Bruckheimer Interested In Buying Kings

The Globe and Mail reported Saturday that Jerry Reinsdorf was the front man for Hollywood producers Jerry Bruckheimer and Harry Sloan and that the group would ultimately move the Phoenix Coyotes to Las Vegas. Bruckheimer has, according to sources, expressed varying degrees of interest in buying into a major-league team, and also has interest in buying the NBA's Sacramento Kings.


Someone break this down for me.. Could this happen?... and what could this mean for our team?
He has to have a willing seller. I can't imagine that MSE is even considering selling the team right now. I can imagine them moving the Kings, but not selling. Just my gut feeling.
He has to have a willing seller. I can't imagine that MSE is even considering selling the team right now. I can imagine them moving the Kings, but not selling. Just my gut feeling.
I actually think Bruckheimer would be more willing to relocate than franchise than the Maloofs, as he has ZERO emotional attachment to the city of Sacramento.
I actually think Bruckheimer would be more willing to relocate than franchise than the Maloofs, as he has ZERO emotional attachment to the city of Sacramento.
I would guess that's true. My point was that anyone can say they're interested in buying the Kings. That doesn't mean the Kings are for sale. The Maloofs waited a long time to buy another pro sports team and I seriously doubt they are interested in selling this one.
I would guess that's true. My point was that anyone can say they're interested in buying the Kings. That doesn't mean the Kings are for sale. The Maloofs waited a long time to buy another pro sports team and I seriously doubt they are interested in selling this one.

If they continue to lose 25 million a year, they just might.
If they continue to lose 25 million a year, they just might.
They'll just move the team. A better facility would excite some people to come back, the rest need a better product and the Maloofs understand that. The Maloofs also know that in 5-6 years or less when the economy is fully recovered, we are starting to see the first signs of recovery, that they would get a lot more for the team than right now; even if they are still the worst team in the league at that time.

People can inquire all day long, I'm sure it's not the first time the Maloofs were approached since they purchased the team. An inquiry is nothing more than an inquiry. It doesn't hurt to ask right?


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Would his boy Michael Bay direct our highlight videos?

I don't see this happening. I'm not sure I see the NHL move from Phoenix to Vegas happening either. Hello, Phoenix was the team embroiled in a major gambling scandal just 3 seasons ago???
Even from this outsiders perspective... This Bruckheimer rumor doesn't pass the stink test. If the Pacers were in this rumor instead of the Kings, i'd be panicked because I personally think the Simons want to ultimately sell, but to a local interest, for now. A couple years ago, the son of Herb Simon has said that he isn't interested in taking over the Pacers from his father and uncle.
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Even from this outsiders perspective... This Bruckheimer rumor doesn't past the stick test. If the Pacers were in this rumor instead of the Kings, i'd be panicked because I personally think the Simons want to ultimately sell, but to a local interest, for now. A couple years ago, the son of Herb Simon has said that he isn't interested in taking over the Pacers from his father and uncle.
Just out of curiosity, have any local guys made inquiries or shown any interest if the worst case scenario of not getting a tax break for Conseco and the Simon's sell comes to fruition?
Just out of curiosity, have any local guys made inquiries or shown any interest if the worst case scenario of not getting a tax break for Conseco and the Simon's sell comes to fruition?
No, Publically the Simons have mentioned the negotiation is to aid in getting the team's finances right for his heirs.

The whole sale thing is only speculation due to the age of Herb S. and poor health of Mel Simon. You couple that with the son saying in the Indianapolis Business Journal 2 years ago that he has no interest in taking his fathers "hobby". It kind of feeds into the speculation that he isn't necessarily looking to get the finances right for his heir, but to get the situation right to be able to sell.
They'll just move the team. A better facility would excite some people to come back, the rest need a better product and the Maloofs understand that. The Maloofs also know that in 5-6 years or less when the economy is fully recovered, we are starting to see the first signs of recovery, that they would get a lot more for the team than right now; even if they are still the worst team in the league at that time.

People can inquire all day long, I'm sure it's not the first time the Maloofs were approached since they purchased the team. An inquiry is nothing more than an inquiry. It doesn't hurt to ask right?
Not if we(the government) keep doing what we're currently doing, that's preposterous.
Not if we(the government) keep doing what we're currently doing, that's preposterous.
The economy goes in cycles regardless of any outside influence. The last economic boom happened during Clinton's administration. Did Clinton really do that?? I liked Clinton and all, but did he?? Or, did he reap the rewards of what Reagan did?? I'm asking that in all honesty, because you'll get different stories from different party lines, and neither of their views can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Look back in history it's all cyclical, so yes, the economy will recover regardless of what Obama is doing currently unless the entire system collapses.

By the way, pending home sales were up 3.2% last month, which caused a spike in the stock market, which caused the banks to do a little bit better. Over $50 million of the $100 million set aside for new home buyer tax credits has been used already. They are trying to get another $ 100 million approved, because it's showing to be so effective at getting people that were sitting on the fence off of it. You know what that means? People are buying homes. We just have so much of an inventory that it's going to take a little while to truly look positive on paper. So, it has begun already.

Mark last week as the beginning of it. I'm not saying it's going to be great by tomorrow, but it is coming.
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No, Publically the Simons have mentioned the negotiation is to aid in getting the team's finances right for his heirs.

The whole sale thing is only speculation due to the age of Herb S. and poor health of Mel Simon. You couple that with the son saying in the Indianapolis Business Journal 2 years ago that he has no interest in taking his fathers "hobby". It kind of feeds into the speculation that he isn't necessarily looking to get the finances right for his heir, but to get the situation right to be able to sell.
Thanks for the info. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you guys. I've been to every arena in the league except for Toronto and Conseco takes the cake as the hands down best arena in the league. It would be a waste of a great building and would obviously suck for the fans if they skipped town.
Thanks for the info. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you guys. I've been to every arena in the league except for Toronto and Conseco takes the cake as the hands down best arena in the league. It would be a waste of a great building and would obviously suck for the fans if they skipped town.
Thanks for the support.

Probably one of the hardest things we have working against us is the current public perception. Since the brawl and other public incidents involving Pacers no longer with the team, it's been the "In thing" to regard the Pacers as thugs and other not so endearing terms, locally.

When Donnie Walsh left, Larry Bird picked up the badge and declared a new Sheriff was in town and the crap was to cease. His first action was to send Jamaal Tinsley away. He is still "technically" a Pacer, but as Bird has put it, he isn't on the team, he doesn't have a locker....We just pay him. A lot of Pacer fans that were not happy with the team have come trickling back, but we have a long way to go to get the non-fans to cut the crap to the guys we have.
Hey Roaming Gnome. I hope everything works out for the Pacers, too. I've always felt like Kings fans and Pacer fans are a lot alike in their loyalty to their teams. Let's hope it works out for both cities. :)
How is public support for the Kings? I know that getting arenas and stadiums are tough business in California due to laws pertaining to referendums for public buildings.

Are there just a lot of C.A.V.E. (Citizens Against Virtually Everything) type folks holding back any kind of progress on an arena? I'd imagine neither Lucas Oil Stadium or Conseco Fieldhouse would have passed with such laws in place.

By the way, I believe Indiana just passed something like that after Lucas Oil Stadium was pushed through.
Its been pretty contentious here. Yes, there are a lot of CAVE types here. A LOT. They will cut off their nose to spite their face. If the Kings leave, Arco will be demolished and this region will be left with no venue for the multitudes of events that go on at Arco right now. Those "other" events far outnumber basketball games. It would be a sad day for a region as populous as this, to have nothing, let alone lose it's only pro sports team.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Good to see you posting, RG! As far as the future of the Pacers goes, I firmly believe having Danny Granger on your team is going to work out very nicely, especially since he won MIP.

kennadog said:
Hey Roaming Gnome. I hope everything works out for the Pacers, too. I've always felt like Kings fans and Pacer fans are a lot alike in their loyalty to their teams. Let's hope it works out for both cities. :)
I agree with kennadog, as I've mentioned over on PD. There are a lot of similarities between the two fan bases. Both Kings fans and Pacers fans truly love the game, for one thing.
Its been pretty contentious here. Yes, there are a lot of CAVE types here. A LOT. They will cut off their nose to spite their face. If the Kings leave, Arco will be demolished and this region will be left with no venue for the multitudes of events that go on at Arco right now. Those "other" events far outnumber basketball games. It would be a sad day for a region as populous as this, to have nothing, let alone lose it's only pro sports team.
Yeah, that is the hard thing about referendums. Yeah, they are "feel good" or "sunshine" type laws that put emphasis on, "We the People", but the problem is getting the public to see the big picture, sometimes. Usually the CAVE types are some of the most short sighted folks in a community when it comes to other issues too, like schools and police to name a few. Funny, they are the same people that complain about an arena because it takes resources away from critical infrastructure, but when a levy comes up for a new school...You also see the same names on the remonstrance against the levy.

Sorry, CAVE types get me down.
Would his boy Michael Bay direct our highlight videos?

I don't see this happening. I'm not sure I see the NHL move from Phoenix to Vegas happening either. Hello, Phoenix was the team embroiled in a major gambling scandal just 3 seasons ago???
The Coyotes aren't moving to Vegas, they're rumored to be moving to Hamilton, Ontario...that's a more viable rumor than Las Vegas.
Thanks for the support.

Probably one of the hardest things we have working against us is the current public perception. Since the brawl and other public incidents involving Pacers no longer with the team, it's been the "In thing" to regard the Pacers as thugs and other not so endearing terms, locally.

When Donnie Walsh left, Larry Bird picked up the badge and declared a new Sheriff was in town and the crap was to cease. His first action was to send Jamaal Tinsley away. He is still "technically" a Pacer, but as Bird has put it, he isn't on the team, he doesn't have a locker....We just pay him. A lot of Pacer fans that were not happy with the team have come trickling back, but we have a long way to go to get the non-fans to cut the crap to the guys we have.
No doubt about it. Bird's fingerprints are all over the roster and it's obvious that he's making a point of bringing in high character types who can also play.

First Artest, then Jackson and last year, it was Tinsley and Shawne Williams that took a hike. I assume with the financial mess being that it is, Marquis Daniels $7 million won't be picked up this year although he played well and seemed to be on his best behavior with Tinsley not around.

I'm thinking that Chase Budinger would be a decent pick at 13. A guy that fans can relate to and he plays the wing. Depth on the perimeter is a must, or so I think, with Dunleavy out 'til at least January. I'm curious as to who the fans want.
Would his boy Michael Bay direct our highlight videos?
Can you imagine the pregame show that those two would put together? Think about the best parts of Pirates melded together with the worst parts of The Island, all contained in Arco Arena, and get ready for some serious fire ordinance violations.
Only problem is NHL doesn't want a team in Hamilton. Kansas City is more than likely going to get the Islanders so who knows what will happen in Phoenix.
Yeah, and that's sad about the Islanders too, there's alot of history that echos from Nassau Coliseum. Oh well, I never thought the Raiders would move from Oaktown when they did, and same with the Browns from Cleveland. I read about the NHL and not wanting Hamilton...who knows. As far as I'm concerned, if the the NHL decides to move the Coyotes(and I only give that like a 30% chance)they should move the team to Hartford and rename them the Whalers...that city deserves to have the Whalers back.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
The Whalers situation frustrates me to no end. Then they start winning in Carolina and knock the B's out this year. Uggh. I loved the way the whale tail and the W merged to put a secret H in their jersey. I miss that team. I really do wish for more Canadian teams though, it just doesn't seem right. Especially since their lousy TV deal has made them almost invisible in the US. I can't believe that they had 2nd round playoff games being played simultaneously this year.
Any follow-up on whether Bruckheimer is serious about buying the Kings?
No updates but I was looking at another thread that I started awhile ago, before Bruckheimer tossed his hat in the ring, regarding the possibility of the Las Vegas arena coming to fruition and one of the articles talked about how Bruckheimer was going to be one of the main investors since Harrah's backed out. Here is the thread..

I have to believe that this is the source of the rumor. If he is going to build an arena or help build it, he's going to obviously want a return on his investment and a good start would be to own his own team in the building.

The good thing for Kings fans is that the article seems to imply that he wants the NHL. And as far as him buying the Kings and moving them to Vegas, I have to believe that the Maloofs would just move them to Vegas if Cal Expo doesn't happen and nothing else materializes within the year.