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  1. S

    Positional Rankings: Small forwards

    Basically, according to this list Peja is the 6th best SF in the league, seeing as how McGrady, James, Pierce and Maggette are basically shooting guards. Don't try and sell them to me as small forwards just because they're slotted there on a boxscore. Marion played power forward all last year...
  2. S

    NOOOOO! Kings looking at Walker?!?!

    This won't happen. It can't. Petrie is too smart. If we some how catch Antonoinitis (get it, like a disease) then we can officially say goodbye to any serious playoff hopes for the duration of his tenure in a kings uniform. Antoine Focker isn't even worth the MLE, and if the Kings sign him, I'll...
  3. S

    You Read it Here First: The Warriors Will Make the Playoffs

    Alright the key word here is talent. Talent, talent, talent. All of the players I mentioned had had more talent and abiltiy then 80 percent of the players on the spurs over the years. It was there job to recognize it and Garnetts job to help them achieve it. Mission Failed, the blame could be...
  4. S

    You Read it Here First: The Warriors Will Make the Playoffs

    Lets see... Starbury, Joe Smith, Wally Szczerbiak, Sam Cassell, Rasho Nesterovic, Michael Olowokandi, Latrell Sprewell, Chauncey Billups. All crazy TALENTED, but none of them put it together (besides Cassell) under Garnett's "leadership" and thats what counts. All of those guys are more talented...
  5. S

    You Read it Here First: The Warriors Will Make the Playoffs

    Well put friend, truer words have never been spoken. Not a Huge fan at all. Who was it who said that "it wasn't his fault that McHale landed him a team of cancers" or something like that. That "team of cancers helped him earn the first of probably (unfortunately) many MVPs, and CARRIED HIM...
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    Off Topic, the Worst GM in the League

    oops **i've got TO vent**
  7. S

    Off Topic, the Worst GM in the League

    This is completely of topic, but with so much in the news, I've got vent. It seems Raptors GM Rob Babcock can't go a week without getting ripped in one paper or another, but Isiah thomas is in the papers EVERY DAY and not once has he been ripped for his terrible decisions or arrogant, abbrasive...
  8. S

    I feel used and abused... ITS OFFICIAL, THIS IS A RANT

    The deal may not be as bad as it looks, but looks pretty bad. Well, I trust Petrie enough to know he must have something (ANYTHING!?!?) up his sleave....he HAS to!!! I have so many conflicted emotions and thoughts about this trade, I can't even put them into words. I'm speechless. This...
  9. S

    ESPN Motion only shows Kings losses

    Does anyone else notice this? At first I thought it was just my imagination, but everytime the kings get a win (not even a big win) they're never on motion. But, the last three or so times that they've lost they've showed it on ESPN motion. I'm not saying this is really important, but it could...
  10. S

    Miller Suspended 1 game!

    Hey, long time fan, new member... this is brutal, easily one of the worst weeks in recent memory for the kings... First the All-Star snubs, then that travesty on tuesday night, now this... Anyways, stick it to the man boys