I think this is the thread I should add this observation to:
After tonight's Bulls game, Grant Napear chose to make his post-game comment about how (paraphrased) "the big problem with this team is that it never fails - just like in the last 3 minutes of the game, Demarcus got the ball and was immediately double-teamed and couldn't make the play and was forced to turn the ball over - he's got to find a way to deal with that double-team and get the ball to his teammates, or they'll continue to lose games like this."
Problem - Napear was wrong: During the last 3 minutes, the plays went to other people, or Demarcus passed it and they did nothing with it. Demarcus didn;t get one double-team in the last 3 minutes, in fact, he only got the ball once (he missed the 20-foot jumper at the top of the circle).
But the reality of the game didn;t intrude on Napear's ranting - he was determined to make the narrative that Demarcus blew it down the stretch "in the last 3 minutes" and that cost them the game (and has been all season).
I do not have a problem when Grant is objective and accurate in his criticisms of Demarcus or this team - however, when he is wrong or misrepresenting or biased in his negative statements, I have a HUGE problem with it, sicne he is actively doing HARM to the team, by causing the fanbase to believe more negative memories about the players and the team then is true.