About the rest of the (Sonics) series... (MERGED)

go kings

everyone's upset, im p*****. but we still have 1 game. we're not done yet. we can mope and cry after game 5, but we still have 1 more. if we can squeak out a win tuesday and bring it back to arco we can still get this thing to 7 games. let's be positive and have faith in our players; you never know who reads these threads.
I think we absolutely can do it....whether we will or not remains to be seen, but we can.
These Kings ARE good enough to beat Seattle in 7.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Fillmoe said:
if we win 3 in a row ill wear my kings jersey for 2 months straight!
And that's a good thing?

Remind me not to stand downwind...


Can the Kings win three in a row?

It ain't over til the fat lady sings, but she's standing in the wings, warming up. Keep one thing in mind...the Kings have to win THREE, and cannot lose even one. It's a very tough assignment.

Can they do it?

It's within the realm of possibility.

WILL they do it?

Hmmmm. Well, that's why they make them actually play the game.
"It ain't over 'til it's over, folks!"I always stood by that phrase. Though very unlikely, I like our chances of coming back.


Homer Fan Since 1985
They must win tomorrow night in Seattle....otherwise TDOS begins. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm just not ready for that.

There is a small chance that Seattle will go home and take it easy because they smell blood. If they let up, even a little, the Kings need to pounce on the opportunity to send this back to ARCO.

I am planning on watching the Kings on Friday night. Kings................
make it so!
The offseasons lasts long enough as it is; why would we voluntarily start it early?

I'm not discussing any offseason moves until we complete our current playoff run.

6th said:
They must win tomorrow night in Seattle....otherwise TDOS begins. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm just not ready for that.

I have gotten to a point where I no longer worry about how down the guys will feel if they don't win a championship. They're big boys. They've seen what's gone on with the team this year. They'll live.

But...whatever will I watch? And, how will I survive the many, MANY trade proposals and (even worse) rumors that plague these boards during the summer?? THESE are the important questions in life.

I've been watching the same few channels for so long, that I don't even know if I remember how to work the guide on my satellite!

P.S. I'm aware that worrying about the potential sadness of a bunch of millionaire athletes is far more girly than I usually admit to, but so what.
if kings win tomorrow, they win the series

that is just my opinion, but i truly believe that.....i also honestly believed that seattle wouldnt win a game at arco, but i was wrong about that....who knows
actually, if the kings win tomorrow they are still down in the series 3-2. would have to win both games and take game 6 in seattle. this would be difficult for a team playing well, much less an inconsistent squad like our current one. of course, while not likely i will root for an upset and hope they will beat the odds. go kings!!
atxrocker said:
actually, if the kings win tomorrow they are still down in the series 3-2. would have to win both games and take game 6 in seattle. this would be difficult for a team playing well, much less an inconsistent squad like our current one. of course, while not likely i will root for an upset and hope they will beat the odds. go kings!!
dont u mean 7? i think they can take it to 7 if they win tomorrow.