Best player available /= most able to contribute now. In fact, BPA is often the opposite of that. If you're drafting BPA, you're taking the guy you believe is going to have the greatest long-term impact throughout his career. If you're drafting for need, you worry about players who can contribute now and can shore up areas of deficiency. It sounds like you think the Kings should have drafted for need. I like Ware a lot. I think he's going to be an impact player. He might ultimately have been the best player available. But we don't know that yet.
Personally, I think you always draft BPA unless you're already contending for a title, and if doing so happens to fill a need or shore up an area of deficiency, then great. Monte thought Carter was BPA, and I happen to agree. If it turns out that Monte was wrong, well, eventually the Kings will hire a new GM who hopefully makes the right call. But it's all rolls of the dice, rarely is it clear cut, and often it's inexplicable why one guy pans out and another doesn't. It's easy enough to say who BPA was in hindsight, but we're not even close to making that judgment yet with this most recent draft class.