i didnt trust either april or jennifer from the start!!! i always saw rachel and howie with ivette, maggie, beau, and eric (well i never really saw beau with them either but he's kinda proven himself loyal). i dont think ivette is that dumb. she must be playing the game. i just cant believe that she would be stupid enough to reveal her "relationship" with james in front of EVERYBODY!!!
i still think that the rest of the house is smart enough to get sarah evicted! sarah is james' pawn. he can directly control her. but ivette has proven that he cannot do that to her (when she told "the friendship" about him swearing to put up howie and rachel). sarah is a larger threat than ivette...with james still in the house.
Plus, if ivette gets hoh, there's a chance that she'll put james on the block.
If sarah get's hoh, there's NO WAY she'd put james up there...duh...KICK SARAH OUT OF THE HOUSE NOW!