A bit tongue-in-cheek

The Bee's business columnist was making some predicitons for the local businees scene for 2007. He had this little tidbit. It may be more a suggetion than a prediction. And I wouldn't say it is based on anything. But I thought it was an interesting idea. Not sure how it would work, as CalPERS cetainly wants a good return on investment.

Which is the problem with trying to get any private financing, of course, and the reason the Indian tribes aren't interested so far. The team's cash flow just can't cover much debt service.

By Bob Shallit - Bee Columnist
Published 12:00 am PST Monday, January 1, 2007
Story appeared in BUSINESS section, Page D5


• How about those Kings? Despite an awful 2006-2007 season, with no playoff appearances, a deal is struck for a new, privately funded arena that will keep the team right here. Anybody like the name "CalPERS arena?"


Homer Fan Since 1985
I'll make it a third. If they can get us a new arena, I don't really give a rat's patoot what they call it.
Not sure how it would work, as CalPERS cetainly wants a good return on investment.

By Bob Shallit - Bee Columnist
Published 12:00 am PST Monday, January 1, 2007
Story appeared in BUSINESS section, Page D5


• How about those Kings? Despite an awful 2006-2007 season, with no playoff appearances, a deal is struck for a new, privately funded arena that will keep the team right here. Anybody like the name "CalPERS arena?"
Well as far as I know CalPERS is worth $200 billion. They've got money to burn. That place is like the Beverly Hills of state buildings. Everything is state of the art, hi-tech. It's sickening actually. Anyone that works for the state wants to work there. But the point is they've got the money to do it.
Well as far as I know CalPERS is worth $200 billion. They've got money to burn. That place is like the Beverly Hills of state buildings. Everything is state of the art, hi-tech. It's sickening actually. Anyone that works for the state wants to work there. But the point is they've got the money to do it.
Its not really a state building. It was bought and paid for by the pension fund. Owned by CalPERS, not the state.