AM 570 Reporting Bryant Trade Imminent...To Dallas

You guys don't really think this is plausible, do you? He'll be moved, but not soon and not for Terry and low first rounders. This is the initial wave of the media vultures where you'll hear 1001 rumors until the week it actually happens.
One quote I heard on ESPN radio by Ric Bucher was something like this: "It seems Kobe's more interested in staying in the West with a championship contender than going to the East - and Dallas or Phoenix are surely in the mix. With his no trade clause he can veto anything which makes inquires much less serious negotiations difficult to get underway."
Bucher also guaranteed for weeks that Kobe wouldn't show up to camp and had played his last game for LA.

If Dallas and Phx are the main principles, they could see it like the Cowboys and 49ers did when they tried to keep Deion Sanders away from each other in 94. (SF got him and won the SB). Cuban will blink first, if anyone. I don't know about Kerr. Paxson will lowball just like Krause before him. Kobe may not be going to Chicago out of that alone.
Pssshhh.... And when Houston traded for McGrady, I remember everyone kept saying how Orlando won in that deal.

Mavs fans hate Jason Terry too. He's reliant way too much on jumpshots and has zero dribble penetration ability. His defense isn't all that great either. I lik Josh Howard a lot but the guy is a number two on any team. He's not a franchise player.

The Lakers are getting hosed on this deal. Go trade with Chicago.

And as for selfishness, look I'll cite T-Mac again. EVERYONE said he would mess up Yao and was a selfish scorer who didn't care about anyone after he lead the league in scoring for two years. Now he averages more than 6 assists and Adelman won't stop talking about his court vision. The same can easily be said about Kobe once he actually has a damn supporting cast.

i don't disagree with what ur saying, i totally agree about both mav players and how the lakers should just trade with chicago. I was just speakin that if this trade does go down, it seems to me that kobe could ruin the mavs with clash of personalities, while ruining the lakers b/c he is their franchise player
I think pretty much everybody predicted something like this would eventually happen when Shaquille O'Neal left the Lakers three years ago. But could the script have been written any more dramatically?

A rising star, a dominant force, and a basketball genius come together in Los Angeles; this combination proves to be spectacular and wins three consecutive championship rings. The rising star clashes with the dominant force which results in 2 relatively unsuccessful seasons. Locker room squaffles, discontent among players, random rape allegations, and all the drama that makes Los Angeles what it is end up eating away at the team. Star player convinces the owner that he's their guy and the organization removes one of the greatest players ever to accomodate him. Star player also has a squaffle with the legendary coach that results in his leaving as well. In his first season alone, the star can't even reach the preliminary stages of the main event - the playoffs. Star player realizes he needs help and ends up reuniting with the previously estranged coach. Success comes but pales in comparison to what the star has already tasted - championships. Two years of relative mediocrity convince the star that having another star alongside him wasn't that bad after all. Meanwhile, the old dominant force that once won with the star ends up meeting a new rising star and he manages to win again.

Kobe had it all only to push it all away in the pursuit for more. Now it looks like he just wants back what he had. Odds are though, it ain't happening. Poetic justice I suppose...
As good as the Mavs were last year, I would not touch a thing if I were them. I sure as heck would not make a big gamble like sending away two of the best players they have for a problem child super star.

They are clearly championship quality as is.

*note: I would enjoy watching Cuban screw the whole thing up with a Kobe trade, however.
Kobe Bryant a problem child super star? Well no offence but I'm on the other side of the kobe spectrum here. I don't think he's caused any problems other than demanding decent teammates. I think Josh Howard is over rated; Kobe would make the Mavs better, not screw them up. That said, of course I don't want Dallas to get any better.
Hell, I know Kobe holds a no trade veto, but is that really the best they can do? So you're telling me Bibby, Martin and two #1s would have put us in the serious running too?? :confused:
No doubt Brick. Plus I think our #1 picks would be a bit better than Dallas's picks. I think we would be a playoff team, but still a #6-#8 until we got some support.

PG-Douby? (reason I put Douby is because Kobe would carry most of the workload)

Not that scary of a team, but if Douby, and Hawes were to pan out it might become a bit scary.. But It's not a move to rebuild imo.
Kobe Bryant a problem child super star? Well no offence but I'm on the other side of the kobe spectrum here. I don't think he's caused any problems other than demanding decent teammates. I think Josh Howard is over rated; Kobe would make the Mavs better, not screw them up. That said, of course I don't want Dallas to get any better.
He hasn't done anything wrong? He has an "I'm entitled" attiitude, which FAR too many people have these days. Since you don't see anything wrong with it, I'm going to assume you have an "I'm entitled" attitude as well. Do you often think you deserve something just, because you are you, or because you're entitled? That's exactly what Kobe is doing.

Kobe Bryant is no more entitled to have GOOD players around him than Justin Williams. He is OWNED by a team. To carry out every duty that is assigned to him, within reason. He is OWNED just like signing a contract with the army. They say jump you say high. Kobe Bryant is entitled to S&*t in my book. Just like every other player.

They make an insane, gross amount money. As Eddie Murphy said, they should have a coke, a smile, shut up and sit down.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Because if they all say so, it must be true.

And Chris Webber wasn't "really" traded to make room for Stojakovic, either. Really.

Kobe Bryant is no more entitled to have GOOD players around him than Justin Williams. He is OWNED by a team. To carry out every duty that is assigned to him, within reason. He is OWNED just like signing a contract with the army. They say jump you say high. Kobe Bryant is entitled to S&*t in my book. Just like every other player.

They make an insane, gross amount money. As Eddie Murphy said, they should have a coke, a smile, shut up and sit down.
I'd like to add to that. LA may be a test case for the rest of the league, similar to dying frogs signifying pollution levels. Years back, I couldn't envision players wanting to be traded from here and then trying to sabotage the deal once it's in progress. If LA isn't immune to this phenomenon, then the rest of the league sure isn't.

I think the owners are much to blame for creating this monster. Handing out insane contracts set a precedent of not being able to stack a team w/ more than one superstar and cowering to the players' threats of not reporting to the new team have scared owners from taking the risk (that impacts teams like Sacto). The players have a lot of assumed power, no-trade clause or not. Eliminating UFA may be the only way to lessen the threat of a pouty new acqusition who doesn't want to make it work w/ his new team. Owners know that they'll be screwed if the guy can bolt within a year or two if you say "boo" to him.
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Kobe Bryant a problem child super star? Well no offence but I'm on the other side of the kobe spectrum here. I don't think he's caused any problems other than demanding decent teammates.
I don't know about you, but I get to see him frowning on the bench while his younger teammates are looking for each other and slapping hi-5s. Then when he gets in, he stays true to his passive aggressive tactics of all-shot or all-pass. He is an unreceptive young man right now and that isn't going to change judging by what Dr. Buss said.

According to Roland Lazenby (who has mad street cred w/ Jackson), Phil sent him away from practice a few days ago instead of letting him work his knee on an exercise bike in the practice gym. This was so the rest of the team wouldn't be exposed to his acidic posture.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'd like to add to that. LA may be a test case for the rest of the league, similar to dying frogs signifying pollution levels. Years back, I couldn't envision players wanting to be traded from here and then trying to sabotage the deal once it's in progress. If LA isn't immune to this phenomenon, then the rest of the league sure isn't.

I think the owners are much to blame for creating this monster. Handing out insane contracts set a precedent of not being able to stack a team w/ more than one superstar and cowering to the players' threats of not reporting to the new team have scared owners from taking the risk (that impacts teams like Sacto). The players have a lot of assumed power, no-trade clause or not. Eliminating UFA may be the only way to lessen the threat of a pouty new acqusition who doesn't want to make it work w/ his new team. Owners know that they'll be screwed if the guy can bolt within a year or two if you say "boo" to him.
Clearly the best analysis of the entire situation I've seen thus far. Thanks, Gargy. For a Laker fan, you actually make sense.
