Did anyone esle here grant on his show!!!

I was listening to the rise guys this morning and they were talking about grant saying this would be the last sacramento kings draft. Did anyone else here this.
He just meant if we dont get this new arena approved on the November ballot that this could be the last year the kings are here in Sacramento.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
He may be right. If something isn't done, and fast, that day is coming. This year, next year, whenever. One way or the other its pretty damn sure there are no longer any Sacramento Kings by 2010 without a new arena. Also means no more KF. I suppose at least it give all of us some of our free time back.
Leave it to Grant to attempt to bring us all down during an exciting time... I am guessing, if the Kings ever won a championship, his response would be, "Well, congrats to the Kings for winning the championship! If history repeats itself, most of the Kings fans will be dead before the Kings win another championship."

I feel like, whenever listening to Grant, whenever he begins spewing his pesimism, a trumpet should go "wah-wah". You know he reminds me of... that Saturday Night Live character "Debbie Downer"... here's a pic....

Leave it to Grant to attempt to bring us all down during an exciting time... I am guessing, if the Kings ever won a championship, his response would be, "Well, congrats to the Kings for winning the championship! If history repeats itself, most of the Kings fans will be dead before the Kings win another championship."

I feel like, whenever listening to Grant, whenever he begins spewing his pesimism, a trumpet should go "wah-wah". You know he reminds me of... that Saturday Night Live character "Debbie Downer"... here's a pic....

post of the day. lol
This isn't Grant bringing people down. The reality of the situation hasn't changed:

Build a new arena or the team is going to move.

It boggles my mind that people still don't get that. I predict shock - utter SHOCK - in the middle of next (or the following) summer when the team packs up and moves to Kansas City/Anaheim/St. Louis/Las Vegas. Everyone's going to walk around bewildered about how this possibly could have happened, instead of doing something about it now.
This isn't Grant bringing people down. The reality of the situation hasn't changed:

Build a new arena or the team is going to move.

It boggles my mind that people still don't get that. I predict shock - utter SHOCK - in the middle of next (or the following) summer when the team packs up and moves to Kansas City/Anaheim/St. Louis/Las Vegas. Everyone's going to walk around bewildered about how this possibly could have happened, instead of doing something about it now.
I don't predict shock... as a fan it is like a lead weight around the neck... the constant knowledge in the back of your mind that it could all be over soon... I just don't know why you would take what should be a happy occasion to dwell on the looming bad news.