Congrats Kings

Congrats to our team on one hell of a year. It wasn't always pretty, and it was much shorter than any of us wanted, but in the end it ended like it should- the better team won. But the turnaround was amazing, and basketball is fun in Sacramento again.

Thanks Ron for turning things around in Sacramento and giving the team a fresh start. Thanks Bonzi for making us beleive in the series. Thanks Mike for carrying us through all the tough times this year. Thanks Brad for every great assist and 18 footer. Thanks Kevin for Game 3, your energy, and the future. Thanks Corliss for your leadership, maturity, and spirit. Thanks Rick for another great season and great coaching.

Looking forward to next season already. The core is there, the future looks bright, and I am damn proud of this team.
It was fun, and there was excitement. It really could have been a hell of a lot worse.

I'm pretty disappointed in the way it ended, but thanks, Kings, for another fun year of ball.
I'm disappointed we lost, but take solace in the fact that it was to the world champs! I, too, love the Kings and can't wait for next season. These last few games gave us a brief look at what will be a great team.


Homer Fan Since 1985
D-Mass said:
It's really nice to end a season with so much to look forward to as opposed to just utter disappointment.

There really is a lot of up-side for this team. There will be some changes, but we have a great future.

Yes, thank you to all of the Sacramento Kings for another great year of entertainment. And, Rick Adelman, I hope to see you next year. We'd like to head to the playoffs again, for an unbelievable 9th straight year. Who'da thunk it?
i'm so proud of the way this team made it to the playoffs after a TERRIBLE start, the way they turned the season around with the arrival of 93.

i'm so proud of the way they fought back and turned this series with the spurs after an embarassing blowout in the first game. this was not an easy series for the spurs to win.

to echo VF21 I LOVE THIS TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!

a few more pieces next year, some more time to gel, this is going to be a very good team for a very long time.
This underwhelming game performance aside, I am so looking forward to what this team can do in the future. I haven't felt that way since 2003 (before Webber hurt his knee). Probably the least painful playoff exit of the 8 year run.

I'm looking forward to next season already.
Despite the loss, i'm still happy and proud to be a Sacramento Kings fan! Kudos to a great turnaround season, and it should be a good next season. Go Kings!

(Standing O)
OH wells next year again.... ADELMAN 8 consecutive playoff apperance and a BIG 0 championship in kings era.... keep up the good work....

Definately GG to the Kings. Although it sucks we lost the fact we played a good and exciting series and actually competed makes it easier to stomach.

It sure is going to be a lot easier going into this offseason then last. A lot of positives to take into the off season.


Very nice year Kings. I hope we get that C next year. Things to remember this summer are:

1.Draft the position we really need. (please not another guard)

2.Trade totally useless player/s. *cough* *Cough*

3.Sign Bonzinator. Oh yeah!

4.Teach Adelman to change players if the original starter/s is/are useless.

5.Clone Cavs GM (kill the original) then announce the trade of Brad Miller for Zydrunas Ilgauskas and LBJ.

6.Hire a 'Flop-o-metrics' coach for next season (get Divac or Ginobili for this one).

angjo_2005 said:
This is the part where I say 'when pigs fly'.
lilflip6 said:
Despite the loss, i'm still happy and proud to be a Sacramento Kings fan! Kudos to a great turnaround season, and it should be a good next season. Go Kings!

(Standing O)
Definitely a Standing O. When I moved here from Dakota at the start of the season, I kinda became a Kings fan by default, just b/c it's basketball and the games are on TV. After this season ended tonight and having watched 70+ games, I'm a loyal supporter. How many other professional sports teams can turn an outsider into a hometown fan within a single season? Maybe none. The whole organization really seems to buy into the fact that it represents a true basketball town. Good story, good season, and it'll be an interesting offseason. Bonzi? Adelman?

Like they say, the future's bright and the money's tight!
Great season.

Had many tosess and turns and even though it didnt end the way many of us ended I am proud of this tream.

They beat the Spurs 2 games which is pretty good since they are the defending champs.

if they can keep their players , get some trades done, and get some more depth on the bench, Kings can make a run for next year.



Hall of Famer
What a year! The most up and down year in since I have been a Kings fan. From the lotto to a bright future in the span of about 3 months. Doesn't get much more drastic than that.

Let TDOS begin!
Was it just me or did anyone else get teary eyed win they show the final video. I hate TDOS. However, this team is still new to each other. They have gained a lot of respect these past 2 weeks. Add a new part or two and we will be back next year, better then ever.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Thanks for a great turnaround and run at the Spurs!

Into TDOS and hopefully out the other side with an even better team for next year's playoffs.

Rick and Bonzi - if you aren't back it's a shame and thanks for everything!
Thanks guys!! even though you under achieved most of the year you turned it around and made the playoffs. mostly because of a major trade. now we need another trade. here's to next season.
an unbelievable ride with so much to look forward to. this team has really done some promising things and it was fun. the highs and lows got pretty extreme at times but the journey was worth it. i cant wait to see what happens next year, nba better look out! go kings!
Thanks Kings! It was a rough ride, but I am dreaming of smooth sailing ahead!!

Thanks also to the WONDERFUL KINGSFANS! You guys and gals make the games even better!! I love having other fans to talk with that are just as passionate about their Kings as I AND I LOVE THIS TEAM!!!!!!!!!!
I'm hell of a season with all kinds of twists and turns. From the depths of the Western Conf. to the 8th seed has been fun. All the drama of getting Artest, and having an outcast turn leader change this team around has been crazy. I'm happy because at least this season we fought; the year before we limped into the playoffs and gave up to the Sonics. Can't wait till next season.