Detroit was TIRED!? What about the Kings...

In the second half Detroit looked alot like the Kings did in the second half against Miami. They kept it close and then in the end they just threw in the towel.

Nice game and a very nice win that the team definitely needed.
Bricklayer said:
But in any case nobody said it wasn't a quality win -- you take them as they come, and shorthandeed as we were this went as well as we could have hoped. Important win too, as without it we are facing the spectre of things starting to spiral for us, and now we have something to build on to hopefully have a strong homestand.
indeed. anyway, i just got the impression that in your initial post, you were trying to deflate some notion of us being able to beat detroit consistently or something, rather than simply appreciating the win for what it was -- a victory late in the season with arguably more odds facing us than them anyway.

Bricklayer said:
But none of that changes the fact Detroit looked tired out there, and had good reason to be so (perhaps even more off of two close losses to contenders, and think about us in Miami -- we too were facing a 3 game losing streak and just didn't have it). So its a good win, and something new for the Kings -- an underdog win. But nothing I would bank on when we get the rematch here in a few weeks.
well, "detroit looked tired" is not a fact, it's an opinion.

it might also be worth noting that no one was banking on a sacramento win yesterday, either.
Beg Your Pardon ....

badnews said:
it might also be worth noting that no one was banking on a sacramento win yesterday, either.
Go have a look at the predictions in the - "Kings vs Pistons" thread in the Fantasy/Games Forum.
Bricklayer said:
I'm not going to bother to respond to the impressions garnered at random intervals stuff from a 2 post poster
WOW, Brick, way to welcome us rookies and encourage us to post, especially for a moderator. THANKS I feel so wanted :( I'm sure you were new once too, but I guess you forgot.
Folsom Al said:
Go have a look at the predictions in the - "Kings vs Pistons" thread in the Fantasy/Games Forum.
Although I recently noticed a distinct change in this behavior, it used to be that virtually everybody slected the Kings to win every time in the prediction game. It is not an accurate indicator one way or the other as far whether people were realistically expecting a Kings win.
I read the entire post, but he didn't have to refer to the number of posts badnews has made, as if being a new poster makes the opinion less valuable.
I decided to stay out of it (which is why I deleted my post), but really, being a new poster does make the opinion less valid if the opinion is about the posting habits of someone whose been on this forum for a long time.


Homer Fan Since 1985
lucydearest said:
I read the entire post, but he didn't have to refer to the number of posts badnews has made, as if being a new poster makes the opinion less valuable.
lucydearest, when a member says something to further a discussion, then I don't care if that person has 1 post or 10,000 posts. When someone comes to a new board and starts out right away by criticizing a long time respected member, then that person should expect to get "put in their place."

I have the title "Goodwill Ambassador" for a reason. I, more than most, enjoy welcoming new members, saying "happy birthday" and other small things that let people know that we are just like a big family here. Everyone is welcome! However, when people show up from other boards and immediately say or do things to make what it is not, then I object.

As I mentioned in another thread recently, the owner, moderators, and longtime members of have worked very hard into making this a "family" board where people of all ages can come and talk (and learn about) the game of basketball, especially as it pertains to our favorite team...The Sacramento Kings. It is not a place where we spend time being critical of each other. We don't allow flaming of our team or our members. There are some Kings sites that do allow that. For people who like that kind of place, I invite them to find it, and enjoy themselves. For those of us who don't like that kind of place, well, we have

This board is not going to change for the few new members who have come here to change it into the board from whence they came. It is just not going to happen.

This post is a general response about my feeling of things that have taken place here of late. It is in no way meant to single out any individual poster.

::6th steps down off the soapbox::


Homer Fan Since 1985
uolj said:
Although I recently noticed a distinct change in this behavior, it used to be that virtually everybody slected the Kings to win every time in the prediction game. It is not an accurate indicator one way or the other as far whether people were realistically expecting a Kings win.
You are right, uolj. I always pick the Kings to win....sorta like a good luck wish. However, I absolutely did not expect the Kings to beat the Pistons. Do I think they can beat them? Of course. It's just that the Kings had not been playing so well of late. Do I want them to win? ALWAYS!!!!!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
lucydearest said:
WOW, Brick, way to welcome us rookies and encourage us to post, especially for a moderator. THANKS I feel so wanted :( I'm sure you were new once too, but I guess you forgot.

Lucy, if you would like to comment on an opinion I have right NOW, your opinion is as good as any on the board. If you want to talk about trends in my posting over the years (and be wrong about it to boot) then I am quite justifiably going to ignore you because you have not been here to witness those trends in any way I can confirm.

P.S. And yes badnews, I was trying to deflate the idea that our victory yesterday meant anything about us and Detroit in the long run. I do not think Detroit is any kind of juggernaught, but they are the better team than the crew we threw on the floor yesterday. The game was decided on the energy of our team, pumped up in front of the home crowd for the first time since the trade, and the lack thereof from Detroit, at the tail end of a long road trip. Those conditions are unlikely to repeat themselves, and therefore its a fun win, but not one you can draw too many conclusions about except that it had to give us a real boost to our flagging confidence.
Last edited:

I think the 'newbies" challenged some of your emphatic statements for good reason, and I might add, with honest hearts. Long-time posters around here generally defer to your well-founded opinions, but that is what they are. Contrary posters, antagonists, and assorted free-spirits often ebb into other domains of the Internet rather than argue. Leave to a few new kids on the block to not realize how great you really are.


I think Brickie knows a lot more about basketball than I do, and probably many other posters, but he generally comes off a bit strong. (Realize that he does this sort of thing for a living.) In my opinion, your opinions are as valid as most others. Don't retreat or fade away. Reload and re-engage if you feel so inclined.

Pulse currently at 62. QD


I really enjoy reading Bricklayer's posts. He recognizes the Kings strengths and weaknesses.
SacTownKid said:
The excuses are already flowing. Detroit may have been tired out there, but what about the Kings! Just a day and a half ago the Kings were all the way across the friggin' country!!! Give me a break.

Sacramento are outplayed Detroit and thats a thrue,i agree with you.We play a greath defence,maybe the best this season.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Raci said:
Sacramento are outplayed Detroit and thats a thrue,i agree with you.We play a greath defence,maybe the best this season.
Yes, regardless which team was the more tired, Sacramento simply outplayed Detroit...and handily at that. It would be nice to see them focus on Defense the rest of the way.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
quick dog said:

I think the 'newbies" challenged some of your emphatic statements for good reason, and I might add, with honest hearts. Long-time posters around here generally defer to your well-founded opinions, but that is what they are. Contrary posters, antagonists, and assorted free-spirits often ebb into other domains of the Internet rather than argue. Leave to a few new kids on the block to not realize how great you really are.
They are perfectly free to challenge any of my emphatic statements, however they are not qualified to make statements about my long time posting habits anymore than I could walk into your living room this weekend, look around, and pronounce that you have been a slob since high school. Now badnews may in fact of been lurking in the bushes outside your window, watching you be a slob since high school, but you have no way of knowing whether that's true that, and furthermore know for a fact that you were NOT a slob since high school.

And that's not negotiable, and its got nothing to do with opinions about basketball.
6th said:
Yes, regardless which team was the more tired, Sacramento simply outplayed Detroit...and handily at that. It would be nice to see them focus on Defense the rest of the way.
That is a key of succes.Team have enything other than defence,but time are chainging. :D