Dal-SA game 3

DALLAS wins it by a point... what a game!

i actually go for dallas in this series even though i hate the mavs more than the spurs...

the only reason why im going for dallas in this series is because of STEVE KERR


That was a great game. That foul called when Manu was driving to the hoop with 1:25 left was the most bogus call I've ever seen. I'm tired of his dramatic arm flails. That really could have screwed the Mavs. Glad it didn't though. Good win for the Mavs.


Homer Fan Since 1985
striker said:
Dallas scores 16 of their last 20 points at the free throw line. What are the chances Cuban writes another blog about the refs?
Heck no! He got what he wanted from the first blog.
This shows how dangerous the Spurs are. I thought Dallas had their number all through, but they were very much in contention when it mattered.
thesanityannex said:
That was a great game. That foul called when Manu was driving to the hoop with 1:25 left was the most bogus call I've ever seen. I'm tired of his dramatic arm flails. That really could have screwed the Mavs. Glad it didn't though. Good win for the Mavs.
Spurs lost, and should have won.

But there were enough bs calls against the Spurs, but I will never blame it on the refs. But if you are going to say the refs were screwing the Mavs, then you must have been watching the wrong game.
Grego - I actually think the refs did a fairly decent job this game. Yes that call by Manu was a bogus call but hey, that's a superstar getting a call I guess. It didn't hurt us in the end so I'll take it.

Otherwise I noticed just how much experience counts in this league. You can just tell by the way the Spurs were hanging around that they've been through this before. I'll be honest I was worried about the outcome of this game b/c of that experience alone vs. a young and mostly inexperienced Mavs squad.
mavsman said:
Grego - I actually think the refs did a fairly decent job this game. Yes that call by Manu was a bogus call but hey, that's a superstar getting a call I guess. It didn't hurt us in the end so I'll take it.

Otherwise I noticed just how much experience counts in this league. You can just tell by the way the Spurs were hanging around that they've been through this before. I'll be honest I was worried about the outcome of this game b/c of that experience alone vs. a young and mostly inexperienced Mavs squad.
I'll never blame a loss on the refs, because as displayed, you can always play above it. But Mavs got the benefit of the doubt if any team were said to have gotten it.

Spurs took 82 shots. Dallas 66.
Spurs shot 48.5%. Dallas 47.6
Spurs got more offensive rebounds and only lost overlal rebounds 39-36.
Spurs made 9 TOs, Dallas 14.
Spurs were whistled for 33 fouls. Dallas 26.
Spurs shot 32 FTs. Dallas 50.

and this..
striker said:
Dallas scores 16 of their last 20 points at the free throw line.
So i don't really want to hear anything about Mavs getting cheated out of anything.


grego said:
Spurs lost, and should have won.

But there were enough bs calls against the Spurs, but I will never blame it on the refs. But if you are going to say the refs were screwing the Mavs, then you must have been watching the wrong game.
That single call was at a critical point in the game, and that is the only reason I pointed it out.

You say you never blame the refs for a loss, but your posts indicate otherwise.
thesanityannex said:
That single call was at a critical point in the game, and that is the only reason I pointed it out.

You say you never blame the refs for a loss, but your posts indicate otherwise.
No, I'm showing that Mavs fans should have no reason to complain about the ref situation. As I said, Spurs had a chance to win, and should have. They messed up the out of bounce play. Not the Refs.

I can tell you about plays that helped swing the momentum in favor of the Mavs as well. Doesn't matter. But to say that the refs helped the Spurs a lot, is a misnomer.
I don't think anyone can argue that Dallas didn't win this game at the FT line, that's for sure.

Duncan was the most pissed and vocal about bad reffing in the post-game interview that I've ever seen him. In fact I've never seen Duncan go off on the reffing after a game before but he sure did tonight.


grego said:
No, I'm showing that Mavs fans should have no reason to complain about the ref situation.
I don't see any Mavs fans complaining.
But to say that the refs helped the Spurs a lot, is a misnomer.
Never said they helped them a lot, just said that the foul with 1:25 left was bogus.


grego said:
Spurs lost, and should have won.

But there were enough bs calls against the Spurs, but I will never blame it on the refs.
Are you blaming the refs or not, I'm having trouble figuring this one out.
thesanityannex said:
I don't see any Mavs fans complaining.
Never said they helped them a lot, just said that the foul with 1:25 left was bogus.
Don't want to nit pick foul for foul but it was certainly no more bogus than the one at the end that they called on Barry when Dirk lost the ball out of bounds. Ended up as more FTs for the Mavs, a two point and possible four point swing.
thesanityannex said:
Are you blaming the refs or not, I'm having trouble figuring this one out.
Spurs had a chance to win, made a mistake. That's there loss.

Do i think the refs threw out some bs calls? Yes.
Who were they in favor of? The Mavs.
Do I think Mavs fans or fans cheering for Mavs have a right to say the refs were against them? No
Do I think there are conspiracies? No.

Hope that answers your questions

The better team will win the seven game series...
striker said:
Don't want to nit pick foul for foul but it was certainly no more bogus than the one at the end that they called on Barry when Dirk lost the ball out of bounds. Ended up as more FTs for the Mavs, a two point and possible four point swing.
If any team got the benefit of the calls down the stretch in game 3, I certainly thought it was the Mavs. Dirk got the benefit of the doubt call when he and Barry "collided" on that lose ball --- the slow motion replay made it look as if Barry didn't really run into Dirk to cause him to fall. Dirk also got the call on Duncan's 6th foul when he went crashing to the ground, but it seemed to me from the replay that he fell largely because he stepped on Duncan's foot and rolled his ankle, and not because Duncan bodied him or fouled him up high.

But, Dirk is a superstar, and superstars get calls. Duncan and Manu got their own and 1s in the 4th quarter that didn't seem like fouls on the defenders from replays.

The Mavs had to have this game after leading it the entire way up until midway through the 4th. Had they lost, I think they probably would've lost the series in 5 games. Now, they have a great chance to put the Spurs down 2 games by taking care of business on the home floor again on Monday.
I couldn't tell what happened with Dirk's ankle, even the replay really didn't show it. Was it really a foul?
I don't watch the Mavs but Howard and Harris have impressed me. I didn't know they were that good. I still want the Spurs to win but Manu's got to play better for that to happen.
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The Mavs are a very scary team this year. They can still shoot lights out, but they have become shockingly good defensively. I think the Spurs were shooting below 25% at one point.

It's depressing to think about really. Say the Kings had gotten past the Spurs somehow, our reward would've been that team in the second round, and the Mavs are a matchup nightmare for the Kings now. Still hope Spurs knock them off. The last thing I want to see is more of Dirk's fist pumps and Mark Cuban.
loopymitch said:
I couldn't tell what happened with Dirk's ankle, even the replay really didn't show it. Was it really a foul?
I don't watch the Mavs but Howard and Harris have impressed me. I didn't know they were that good. I still want the Spurs to win but Manu's got to play better for that to happen.
I don't know whether Duncan really fouled Dirk, but Dirk's right ankle definitely rolled over after his right foot stepped onto Duncan's foot. I saw at least that much clearly on the replay.


4cwebb said:
I don't know whether Duncan really fouled Dirk, but Dirk's right ankle definitely rolled over after his right foot stepped onto Duncan's foot. I saw at least that much clearly on the replay.
I believe they called a blocking foul on Duncan, and his foot was inside the arc, although it did look like Dirk just barrelled in there out of control.