Can the Kings get to the playoffs?..

diggining, have you actually seen Durant play? He is far from a typical prospect. I haven't seen someone dominate college like him since Carmelo, and unlike Durant, Carmelo actually had the benefit of having a good coach and unselfish teammates. I'm reasonably sure Durant could join the Kings tomorrow and average 15-20 points.

Also, Brandan Wright, Noah, Horford and possibly even guys like Jianlian and Thabeet probably would have had a shot at going #1 last year if they had been eligible. That's 6 or 7 #1 pick worthy players in this draft, all bigs. The Kings need to suck to have a shot at Durant and Oden, the surest of the sure-things, but for godssakes, they at least need to be in the 6-7 range to pick up one of those other players if they don't get lucky.

Forget the playoffs. In another year with another draft I might not be on board for tanking, but opportunities like this do not come along every year.
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Durant? Well, I have seen him on TV, a few times. Never seen him live. Seem to be a very good prospect, but it still seems to be that we find people who are as impressive as he is and as hyped as he is in the draft pretty much every year.
I guess what I want to emphasize is this: every year, a bunch of players get hyped, the draft seems strong, and everyone thinks about who they can get who would singlehandedly turnaround a struggling team. But not very many players actually fulfill the hype.

I'm not saying it's better for the Kings to give up this season in favor of the future. I'm just saying that I think people are being overly optimistic about the impact this year's draft can make to the Kings.
Durant? Well, I have seen him on TV, a few times. Never seen him live. Seem to be a very good prospect, but it still seems to be that we find people who are as impressive as he is and as hyped as he is in the draft pretty much every year.
No way. This is different. I mean, you're trying to tell me that Andrea Bargnani and Andrew Bogut were as hyped and impressive as Oden and Durant?
nbrans said:
Also, Brandan Wright, Noah, Horford and possibly even guys like Jianlian and Thabeet probably would have had a shot at going #1 last year if they had been eligible.
I don't know, maybe you know more than me, but from what I know, Noah and Wright are the only players who might have gone #1. Yi Jianlian and Thabeet certainly would not (Yi Jianlian has to deal with questions of age and lack of dominance in a poor league, and Thabeet is closer to Saer Sene than to Dwight Howard, I think.)

I do agree with you though that this year's draft will be stronger than last year's draft. But of course the top picks from last year's draft, well, haven't made much of an impact so far. Obviously, I hope the Kings can get a lot out of this upcoming draft. But given the situation of the Kings right now, I think just the draft won't enough--some shrewed trades and maybe some shrewed free-agent signings (with the exceptions the next few years, if the Maloofs are willing to pay the $$) will be very important as well.
nbrans said:
No way. This is different. I mean, you're trying to tell me that Andrea Bargnani and Andrew Bogut were as hyped and impressive as Oden and Durant?
We have this issue of the time delay between posts right now. :) (I actually have to go after this one. :(). But as I said in the last post, which you didn't get a chance to see, I do agree that this year's draft will be stronger. But last year's draft seems to be a particularly weak one because it's the first year HS can't jump straight in the draft. Oden I agree is highly hyped, but certainly Durant wasn't as hyped as, say, Dwight Howard. I mean, even Candyman was hyped quite a bit just before the draft. Of course, his hype came mostly late in the season, but wasn't he supposed to be the great big man that could turn around a team?
why don't you actually research prospects so you can have something specific to say about them and why you think they might not pan out instead the tired old "prospects don't always pan out" line?
What will making the playoffs and being swept in the first round accomplish?

We'll just be in the same situation next year as this year.

We need to start trading one or all of our 3 (bibby, miller artest) if at all possible for another lottery pick, just let the young guys finish the season.