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while the possibility is intriguing... it's not going to happen this year because Detroit has already told the media that they still plan on developing him and have no plans to move him. and even if they were willing, if detroit wouldn't take Al Harringon, who would they take from us? (and please dont respond with Corliss Williamson or Brian Skinner.. because we all know that's just a fantasy.. lol)


Enough of these darko threads already... The guy can't even dunk a ball and he has no confidence.. I don't want him on the kings.
Another Darko thread?

Detroit is already a championship team. Flip wants to develop Darko to make them better. They're smart enough to know that the possibility of a good player for the next 15 years outweighs a small impact player for 3 or 4, with the possibility of upsetting team chemistry. Will not happen, nor should another team want to gamble on him. Detroit keeping him is the only intelligent thing to happen.


captain bill said:
Another Darko thread?

Detroit is already a championship team. Flip wants to develop Darko to make them better. They're smart enough to know that the possibility of a good player for the next 15 years outweighs a small impact player for 3 or 4, with the possibility of upsetting team chemistry. Will not happen, nor should another team want to gamble on him. Detroit keeping him is the only intelligent thing to happen.
how do you upset the team chemistry by trading a player that doesnt play?
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