Best undrafted players left?

D. Washington- we should try and get him
Taj Gray
Justin Williams - should try and get him too
Pops Mensah Bonsu
Tayquan Dean

anyone else?
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Curtis Stinson! I was hoping we could get a 2nd rounder to draft this guy if we got a big.

Wouldn't go on our team specifically (we just got Douby), but he'll make someones team, he's a nice guard who can score, shoot, rebound, defend, and is athletic. Like Bobby Jackson.

Aaron Gray pulled out of the draft to go back to school.

Pops-Mensah Bonsu, his athleticism should get him on a team. Surprised Mike Gansey didn't get drafted, I think he's a good underrated player. Size, lack of athleticism and PG skills probably hurt him.
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Does anyone know why Justin Williams wasn't drafted? I was just looking over his stats and he put up 11 and 11 with 5 blocks!! Is he too light? Or does he have an attitude problem..
Guess lack of offense and his frame... read briefly had a bit of an attitude problem. But I don't think it's significant from what I've gathered.

Overall, I'd still like to see us sign him as a 3rd big.
Louis Amundson is a very interesting prospect. Hustle guy but a very good one.
Eric Hicks - Jason Maxiell without jump-shot.
Mike Gansey - in the right system can do it all: shoot, rebound, defend. And he's pretty athletic.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Taj Gray -- sure, depending on how he measured out. There was some question whether he was really 6'9" or not. If he's smaller, my interet rapidly begins to wane.

But Justin there's a guy I would LOVE to see us scoop up and send to summer league. Preceisely the skill set that we keep making noise about needing but never seem to address. Rebounds, and a monster shot blocker. Yes, I know he cannot shoot and therefore is evil, but take the damn flier, at least for summer league and/or camp -- its damn near free and the guy put up numbers like Ben Wallace in college.
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Taj Gray -- sure, depending on how he measured out. There was some question whether he was really 6'9" or not. If he's smaller, my interet rapidly begins to wane.

But Justin there's a guy I would LOVE to see us scoop up and send to summer league. Preceisely the skill set that we keep making noise about needing but never seem to address. Rebounds, and a monster shot blocker. Yes, I know he cannot shoot and therefore is evil, but take the damn flier, at least for summer league and/or camp -- its damn near free and the guy put up numbers like Ben Wallace in college.
I'm with you Brickie. Lets get Justin Williams, and Taj Gray, and amnesty KT. Lets sign Aaron Gray while we are at it.:D


Taj Gray
Curtis Stinson
Juan Jose Barera
Allan Ray
Kevin Pittsnogle
Kenny Adeleke
Louis Amundson
A.J. Price
Leonardo di Pacche Dos Santos
Edin Bavcic
Marcus Slaughter
Brandon Bowman
Ryan Hollins
Mike Hall
Pops Mensah-Bonsu
Dwayne Mitchell
Justin Williams
Nik Caner-Medley
Terrell Everett
Rashad Anderson
J.P. Bautista
Eric Hicks
Victor Keirou
Matt Haryasz
Gerry McNamera
Marco Killingsworth
Marcellus Sommerville
Eric Williams
Daniel Horton
Chris Quinn
Taquan Dean
Thomas Gardner
Yemi Nicholson
Carl Krauser
Christian Maraker
Terence Dials
Pavel Mroz
Tang Zhengdong
Sean Dockery
Anton Gavel
Vincent Grier
Curtis Withers
Jason Fraser
Torin Francis
Justin Gray
Mike Efevberha
Sun Yue
Kostas Vasileiadis
soooo many of the guys who didnt get drafted were predicted to go in the second round some even early in the second round such as kevin pittsnogle...

just shows you how uncertain this years batch of entry's are in the draft...

im pretty suprised kevin pittsnogle wasn't drafted, some teams could pretty well utilise him... not us though we got brad miller :D

Gerry McNamarra wasnt drafted and thought he shouldve been in the second round mid to late...
I'm with you Brickie. Lets get Justin Williams, and Taj Gray, and amnesty KT. Lets sign Aaron Gray while we are at it.:D
Amnesty was a one time thing, not going to happen anytime soon.

I would like for us to take a look at Justin Williams and Yemi Nicholson in summer league and camp. They both are legit 6'10" guys who played at smaller schools and are at least worth checking out considering our lack of bigs, especially if we end up finding someone willing to take KT.
Scot Pollard (pre-trade version) had esentially no offensive skills either and he was an extremely prodcutive bench player while with the Kings. The team should be jumping all over a guy who averaged 5 blocks a game - at least for a tryout.
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Justin Williams..

Allan Ray.

I woudl love to see us invite both of them to our summer league.

We are looking for a shot blocking, rebounding big man and he goes undrafted. He is skinny, but he can play D.

Also, Allen Ray. Another guy that should have been drafted.
By the way. Armstrong was listed at 6'10 210, and Williams at 6'10 225. Both suck offensively, both good defensively, both can block shots, Williams is a better rebounder.

The only reason Hilton went in the 1st is because he played with UCONN.
well it looks like Pittsnoggle is gone...Dallas has him signed up for their summer league team

Allan Ray might be going to play for the Celtics summer league team too


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
well it looks like Pittsnoggle is gone...Dallas has him signed up for their summer league team

Well thank god for small miracles -- its always terrifying when you see a softie jump shooting big man out on the market and you are a Kings fan. You might well end up with him.
I don't want Pittsnogle. We've already got Brad and more from him.

I want guys who bring what we need in the front-court - rebounders, athletes, defenders, shotblockers.

Phoenix or Miami should get Pittsnogle.
By the way. Armstrong was listed at 6'10 210, and Williams at 6'10 225. Both suck offensively, both good defensively, both can block shots, Williams is a better rebounder. The only reason Hilton went in the 1st is because he played with UCONN.
Wow! If you want to accuse someone at least check the facts: Armstrong measured at 6'11 240 and Justin was 6'9" 210. You can throw those listings away if you saw them somewhere.
well it looks like Pittsnoggle is gone...Dallas has him signed up for their summer league team
Allan Ray might be going to play for the Celtics summer league team too
If you check his stats he averaged like 3 rpg against every player that has any chance to play in the League.
I'm praying that Dallas play 'noggle alongside Dirk next year.:D
Mike Gansey, 6'4" 205 lbs scrappy guard got more boards than 6'10"6/'11" Pittsnogle. Guess he's in a pit a lot! :p

Gansey - 5.7 rpg. Pittsnogle - 5.5 rpg.

Gansey sounds like a damn good player, and remember seeing some of him during the season, whoever gets him will have a steal. Like I think we did with J-Will.
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Taj Gray looked really nice from what I seen so far. He's pretty athletic has a great offensive game. Doesn't really create much shot for him self but really finishes well. He can also rebound and block a few shots.

I can't believe Allen Ray did not get drafted. I guess there weren't any teams that were looking for guards that can shoot the lights out...
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