Um, I really don't know if I should spill the beans or not...but look again. Brickie didn't "copy and paste"...
It was Brick's parody -- though the actual article she wrote does take a few not-so subtle shots at Cousins' attitude and conditioning while going out of it's way not to recognize this as the significant accomplishment that it is (the bulk of the article is devoted to explaining how Cousins made it only because other players are injured or pre-occupied with the Finals, DeMarcus paid his dues, nobody better is available right now, there's a health concern, etc). It's been 20 years since Sacramento had a player on the US Olympic squad and our hometown newspaper decides the best way to celebrate the occasion is to have the reporter who's asked for him to be traded for years write another article about how this might be his last chance to prove (to her) that he's not a terrible human being.
I'm not going to link to it, you can find it if you want to.
I'm not going to link to it, you can find it if you want to.