldn't have to do much more than rebound well and cover his man properly, and maybe block a shot or two). basically, i think the kings greatest opportunity to improve their interior defense and rebounding is through the draft. it does require, however, that they miss the playoffs, so as to maximize their pick and receive the best possible player for their needs.


Hall of Famer
I want the Kings to get their hands on Tiago Splitter.

Young...Defensive minded...Potential...BIG...

He's what we need.
captain bill said:
Whoever we draft is gonna be thirsting for minutes all year. At this point I'd almost be tempted to deal our pick or young guys, seeing as we can barely get all our guys PT as it is. Depth is definitely not this teams problem.
Well, after this season, the bigs situation is not clear (other than SAR, probably). Along with us lacking youth there other than Jamal Sampson. As is the back-up PG situation, though not quite as much because of Price... I think.
Kings113 said:
Well, after this season, the bigs situation is not clear (other than SAR, probably). Along with us lacking youth there other than Jamal Sampson. As is the back-up PG situation, though not quite as much because of Price... I think.
for sure. if we re-sign wells, the SG situation is very clear. if we don't, its still clear. we just move martin to the starting spot and bring garcia in to back up, or vice versa, depending on the coaching staff's preference. at SF, we've got artest, garcia, and monia (if he proves to be a player worth developing). at PG, we've got bibby, and i'm content with him as our starting PG, despite his defensive woes. ronnie price could play some back up point in the future. i like his athleticism much more than i like jason hart's supposed "defense." and, of course, garcia has proven to be a capable ball handler and is shaping up to be a decent floor runner. mistakes will clear up with time and minutes. the only situation that is infinitely unclear is the PF/C. brad is obviously one of your starting bigs, but that leaves a coupla spots in question. draft pick? trade for a big? stick with KT and SAR? hopefully one of the first two...but kings management has their work cut out for them concerning the frontcourt.
I copy my post from Personnel forum:
I know that this thread is more about guys that already play in the League but speaking about the draft two guys I would consider very seriously: Josh Boone(UConn, junior) and Justin Williams(Wyoming, senior). Both rebounders(don't look at Boone's numbers: he plays alongside Armstrong and Gay and UConn also have two very good rebounders coming off the bench; Williams is probably top-5 rebounder among NBA prospects statistically despite often leaving his position to go blocking shots) and shot-blockers(Williams is second in the nation with 5.3bpg despite playing half the season with ankle sprain before which he averaged 6bpg and he doesn't even go after every shot just altering and affecting many attempts; Boone's numbers are lower than they should be because Hilton camps in the paint and Josh often drifts to perimeter to defend forwards) and along with very good stats they are both very good man-to-man(Williams struggles against really big centers - NBA prospect Yemi Nicholson(260lbs) fouled him out pretty easily) and quick defending pick-n-roll. Of course they will be rookies and right now do not posess true center size(Boone - 235-240, Williams - 225-230). They are both limited offensively(though Josh played limited role in UConn offense and can have some upside) but Josh is pretty good passer.
Another guy I look closely at is Chris Quinn, senior from Notre Dame. He has decent size for PG: 6'2", 185lbs, excelent distributor and shooter with outstanding decision-making(39.7mpg, 18.4ppg, .455 FG%, .453 3P%, .876FT%, 3.8rpg, 6.1apg, 1.6spg, 2.6TOpg, 2.37A/TO which is by far the best among this years PGs). He's nothing special defensively but also is not a liability like Bibby or Nash. He gets little attention(some mocks don't even mention him) because it's his first year as PG(he played 3 years as SG) and his team loses too much but all defeats but one were close ones. Of course athletic tests, measurements and pre-draft camp will be crucial for him.
there's too many intriguing bigs in this year's draft to be picking a PG, imo
He may be available in the end of the second round. He can run the team and can shoot. He will be an excellent backup if nothing more.


I'll be more interested in these guys after Madness. I want to see who can perform in the clutch.
Padrino said:
there's too many intriguing bigs in this year's draft to be picking a PG, imo.
Well, it's certainly a possibility, and would be the other drafting option. I would prefer we draft a defensive big man for sure, but if we don't and draft a PG (we're loaded at the 2 and 3) then I'm sure we'll go after a big in the summer through trade/free-agency.
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UNC/Duke in Durham on senior night (for Duke) coming up at 9:00pm EST on ESPN. I suggest anyone who can check it out, do so.
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Awesome game! Another classic, indeed. UNC played smart, aggressive ball for the most part, really only was bad in the opening handful of minutes, and a close call in the last minute. Which really looked like Duke was going make their quick charge to steal the game.

Big win for the Heels... first win at Duke since 2/1/01, and was on Duke's senior farewell night. Hansbrough is a stud
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Oregonian - There may not be a LeBron James or Tim Duncan in this year's draft, but there will be plenty of quality rotation players say most scouts.

"There's not a definitive No. 1," said Ryan Blake, a NBA scout for Marty Blake and Associates. "But there's going to be opportunities to draft impact players all the way through the second round."
http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/39512/20060312/impact_players_even_in_the_2nd_round_says_one_scout/ (no link available)

I'd agree with that.