Fox will be shut down without an outside shot.e did not shoot the ball well in SL.
This goes for our other very young prospects like Giles and Bagley as well....
If you are pretending you can speak with definity about the career arc of 19/20 year old supreme athletes, you are a Troll. Period.
It sullies this awesome board TBH.
Your point
may turn out to be valid. However, if one of our kids is 6-8 years from their prime, and you make sweeping judgments about this young man's career as though you are this soothsayer or prophet , and expect the thousands of other people who log on to this site to agree with a very premature ( by many many years) prediction about these kids future.
I do
not mean to pick on you.
You have a valid point.....
The truth is, none of us know a thing about what we might see next season, and then the next......
I hope he has worked on his 3pt shot as well as his playmaking ability.
I have a lot of faith in Fox.
Again, not picking on you in particular. I think the the general malaise that has permeated this site has gotten to me.