Barnes "old school" hit to Tony Mass's back and the +1!

Did anyone see that!! That was really awesome!! That should be in the top 10 in Sportscenter!! Does anybody have a video of it? Also can anybody make it for me in a avatar? that would be appreciateted!!
Bballkingsrock said:
Did anyone see that!! That was really awesome!! That should be in the top 10 in Sportscenter!! Does anybody have a video of it? Also can anybody make it for me in a avatar? that would be appreciateted!!
Dude or just happened.......I'm sure you can find it tomorrow.
Yeah, that was sweeeeet....I like that also to be my avatar... But you requested it first :(

That was old school. Nice to see Barnes playing again.

By the way, who was the first player who did that in the history of Basketball? NBA or in the street :)
doone said: what happened?
Matt Barnes was suppose to inbound the ball. There was around 2 seconds left. He hit the ball of the side of Massenburg's knee while he wasn't paying attention, got it back hit the layup + the foul. Funny play.


that was the highlight of the game for the kings.... then after that play, they only score 13 points... maybe they should have left webber and bibby out? though darius was in foul trouble and ostertag was sucking bigtime.... but it would have been nice if barnes had played the rest of the game.
bojan_pecanac said:
Matt Barnes was suppose to inbound the ball. There was around 2 seconds left. He hit the ball of the side of Massenburg's knee while he wasn't paying attention, got it back hit the layup + the foul. Funny play.
That was a GREAT play! And Massenburg's confused expression made it even more priceless!
AriesMar27 said:
that was the highlight of the game for the kings.... then after that play, they only score 13 points... maybe they should have left webber and bibby out? though darius was in foul trouble and ostertag was sucking bigtime.... but it would have been nice if barnes had played the rest of the game.
Whatever they did, they HAD to get Ostertag out of there. It was not his night.


Hall of Famer
VF21 said:
You know what amuses me the most? How some of our youngest members are talking about "old school"...

Thats beceause most of us old enough to remeber "Old School" are too out of it to use a hip term like "Old School"


i'm just happy that he got to play..... what do we do when the playoffs come up and bobby hasnt decided on whether or not he is going to play.... again..... who do we leave out this year? wait.... nevermind, we have house and daniels for that. barnes will get his chance to sit on the bench in the playoffs.....


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
HndsmCelt said:
Thats beceause most of us old enough to remeber "Old School" are too out of it to use a hip term like "Old School"
Well "old school" is normally used to refer to something before your time, and before YOUR time I'm pretty sure that there was no basketball. Or indoor plumbing. ;) :D


Super Moderator Emeritus
Hey, watch it bat guy! I've warned you before about...


Oh, wait. You were talking to Celt, weren't you?


Never mind.



Hall of Famer
Bricklayer said:
Well "old school" is normally used to refer to something before your time, and before YOUR time I'm pretty sure that there was no basketball. Or indoor plumbing. ;) :D
Dag nabit! But back in my day when we shot the rock... it was a ROCK!


Hall of Famer
Bricklayer said:

Must have made dribbling a real *****... :p
Mostly we drooled. But when you bounced the ball off of some Neanderthal’s back on an inbound you more than embarrassed him!
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love_them_kings said:
Whatever they did, they HAD to get Ostertag out of there. It was not his night.
At least he got a few stops and changed a few shots. I think he could be utilized more effectively against the Spurs.


Super Moderator Emeritus
The biggest downside to playing Tag was the Spurs aren't stupid. They figured out pretty quickly the best way to stop our offense dead in its tracks was to foul Tag any time the ball went through him. Sending him to the line was a cheap way to get the ball back, and most of the time without giving up any points in the process.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
VF21 said:
The biggest downside to playing Tag was the Spurs aren't stupid. They figured out pretty quickly the best way to stop our offense dead in its tracks was to foul Tag any time the ball went through him. Sending him to the line was a cheap way to get the ball back, and most of the time without giving up any points in the process.
Er...don't remember Tag getting to the line tonight?


Super Moderator Emeritus
He didn't?


Oops. :eek:

Dangnabit. I hate when that happens.

It sure sounded good, though, didn't it?



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Well if it helps I DO remember him chunking a couple of awful FTs in the last game vs. the Spurs..and tonight he did blow his only shot of the night. ;)


Super Moderator Emeritus
Okay, wait. I've got it.

The Spurs WOULD have played hack-a-Tag if he had been in after they were already in the penalty. Adelman KNEW this, so he didn't play into their hand by putting Tag back out there.


Nice recovery, if I do say so myself.

HndsmCelt said:
Thats beceause most of us old enough to remeber "Old School" are too out of it to use a hip term like "Old School"
You're never too old to say "Old School." My mom says it all the.....

eh, maybe you've got a point.


Hall of Famer
The problem with playing Tag tonight was that he actuly missed a shot from like 2 feet out, and he moved like a Mamoth in a tar pit. So what he brings in interior defnese was nullified by good passing and pesky little gaurds like Parker and Ginobli getting in to the paint. In short his defense was not working and he brought in NO offesnce. Might have helped the Kings to hold a lead but no way the Kings could take the lead with him in there.