Could somebody tell me what is wrong with Arco?

Maybe I'm missing something here and someone can help me out. Wasn't Arco built just 17 years ago? What is fundamentally wrong with this stadium that we have to build a new one for the Kings? Can't there be a retrofit of some sort? This of course assumes that there is a structural problem with the stadium. One the other hand, is it simply that the Maloofs want a bigger arena?


Super Moderator Emeritus
Isn't there a structural report floating around somewhere? Didn't someone post it at the BleacherMob Forum at one point, Kingsgurl?

I could swear I've seen something like that, but then again after this week I could swear to just about anything and not be very confident about it actually being true.



Hall of Famer
Size matters. Arco seats 17,317. For one of the highest demand tickets that is incredibly small. Comapare it to the Delta Center 19,911 Air Canada 19,800 MCI 20,674 or teh Rose Garden at 21,538. The amamzing thing is given the speed at which the Kings sell out the season, even a 21,000 seat arena would easly sell out virtualy every game if not every game.

So what right? OK here comes the math: thats 3683 more fans in seats every game which in and of it's self is a good thing but from the Maloofs perspective at say an average tick price of $50 it translates into $184,150 per game. Now lets sell them each one order of garlic fries (my game time favorites) at $4.50 and a $2.00 soda(estimaitng here folks) and we have $23,939 in incresed consession sales for a total of $208,089 in lost opertunity per game. So with 42 home games plus 4 pre-season season games and and an average of say 9 post season games to give us the round number of 55 home games a season the Maloofs are looking at an opertunity cost of $11,444,922.00 a season. Where I come from thats real money.
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Money, Money and Money. Maloofs are buisnessmen, they want money. Why should they have only 17.317 ticktets sold per night, when they can sell way more seats than that.


Super Moderator Emeritus
It's not ALL about the money. It's also about the roof not falling in onto fan heads, because that tends to discourage them - should they survive - from coming back. It's also about having the necessary accoutrements to attract the All-Star game and Stern has made it clear the present arena simply isn't going to be in the running.

Arco was built as cheaply as possible, as quickly as possible. A replacement needs to be made that will retain the flavor of the existing arena BUT allow for more sponsor booths, more seating, wider concourses, more amenities, etc.


Hall of Famer
VF21 said:
It's not ALL about the money. It's also about the roof not falling in onto fan heads, because that tends to discourage them - should they survive - from coming back. It's also about having the necessary accoutrements to attract the All-Star game and Stern has made it clear the present arena simply isn't going to be in the running.

Arco was built as cheaply as possible, as quickly as possible. A replacement needs to be made that will retain the flavor of the existing arena BUT allow for more sponsor booths, more seating, wider concourses, more amenities, etc.
Not to mention that a new arena would probally generat an average of $10+ price on tickets (although you would probally have cheaper seats, but more expensive seats as well and would probally $10+ a game for each ticket on avg). Plus more room for advertising, more room for boxes which would generate a ton of money in their own right. MORE concession stands would generate money because I never hit them because of how long the lines are.. A new arena will generate a lot of money, plain and simple. Arco looks cheap compared to others in the league.
The seats are too close together, the plywood floor (nosebleeds) feel like they are going to cave in. You have no room to walk by someone sitting in your way. Leaving takes forever because that place was not meant to have 17,000 people walking through the halls. The plastic seats are the cheap playground plastic variety, and they generate MAJOR static electricity. Hrmmmmmmmm.... The building inside just looks and has that cheap feel to it.
You want world class ammenities and luxury boxes. It draws more revenue in. It draws things like the ALL-Star Game that brings Tons of people and media to your community. Who get hotel rooms, go to local restaurants and go shopping. It doesn't just effect the kings. Also, let's not forget all the other attractions that sacramento misses out on. Different types of shows/concerts/. It's not just for the Kings to play in, it's attract MANy things here. Not to mention that the arena is scheduled as being obsolete in 5 years. I've also heard some structural things wrong with it. In the interviews with the Maloofs last week they were saying they can't stay in Arco forver. It's going to start falling apart at some point. And trying to retro-fit Arco would cost almost as much as building a new one.
Gary said:
The seats are too close together, the plywood floor (nosebleeds) feel like they are going to cave in. You have no room to walk by someone sitting in your way. Leaving takes forever because that place was not meant to have 17,000 people walking through the halls. The plastic seats are the cheap playground plastic variety, and they generate MAJOR static electricity. Hrmmmmmmmm.... The building inside just looks and has that cheap feel to it.
My complaints aren't so much with the bleeders. Has anyone ever sat in the upper level at PacBell? It's so steep it feels like your gonna fall out of your chair.

LOL the seats do generate crazy static. Wonder if they secrectly pump voltage to the chairs to get people to jump up and cheer.


Hall of Famer
Gary said:
The seats are too close together, the plywood floor (nosebleeds) feel like they are going to cave in. You have no room to walk by someone sitting in your way. Leaving takes forever because that place was not meant to have 17,000 people walking through the halls. The plastic seats are the cheap playground plastic variety, and they generate MAJOR static electricity. Hrmmmmmmmm.... The building inside just looks and has that cheap feel to it.
You forgot the fabric roof that leaks and a visitors locer roomthat is nororus through out the NBA for being freezing cold and cramped... does that about cover it?
Yikes, looks like it isn't all about money like I thought. No wonder the Kings fans are always cheering at games, they just want the game to be over as quick as possible so that they can get out!!! (and I thought that GM Place was bad)


HndsmCelt said:
Size matters. Arco seats 17,317. For one of the highest demand tickets that is incredibly small. Comapare it to the Delta Center 19,911 Air Canada 19,800 MCI 20,674 or teh Rose Garden at 21,538. The amamzing thing is given the speed at which the Kings sell out the season, even a 21,000 seat arena would easly sell out virtualy every game if not every game.

So what right? OK here comes the math: thats 3683 more fans in seats every game which in and of it's self is a good thing but from the Maloofs perspective at say an average tick price of $50 it translates into $184,150 per game. Now lets sell them each one order of garlic fries (my game time favorites) at $4.50 and a $2.00 soda(estimaitng here folks) and we have $23,939 in incresed consession sales for a total of $208,089 in lost opertunity per game. So with 42 home games plus 4 pre-season season games and and an average of say 9 post season games to give us the round number of 55 home games a season the Maloofs are looking at an opertunity cost of $11,444,922.00 a season. Where I come from thats real money.
Very well put............. and YES IT IS ALL ABOUT MONEY. you didn't even mention the extra money from the increase of luxury boxes.... It's all about the money such as many things in life...
Finally ... somebody mentioned the Warriors Arena.

Given everyones feedback, it seems like it really does come down to money. Who's kidding who, if the stadium were a real hazard and it somehow killed people, you realize the lawsuits and mayheim that would come to pass? Given all the feedback, it seems like its about simply having something nicer. Even if it was about safety, I'm sure that the place could be fixed up at a fraction of the cost of a new arena.

Sadly, if it really is about "nicer" and not "safer", we as fans are on an up-hill climb given the financial situation that the public sector is in. Hopefully there are a bunch of fans that would entice the Maloofs enough to kick some funds down for the arena themselves. Let's hold out hope, we are noted as being one of the top venues in the NBA for supporting their team. We love our ball club!!!!
The aisles are frighteningly narrow at the mid to upper levels. If a person suffers from even a slight fear of heights, they can get terrified. I've seen it happen. God forbid, if a person were to take a nasty tumble they could fall down a couple of rows before finding a guard rail to stop them. That is, if the bodies they fell on did not stop them in the first place. I have not been to many stadiums, but something about Arco just feels unsafe.


Hall of Famer
R1LOVER said:
Very well put............. and YES IT IS ALL ABOUT MONEY. you didn't even mention the extra money from the increase of luxury boxes.... It's all about the money such as many things in life...
Hey I never said it was all about money, there of course are the issues other posters brougth up about prestige of All Star games, safety etc... But I did want to point out that we are not talking about a few bucks here and there. I used extreemly conservative numbers, and it still shows the magnitude of issue from a finincial position. It is far to esy for fans to criticize owners for greed, but when you realize their extrodinarly overhead, the ammount of capital they have to leave tied up in a team and then the constraints on their profit maximaxation, it is a realy tough bussness and realy does not make "good buisness sense", by that I men any owner could get a much higher return on his invenstment in any number of much lower risk investment opertunities. So it is no wonder that the mold for 21st Century ownership are the Maloofs and Cuban. Very successfull buisness men who love the sport and can treat the team as a love rather than a buisness while making their living else where. But I certinaly can't blame them for trying to make their hobby buisness as lucrative as possible.
conservative indeed. for the hell of it, i just looked at the luxury box menu at Arco. danged, talk about sticker shock!!!!!!!!! As an aside, I recall hearing that the number of available hotel rooms was a big obstacle to an all-star game in Sac - there aren't enough to satisfy the league. With all the new construction, that is kinda hard to believe. Interesting off topic factoid. When Steinbrenner bought the Yankees some thirty years ago he paid a little over 8 mill. Just imagine what that franchise is worth now!


Hall of Famer
WhyNotUs? said:
conservative indeed. for the hell of it, i just looked at the luxury box menu at Arco. danged, talk about sticker shock!!!!!!!!! As an aside, I recall hearing that the number of available hotel rooms was a big obstacle to an all-star game in Sac - there aren't enough to satisfy the league. With all the new construction, that is kinda hard to believe. Interesting off topic factoid. When Steinbrenner bought the Yankees some thirty years ago he paid a little over 8 mill. Just imagine what that franchise is worth now!
The last think I would wnat is for folks to think I was inflating numbers...
<laughing> the only inflation I noticed was 42 home games (instead of 41) Change that soda to a beer to wash the garlic fries with and cha-ching...... 16 grand more.
if we build a new stadium, will that affect the #1 rating in loudness in the nba if we get a new arena. i also have been to arco and the seats are small. but the atmosphere and just watching the kings makes it worth it.
no one will ever match our #1 Loudness factor, I would think that the new arena can somehow be customized so that all the sounds go towards to court, taking Kings cheering to an all new level.
Even if we had a brand spankin' new arena right now, it's doubtful that our hotel room situation would be up to the challenge. Simply put, Sacramento is seriously lacking in Hotel rooms. That's why many large conventions (not just the all star game) cannot come here.

So unless you get those hotel developers adding one hell of a lot more rooms than we have now, I don't think you're gonna see the all star gamej (or many huge conventions) in Sacramento any time soon.