Bay Area Kings fans and AM 1140

I'm a born and raised Sac boy displaced to the sounth bay area. That means I don't get Ch10 to watch Kings games, but I can barely receive AM1140 to hear the radio telecast.

Let me tell you, radio reception of AM 1140 down here SUCKS:

"zzzzzzzzzBibby forzzzzzzzzzzzzand a shooting foulzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsecond shot, scorezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzOH a turnozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz oh!! What an amazing shot! Timeout zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz THIS IS THE KINGS RADIO NETWORK"

Anyone know how to get better reception?
Anyone have the GE Super Radio or CCradio and know if these things help get 1140 in San Jose? (I will buy one if it does)
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Yeah, if I had the money. That's $50/mo for digital cable + $150 league pass: 12*50 +150 = $750 per season.

Back to AM... anybody got these radios?
Shadowlude said:'re not the only one...i live in vallejo and 1140 is crap here too. =(
the signal degrades after sunset up here in Chico (90 miles north of Sacramento), and that's when most of the Kings games are on. :(
Yeah I'd suggest audio league pass.

I remember a long time ago in maybe 1990 or so I was in humboldt, near humboldt state and could hear Kings games in my grandma's house, in the middle of nowhere. And it was the station out of Sacramento. I have no idea how it got all the way there and it ONLY came in at night.
dude....I live in the east coast and I'm broke a** student (explain), can't afford league pass and my internet service is netzero w/ limited allowance........w/ my 56K connections, I dont find out the scores til weeks later (OK somewat exaggerated) this is suffering
Go to a sports bar? Or buy a really nice AM radio/antenna...

Find a friend with Cable and see if you can get some people together to split the LP cost?
i live in the city, and i can't get a thing. it used to work at my house in san mateo, but not all that great. i had to rotate the radio all around, man it was awful, but hey i got to listen to the games, so i didn't mind so much.

i wish i could afford league pass, but no. so i stare at the box score and VF21's PBP thread, and watch every game on nat TV, or on the warrriors TV station.
Get the audio on

I live in Seattle so I listen to games on the internet. $6 a month or so. Not much at all. I used to live in Santa Cruz and the 1140 reception was so bad I'd listen to games in my car and I'd have to move my car 10-20 times because the reception would go away.


Super Moderator Emeritus
chimchim - As you can see, people get sidetracked pretty easily. ;) Sorry no one has answered your question.

What you might want to do is go to your local electronics store and try out one of those GE Super Radios or the other one you're talking about. See for yourself if it can pick up KHTK. If you tell the salesman you'll be basing your decision upon whether or not it can pick it up, I'm sure they'll be helpful...

Good luck!
It's kind of odd but I live in Rocklin and sometimes at night I have a tough time getting reception in my garage. KHTK has to have the weakest 50,000 watt signal available.
Seems like FCC regulations require stations to dial down their power at night.

When I lived in Phoenix, I couldn't get West Valey stations at night that I'd easily pick up during the day.

Not sure what the reasoning is on this.. maybe they're worried about interference with aircraft or something.

Back to the topic though.. I have a CC Crane radio that does AM pretty well. Might be worth looking into something similar.
Variant said:
Seems like FCC regulations require stations to dial down their power at night.

When I lived in Phoenix, I couldn't get West Valey stations at night that I'd easily pick up during the day.

Not sure what the reasoning is on this.. maybe they're worried about interference with aircraft or something.

Back to the topic though.. I have a CC Crane radio that does AM pretty well. Might be worth looking into something similar.
Yup, thats exactly right...I've worked in radio for the last 10 years, and every night at a certain time a station has to power down...this time changes each month.