City task force chooses developer David Taylor as best person to build arena

The city now basically owns the section of the Railyard where the arena is supposed to go. It's already openly admitted that the city will have to donate land in either Natomas or downtown as part of any viable deal. The infrastructure costs will probably be much higher downtown. But a good chunk of that is involved with moving the rails north so that the land can be used. Some of that money they are supposed to have from the state already.

Despite all the numbers being thrown around of $500 million dollar buildings, it's just not accurate. The problem has always been that the city has been throwing in other "to do" list items in with the costs and driving it up. In the case of the latest arena design, it has a lot of the train depot renovation thrown in too. Recently completed high end arenas only cost in the $300 - 400 million range. Some have been completed in the $200 million range.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
To clarify, if someone wants to spend their own money to build an arena in Natomas I'm fine with that. I just don't think it is the proper use of city dollars or city time. It's poor urban planning and it does not maximize the return on investment needed.

As to the charge that I am some sort of elitist. Whoopty doo, I guess that's supposed to be an insult to want things to be done better and right than to take the simple way out. If that's the case I will make no apologies for being such. I may have moved to another location but I love my hometown and want to see it thrive.
Unfortunately the city is populated with people like Pdx who do not want an arena unless it is done downtown. How many years have to pass before you people realize that it will not happen at the railyards or downtown. Pdx, id be comfortable betting you $5000 that the kings will leave before a shove full of dirt is turned at the railyards, downtown, or cal expo. Ive witnessed the ineptitude of the sacramento elites my whole life.
The consesus is downtown would be the perfect location. IF we lived in a perfect world. God i hope you downtown arena people realize this before its too late. Hell, it may already be too late.
The notion that Natomas is "easier" is a farce. As it's been covered here very well, it cannot get done out there without the city funding more than 75% which won't happen.

The city will pick up most of the tab for this project and their best way of funding it is in the railyard - with stim money, putting Natomas land into the deal, money coming back into the general fund with building and business down there, ect, ect. Downtown, the city makes back more of what they spend. Big picture - it will cost them less. (Money in and money out ... not building costs, which would be higher)

Grant and the Rise Guys have never been able to get their heads around that concept. It's not just the building costs. It's how you fund it and what you make back. In both cases, downtown is much much better.

Natomas plans have failed so many times - they are a dead duck. Other than a group that is trying to keep Natomas from falling futher off a cliff out there.
To put it another way ...

If you think the city should fund more than 50% of the project and put it in Natomas, well that's your view, but you are so removed from the reality that your take is the counterpoint to "The Maloofs should fund most of the arena."

It both cases, you are entitled to your take ... but its just not relevant. Not going to happen.

Also, you cannot come up with a real Natomas plan where the city or the Maloofs don't end up paying AT LEAST half of the cost.
I know natomas is not gonna happen. And neither will any of the other ones.
Did anyone here really have any faith that this city would be able to build ANYTHING in the railyards? This city will be talking about what theyre gonna put at the railyards 15 years from now. Enjoy the kings while theyre still here. Good day.
The City punted for now:

This was the only way. Had they voted to proceed with any of the plans, the vote would have been against. This is responsible, because of the lack of financing plans from the teams.

What's next? We'll see.

This wasn't the worst outcome. But the Council can proceed only if there's a reasonable financing plan described. For any of the plans that include the line, "And then a miracle occurs", we can probably turn out the lights for these.