Congrats Monarchs!! We get Game One!

I watched the first half and had to give up the tv to the other family members (under 7) in the house, so I'm shocked at looking at the results! Can some one recap on how we turned this game around in the second half? Did they finally start missing shots? I saw the last minute of OT plays online, and wow, I'm really sorry I missed this one!


Homer Fan Since 1985
My assessment of the 2nd half:

#1. The Monarchs stepped up their defensive intensity.

#2. The Monarchs started making some shots. They shot only 31% in the 1st half, and were at 52% for the second half (last time I checked). Haven't yet checked to see where they ended up.

#3. The Storm who seemingly couldn't miss in the 1st half (shot 60%) came back down to earth. At one point in the 2nd half, they were only shooting 31%.

#4. Our starters were fresher for the second half run (due to Whiz's liberal use of the bench in the 1st half).

#5. Simply put...they started playing Monarchs basketball.
Go Demya, Go Demya, Go Go Go Demya!!



Homer Fan Since 1985
Congratulations, DWalkfan22, on your girl really coming thru when it counted the most.

It is funny. My mom and I were deciding who should take that last shot in OT. We discussed Yo, Tan and Kara. I then said, "Give it to DeMya. They won't look for her to have it, and she got us a winning basket before. She is clutch."

So, needless to say, I was patting myself on the back when it was all over....and screaming...and jumping up and down, etc, etc, etc. :p


OH LORD I was at the game. Just returned about 15mins ago. Absolutely amazing game. Only way Storm stayed a bit in the lead during the second half was because of free throws. They got many

When Demya hit that little hook at the last second and it was rolling around on the rim I swear to god it got very quiet in that arena. But when it went in there was an uproar. My throat hurts so much, it's raw.

BTW I saw the grp from The admin Scott, I picked him out right away. Big HUGE HUGE guy. BIG. They were loud. Actually chanting defense

WOW just watched the replay on ESPN. Even on TV it was loud.


1. It seemed that we were behind for the first 39 minutes, 12 seconds...(I know we got ahead once, somewhere in there, but it SEEMED that way...)

2. Demya's last shot bounced on the rim SEVEN times! I think the buzzer went off around bounce 3.

I don't think my heart can take another one like that...

This was almost a carbon copy of the first meeting these two teams had, except this time the final shot went down for the M's.

They need to clamp down on Sunday. Get their focus back, don't come out sluggish and out of sorts like they did last Sunday. Control your own destiny ladies, come out and get the job done and come back home. No need to string out the drama to a 3rd game. There was MOOOOORE than enough drama to go around tonight. Finish it!

Coach Whiz's son and Gavin Maloof had their game faces on. I lost track of Gavin after the final shot fell and then I noticed he and coach Whiz' kid had raced across the court to get into the huddle with the M's. That *almost* made up for young master Whisenant nearly getting a technical for getting juuuust a little to animated in Tina Napier's ear after a goofy call she made on Ticha. Major ups to the Kings in attendance.

If I haven't said it enough....get this DONE on Sunday. The fates decided to smile on you despite the crappy FT-ing, and the crappy FT-ing late in the game. Don't tempt them again. Clean that up.


What was fun was when we were driving out of ARCO everybody started honking their horns. Kept it up about half way up Truxel.

My girls made me so proud. And I can't say enough about Maiga.

btw Where was Ruthie? She was used very little.
That definitely goes down as one of the top three Monarch game finishes of all time!!! I can't even describe what it was like that final second. I am still too excited and exhausted to discuss the game details, but I do want to say this: even though this was a great team victory, I do take perverse pleasure in the fact that the two players most responsible for the victory are stormfan favorites Tangela "Pocahontas" Smith and DeMya "Flounder" Walker.
Wow, just finshed watching the game taped after I got home from work. I'm kinda glad I wasn't at Arco, don't know if my heart could have taken it :p. Anyways as others have said, they need to take this momentum and finish the series up on Sunday. Hopefully the Conn/NY series will go to three games.

I do take perverse pleasure in the fact that the two players most responsible for the victory are stormfan favorites Tangela "Pocahontas" Smith and DeMya "Flounder" Walker.
As soon as DeMya made that shot I thought the same thing. Hey she might be a flounder, but she's CLUTCH! Add that shot to her 5 blocks and I'd say she is in her playoff groove.:D
i am just now calming down after that AWESOME game. i was biting my upper lip during the first half wondering what are they doing. 2cd half THERE THEY ARE! then to go into overtime and win like that! ... just penciled in that game as one of the greatest WNBA game that i have ever seen. please no more suspense ladies, take care of business on Sunday!

you guys are just 3 wins away from being the 2004 WNBA Champions!!!
I had planned on being there, but unfortunately, I forgot about a previous I was totally tuned out for the whole game :(...But they sure didn't miss me. ;)

From what I hear, it was quite a game and Arco crazies came out in full force. I wish I had more to say, but I am really glad they won, and keep it up girls! :D

::looks over her shoulder at the highlights on the news::

:D x 22 (go demaya!)
best monarch game ever- I smell a championship

Just win 1 of 2 and bring on anybody from the east. I really feel like we are just 1 win from a championship run. Sun would be easy compared to Seattle. Monarchs have won 6 of the last 7, peaking at the right time, the hottest team in the league.
I have not see a close like this in years at ARCO. When we were 14 down in the second half, I was pretty depressed. Way to go Demya. Walker has had a lot of problems finishing drives this year, but she sure picked a great time to fix that problem! The arena was rocking like I have ever seen. Great time. The late finishing Monarchs are making us forgot a lousy first half of season again.
Yeah, the rockin' sure intensified once Joe and Gavin pulled out their wallets and gave up a few hundred dollar bills so they could be thrown into the crowd. :cool: ....which sadly never came my way.

I'll join the chorus...GET THIS DONE ON SUNDAY!!!! I mean it!!
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Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
:: sighs ::

Oh well... at least I got to see the winning shot on Sportscenter... even though I enjoy being at sea, never let it be said that it doesn't have its drawbacks.

Never got a sense of the game; the last time I saw the score, the Storm were up, a lot to a little bit... then our satellite feed cut out because of flight ops... then, the next thing I know, the M's had won in overtime. Needless to say, I was quite impressed.

Go Monarchs!
Grr Oxygen doesnt carry Comcast so I didnt get to see the game! But it was a blast listening to Koz and Krista! What a game!!!!!!!

How about Tangela??????? Is she stepping it up or what?!?!!!!! Demya too:D

Lets wrap this up on Sunday. Dont need to give the Storm any confidence. Im sure they must be pretty bummed after that game......


6th said:
BTW - does anyone know what the attendance figure was?
10,662 if I remember correctly.

I was great seeing all those people. Bibby and (looked like) GW (camera was too quick) were there too.

MBF none of that money came our way either :p I would've been happy with the $150 frisbee.

Loved the giant blow up Monty. I couldn't stop laughing.

BTW is it a different person in the costume this year versus last year. This year he/she is much funnier.
oldwitch said:
10,662 if I remember correctly.

I was great seeing all those people. Bibby and (looked like) GW (camera was too quick) were there too.
GW is in Charlotte now:p It was probably Webber you saw. Bibby, Webber, and Bobby were there from what Koz said last night.
CONGRATULATIONS MONARCHS!!! One more game baby...and it will be the first time any Sacramento basketball team is in the FINALS... GO MONARCHS!


slugking50 said:
GW is in Charlotte now:p It was probably Webber you saw. Bibby, Webber, and Bobby were there from what Koz said last night.
It didn't look like Webb. At quick glance it looked like GW. I figured he was here visiting and rooting on the Monarchs. And it didn't look like Bobby. Maybe one of Team Dime. Camera was just way, way, quick. Like Bibby had a talk with them telling them not to put him on camera. And when the panned to him they remembered just as the camera hit him and they swung it off.
It was a tremendous night last night in the old barn. I don't care what the Storm fans say, that place rocks when things happen. But I will say that it was fairly quiet from 13:00 left in the first until about 8:00 left in the second. The crowd was I think in complete shock.

BUT THEN THE D CAME. That is what won this game D-FENCE. Big props to the Storm. They are a very good team. Lauren Jackson was sensational. But too me she carries too great a load.

I thought Tangela Smith in the second part of the second half, was as agressive offensively than any other Monarch I have ever seen outside of "Yo". I understand that she has taken much critisism over her career. But as far as I am concerned, she is a Monarch For Life. It seems like "The New Tangela" is here to stay (except for the 3 out of 4 misses from the line in the clutch ;) ). The Storm had no answer for both her and Yo.


Just a heads up for those that missed the game or people like me who want to see the game on TV, they are replaying the game at 1pm on NBAtv.

Now I can see how loud we really were lol


Homer Fan Since 1985
oldwitch said:
Just a heads up for those that missed the game or people like me who want to see the game on TV, they are replaying the game at 1pm on NBAtv.

Now I can see how loud we really were lol
Ooohhhhh! I hope that means 1 p.m. today (PT)...which is 3 p.m. (CT) where I am. It is almost 3:00 here so I will switch channels pronto.

Thank you, oldwitch, for this heads up. Although I watched it last night, I can go enjoy it even more now that I know the outcome. I was so stressed last night (and my heart was pumping and I was praying) that I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have...except the last shot by DeMya, of course. :D