David Stern Conference Call (transcript added!)

Can anyone confirm or deny that H.B. called the Maloofs "politically tone deaf?" Kind of funny....although if it true that HB said this I believe he can expect an a**-chewing from one David Stern.
I came in at the last minute so I missed most of the meeting. I view this as the Maloofs just removing them from being the focal point. But make no mistake, we are at the point where the end of this process is going to be measured in months and not years. I also think the Maloofs would like for the NBA to feel their frustration.


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NBA to head initiative for new Kings arena


SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- The NBA will take the lead in the Sacramento Kings' long-running attempts to get a new arena, the league announced Wednesday.
Kings owners Joe and Gavin Maloof met with commissioner David Stern to discuss the change in tactics after a ballot proposal for a sales-tax increase to help fund a potential new arena was defeated by Sacramento County voters last week.
The NBA will now be in charge of seeking a public/private funding deal.
The billionaire Maloofs have been roundly criticized by local taxpayers' groups for seeking public funding for a proposed multi-use arena in downtown Sacramento or north of town near Arco Arena, the Kings' aging current home.
"The Maloofs have never wavered in their interest in keeping their teams in Sacramento, and they have requested that we take a leadership role in helping them achieve that goal," Stern said.
Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press
Now if they can only replace the buffoons on the other side of the table, the city and county representatives.

I am still not so optimistic. Unless the Kings stay in Natomas, i think it is going to be tough sledding. i wish the Maloofs would take their business to West Sacramento, Yolo County and Mayor Christopher Cabaldon. They seem to be progressive and want to get some things happening in West Sac.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Can anyone confirm or deny that H.B. called the Maloofs "politically tone deaf?" Kind of funny....although if it true that HB said this I believe he can expect an a**-chewing from one David Stern.
I downloaded and transcribed the entire interview Harvey Benjamin had with Grant Napear. He did not say anything of the sort...
I downloaded and transcribed the entire interview Harvey Benjamin had with Grant Napear. He did not say anything of the sort...
It was not described as happening then. Reportedly, he said it to some other reporters when he was not on the air.
Yeah, THAT was sweet...you dont know how much I wanted to biotch slap Jim Gray tonight at the game, I was in Kings row 2, and he was just to the left of me most of the night.:D Anyways, I am interestingly intruiged in what's transpiring in this ordeal. I can't wait to see just who the players will be in these dealings, beings that the Commish wants to explore all options with everyone, and he even placed a call to Arnold...and even though he says it was only because he was the only local person involved in Gov't in the Sac area that he knew personally, that's definetely a name to bring in, even if its in a minor capacity, EVERYTHING hopefully will help out in this. Let's get ready for some REAL arena talks upcoming, hopefully. Oh, and by the way...screw you Dave Jones!!
I think that this is a pretty intersesting new twist. It seems like a last resort in faith effort to stay in Sac. If the NBA cannot make it happen, then they will clearly have to reccomend the Maloofs to move the team. The NBA wants to keep them in the best fanbase around.

side note - I have got wind of rep that Arco has not been as intense this year - well I was there tonight and it was that way right up until we fell behind. Then it kicked in hard in true ARCO fashion and my section screamed and jumped the rest of the way out, like it should be. This has value to Stern and the NBA and they will do there best to make this work.
Oh pllleeeeeaassseee tell me what happened with Jim Gray. And for what it's worth, other than the fact that he's a little goofy looking guy, I don't find what's so annoying about him. It even seems to me that he's a bit of a homer for the Kings (or at least the Maloofs), and I remember pretty vividly when Greg Anthony was bashing the franchise (I think this was around the time of the Artest trade) and he put up a pretty good fight in the name of the Kings, though completely unnecessary. Anyway, my two cents.

but when did this happen? I remember when Gray read off David Stern's 'official' comments. are you talking about this?
I assume they're talking about when I replayed the entire conference call on my show last night, right around 10:15-10:45.

The Jim Gray thing was funny. There's nobody smoother than Stern...
It was in the conference call. Jim Gray asked about the confusing issues surrounding Anaheim and whether the NBA would allow a third team down there. Stern said that Jim is confused and he should call some person in the NBA office since it had nothing to do with this conference. It made Gray look pretty foolish.
It was in the conference call. Jim Gray asked about the confusing issues surrounding Anaheim and whether the NBA would allow a third team down there. Stern said that Jim is confused and he should call some person in the NBA office since it had nothing to do with this conference. It made Gray look pretty foolish.
:D :D :D :D
I assume they're talking about when I replayed the entire conference call on my show last night, right around 10:15-10:45.

The Jim Gray thing was funny. There's nobody smoother than Stern...
Thanks for replaying that last night CD. I missed it originally and caught it on the way home from drowning myself in law school reading.

And for those of you scoring at home, its David Stern 1, Jim Gray 0.
The conference call with David Stern transcript is now on Kings.com:


NBA Commissioner David Stern Teleconference
Stern Answers Questions From The Media via Teleconference Call
Nov. 15, 2006
Opening Statement:
Thank you all for joining us and I’d just like to say that last week, Deputy Commissioner Adam Silver and I met with the Maloof family to discuss the situation -- I guess it was earlier this week – in New York, to discuss the Sacramento arena situation, and at the request of the Maloof family, we’ve determined that the league office will direct future efforts with respect to the possibility of their being a new multipurpose arena for Sacramento, which among other things would be a home for the Kings and the Monarchs. We can assure you, or I can assure you that the Maloofs have never wavered in their interest in keeping the teams in Sacramento and their hope, expressed directly and fervently to me, is that my taking the leadership role here would help them achieve that goal. I don’t claim to have a secret plan of any kind, but what I would like to do by taking this position is to enable the Maloofs to spend one hundred percent of their time supporting the Kings and Monarchs and enhancing the experience of Kings and Monarchs fans and community partners because the reality for us is that Sacramento is a spectacular NBA success story. The Maloof family and the city of Sacramento have been a great partnership. I think there were skeptics who questioned whether the NBA could succeed in Sacramento, if at all. I have a personal relationship with the market – I was pleased to be there when Greg Luckenbill opened the very first ARCO (Arena). I was there to open the current ARCO. We can all agree that the current ARCO is not going to be the multipurpose arena of the future. That’s the premise that was underlined in the efforts of the Maloofs over the last seven years to somehow be part of an effort to secure a new multipurpose arena but we will examine every potential option, meet with anybody who may be helpful, and even those who may not be so helpful, to understand the situation. Given the history of the city and the Maloofs, we just refuse to accept the proposition that there can’t be a way, given what we think (are) our collective wills. With respect to the recent election results, I had said before the election that if I were voting, I would vote against the proposal because nobody knew what they were voting for besides (inaudible). And we’re going to find out whether there’s anything worth doing or anything worth voting for. I have not done anything yet with the exception of placing a call to Governor Schwarzenegger – I thought I would start informing people of the NBA’s involvement at the top, but we expect to be in touch with every government official who has anything to do with or a view on this possibility, and I hope as soon as my schedule permits, early in December, to be visiting the market and having some of those meetings in person. In the meantime, other people representing me will of course continue in this process. And I think that’s about it and I thank you again at your attendance at this press conference, and I’m happy to answer any questions.
Q: Can you enlarge on your statement on which Sacramento officials are you going to work with?
Stern: I have no specific plans or no specific people. All I am saying is that when I and my staff and whoever we retain, analyze who the appropriate parties are to meet with, because there are or potentially could be involved with a multipurpose arena for Sacramento, those are meetings that we will take.
Q: Can you tell me why the Governor was your first call?
Stern: I did it on rank and I actually know the Governor. I wanted to do it on the (inaudible) – I just had the most respect for what – I wasn’t going to ask for anything, I just was going to inform him that I was going to be making this announcement. And he’s the government official in the Sacramento area that I’ve spent the most time with.
Q: Are you going to be meeting with the Governor?
Stern: Oh, I don’t know. I don’t know. If I thought he could be helpful, the answer is yes.
Q: Does the NBA have a position on where the arena should be?
Stern: No. I mean, we’re aware of the history that both have been considered, but our view is that it should be in the place that has the greatest possibility of getting done, and we’re not in an intelligent position to make that judgment. We don’t come in with a preconceived notion, or frankly with a specific timetable. We put a lot of person hours into it, but we’re not setting any real or imagined deadlines. We need to assess the amount of work that needs to be done, and we need to form for our own ownership group, meaning the NBA Board of Governors, a very precise understanding and identification of the issues, the personalities, the regulations, the election rules and all else that comes with trying to figure this out, and we want to try to do this free of, shall I say, rhetoric that accompanied the last few months, and give everyone sort of a chance to regroup and see where we go from here.
Q: On election night, a group was formed called "Share the Vision". Is this a group the NBA would work with?
Stern: It depends what vision they’d like us to share. I’m not familiar with the group. Well, I don’t want to say that we’re going to work with any one group on any one plan. I would say that our first line of inquiry is going to be: “What are the options?” and frankly “What has the most likely chance to bring people together, rather than divide the community, and thereby provide the greatest opportunity for success?”
Q: When was the last time the NBA intervened on something like this and what was the effect of that intervention?
Stern: This is not an intervention. This is responding to a request from an ownership group that I value quite dearly for the NBA and I would say that the NBA has never done anything of this scope – the last time we got – well, that’s only partially true – I suppose we did get deeply involved in the expansion team in Charlotte, and the arena development, and granting the expansion franchise and working with the city. But other than that expansion situation, we have never been involved in a circumstance like this.
Q: Harvey Benjamin told me the Maloofs were tone deaf to the politics. Your thoughts on that?
Stern: I doubt very much whether he said that or “admitted it” as you said, but if he thinks that – and when did he say that? Not during the election, but after the election? Oh, I don’t know if that’s a good idea or a bad idea, but that doesn’t factor into my decision to become involved and to exceed the Maloofs request. It would be hard for me to imagine that ultimately, when all of the issues are put on the table that the decision of whether Sacramento should have a multipurpose arena will rise or fall on a commercial for a hamburger.
Q: Do you think there is any damage during election process that will need to be repaired going forward?
Stern: No, because, well, I guess you might say that there was a campaign and a lot of things done, even in the negotiations and the like, that maybe different people would like to have back and do them a little differently. Tie them up in better ways, and buttoning them down rather than tying them up. But I think in some ways the election, the result, everything that has gone past, has sharpened everybody’s focus. And so we now know that we can either do it or we can’t, but from the NBA’s perspective, we’re going to devote enormous resources to try to do it. I don’t mean enormous resources to trying to get some vote or another, I mean resources to determine whether what seems to be a very good marriage – the Maloofs and Sacramento, Sacramento and the NBA – is something that should be continued in the context of a spanking-new, multipurpose facility for the city of Sacramento and the Monarchs and the Kings. And it’s as broad as that, and I think what goes on will help inform us, but I’d like to think that in some ways it will help to inform everyone who participated and maybe some who didn’t, to see exactly what it is that we all want and what is it that’s possible and what investments need to be made on all sides.
Q: Do you know who you are going to enlist to help you with this ... or what law firm you will hire to assist?
Stern: We haven’t done that yet. I specifically waited so I could have this press conference with you so I wouldn’t have to tell you. That’s why I haven’t decided. No, I haven’t – Adam (Silver), when did we meet with the Maloofs?
Silver: Monday.
Stern: Monday. Okay. So, it’s Wednesday. I’ve had a busy week. It was Monday afternoon, we met with the Maloofs, and our focus has been on exactly how we would respond to their request and what we would do, and then we would announce it, and so we haven’t moved forward yet in any substantive way, even in terms of making lists yet – but we will.
Q: In light of the arena/stadium climate in the Bay Area, is it incumbent on you to look for different methods now to get this done?
Stern: You know, the answer to that is yes, we need to take a fresh look at it. I’d like to think that we’re capable of saying, “Okay, let’s do a complete 360 here”. We do have some experience in small cities like San Antonio, which was successful; in large cities like Houston, which was successful; in a small city like Orlando, which appears to be on its way to success. We recognize, based upon the history, that there were some special challenges with respect to votes in California of a certain nature, but that’s all I know. So my view is if we can just step back and say “Alright, let’s – maybe there is a series of experts that no one has consulted, that deal with these matters, maybe there is some new and more imaginative financing techniques or the like.” But we’re going to, you know, give it the 360, and see whether we can come up with it, because again, the Kings in Sacramento are an NBA success story, and I’m not interested in a seeing success end in failure. We don’t accept that.

Q: The Maloofs have said over and over again that they want to stay. Is there a point where this situation becomes untenable?
Stern: You know, this is the very question that I said to the Maloofs -- -people are going to ask this and try to pose it this way. And the answer is, I’m not going to answer that question because we’re not setting deadlines, we’re going to find a way to get this done. Now, if you said to me, “Do you think it’s possible that this won’t get done?” I suppose that’s always possible. I don’t want to say it’s likely because I don’t want to be a pessimist. It’s not likely that we won’t get it done. We’re going to get it done somehow. We’re going to figure it out because I’ve seen the will of the Maloofs to get it done, and although I recognize the end gain in situations like this, I think that that’s so far away that we really have a renewed opportunity to take a fresh look at this, and really determine if suggestions like Ailene (Voisin, Sacramento writer?) made are viable, whether they are something we haven’t looked at, whether there are new ways of doing it, whether there are some other kinds of support that can be generated here. I know that every conceivable plan has been considered over the years, but I’m not sure that they have the opportunity to be fully-developed and fully-bedded and fully-shared with interested parties, free of some imposed or self-imposed or some election-imposed deadline. And that’s why I told the Maloofs that I’d be happy to do this, but I needed an adequate time so that when we, in effect, report it out to the public, that we’re not on some rushed schedule.
Q: Do you have an opinion on how long ARCO Arena can survive?
Stern: I don’t have an opinion that I am prepared to express today, and really your question is similar to the one just asked, and I’ve actually asked the Maloofs as part of this, and they agreed, that it would not be wise of them to get involved in answering questions like that. So therefore, I’m not answering it and the Maloofs aren’t going to be answering it. Certainly, we’re going to have enough time here to do the right job to see whether we can achieve a multipurpose arena for the city of Sacramento.
Q: A big part of the last deal was a sales tax. You mentioned Charlotte before. Can you tell us how the sales tax worked in Charlotte?
Stern: Would it make you think less of me if I said I either don’t know or didn’t know or don’t remember? I just don’t recall what the funding mechanism is. I do know that there was no vote, and I’m guessing that there were proceeds remaining from other taxes already in place, but I just don’t remember. And Joel Litvin, who worked on that for the NBA, is on vacation. And Russ Granik is playing golf. So, I don’t have an answer sitting here.
Q: Even if you get to a deal, what guarantees does Sacramento have that the Maloofs will stay here?
Stern: I always say to cities that, “That’s what leases are for.” And if you, under any circumstance, it would be not a good and smart decision, for any city on behalf of its tax payers, to invest in an arena without a certain guarantee for a length of time that the team is going to stay there, period. It’s very simple to me, and we wouldn’t ask a community to do anything that didn’t have a commitment from the team and the NBA.
Q: Do you think there could be value to setting a date to get this done?
Stern: No, because everybody knows what is at stake here, and I don’t think that is an effective mechanism for getting people to work together. I think that we had one loss, which I probably deserve it. They had one loss in San Antonio. No, Houston lost the first time, and won the second time, that’s right. And I just think that the situation in Sacramento calls for a defusing, rather than a heating up, because when it really, really matters that someone did a commercial for a hamburger, and people are going to vote on a new multipurpose facility that is going to be around for the next 30 years for the people of Sacramento, then it got too overheated. And maybe even some of the things I said were too overheated, or my representatives. And so to me, this calls for, okay, let’s step back and see what we can do. Now, if everyone says, “We don’t want to talk to you, go away,” – that may speak for itself. But I don’t believe for a moment that’s going to be the case. I believe that the one great thing – I’ve traveled the world – and the interesting thing about the arena infrastructure in this country is that America has the best multipurpose arenas in the world, and we have probably 40 of them, maybe 50, that are world-class facilities. Unfortunately, that doesn’t include Sacramento. But I hope that we can work together with the people that watch out for the citizens of Sacramento to see whether Sacramento can join that list for the benefit of Sacramento and the NBA and the Kings and the Monarchs. But I don’t think that setting deadlines or tossing grenades is an appropriate response at this time.
Q: Do you think that helping here will set a precedent for you to be asked to help in other small markets in similar situations?
Stern: Actually, I’m a full-service Commissioner. And one of the, you know -- a family that goes back in this league to I can’t even remember when, probably 1981 or whenever it was that George Maloof bought the Houston Rockets, has asked me to take a leadership role here, rather than asserting myself or intervening. And frankly, although I have a full-time job, it sort of dawned on me in listening that there is really nothing more important than this because to have a city and a team at odds, maybe I could have been more helpful in some other cities, like the first time that the Hornets left Charlotte, so I’m taking a second look at it, in terms of my own involvement, and when I’m asked by a family that has been as much a part of the NBA and has really managed this team and the entertainment experience and the community in an exemplary fashion, I think this is an excellent use of my time, and if there were other cities that asked me to do it, other team owners in cities, I would now cast my lot on this one. I think it’s a good use of my time.
Q: Is a third team in Southern California acceptable -- perhaps in the Pond? And can you clarify your position on bringing a team to Las Vegas?
Stern: Well, if you’re confused, why don’t you follow Tim Frank’s suggestion and call our office tomorrow because right now I don’t consider either of those questions to relate to my efforts to get a multipurpose arena for the city of Sacramento. Thank you very much.


Super Moderator Emeritus

"If you're confused, why don't you ... call our office tomorrow?"

I love it. Take that, you little weasel!


"If you're confused, why don't you ... call our office tomorrow?"

I love it. Take that, you little weasel!

That is great....a true classic. And by the way, R.E.G. - be afraid, be very afraid.
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Stern: Well, if you’re confused, why don’t you follow Tim Frank’s suggestion and call our office tomorrow because right now I don’t consider either of those questions to relate to my efforts to get a multipurpose arena for the city of Sacramento. Thank you very much.
Classic!!!!!!!!! :D

You'd think Jim Grey would've learned to keep his trap shut after the whole Pete Rose incident :mad: