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    [Game] Kings @ Wolves Game Thread, Wed 10/27 @ 5PM

    Nevermind! I was thinking of VF21, she is alive and well I am happy to learn!!! I guess she is not posting her as often.
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    [Game] Kings @ Wolves Game Thread, Wed 10/27 @ 5PM

    Wow. New interface since I lasted visited. Great win tonight! Hey does anyone know what happened to that one moderator who used to scold everyone when they got out of line. I forgot her name but she was known for creating threads after a player did well by saying "ANY QUESTIONS?" I feel...
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    Kings Pre-Draft Workout: Greg Monroe

    Ha-ha, the level of analysis has reached myopic proportions when we are evaluating a player on how he sways his head side-to-side! All I want to hear is a degree of intelligence and coherence and maturity when a player answers questions, and I think we get that from Greg Monroe, except...
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    Draft Combine Measurements !!!!

    Nope, Wall standing vert "only" 30 inches. Turner was 4 inches higher. But still looks SO impressive in agility and sprint drills. Wall gets so high over the rim because of wingspan and super duper long arms. If you get ESPN U, the combines were televised today and yesterday. Also on NBA TV.
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    Who do we get at the 5th and 6th picks?

    I think you are making a bit of an assumption on Wall. Regardless of who wins the lottery, I guarantee there will be talk of Evan Turner going 1st. John Wall stumbled a bit in the tourney if you didn't notice. He still likely goes first, but not as much of as slam dunk as before.
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    How Would Cousins Game Fit?

    I can go along with the whole Georgia Tech was a bad fit argument, to an extent.... But special players let it be known on the court. They step up. They do not blend in, or accept a secondary role. They stand out. Their talent and force of will is undeniable. They instill confidence in...
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    How Would Cousins Game Fit?

    All legitimate questions. The way I see it, Cousins likes to camp out in the key, and he should because thats where he does his damage. But this puts his defender in help position against Tyreke drives to the hoop. On the other hand, Cousins will catch and finish anything, or most...
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    2009-10 Kings draft position thread

    I agree, the only edge I can give Cousins is probably better hands, and longer wing span. But nowhere near the athlete. I make the comparison because Kings fans thinking Cousins can be drafted and immediately be an impact player may be unrealistic. I don't have a strong opinion on Cousins...
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    Kings Secure Sole Possession of 3rd Spot

    Here are our ODDS With 3rd worst record, these are the Kings chances going into lotto day: Odds of #1: 15.6%!!! Odds of #2: 15.7%!! Odds of #3: 15.6%! Odds of #4: 22.6% Odds of #5: 26.5% Odds of $6: 4% Odds of a Top 1-2 pick: 31.3%!!! Odds of a Top 1-3 pick: 46.9%!! Odds of a Top...
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    2009-10 Kings draft position thread

    yep it was crazy. nellie put in turiaf and told him to foul. but turiaf is such an idiot he intentionally fouled while his team had the ball!! He elbowed a guard on a high pick. What a dumbass!
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    2009-10 Kings draft position thread

    Do you think Cousins is a better prospect than Greg Ogden (pre-injury)? Not saying if he is or isn't, but think it is a reasonable comparison to make because very similar type players. Ogden way more explosive, and his rookie year pre-injury he struggled to find his way. Couldn't score...
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    2009-10 Kings draft position thread

    Finalized Lotto ODDs The numbers are looking pretty sweet! With the 3rd worst record secured: Odds of #1: 15.6%!!! Odds of #2: 15.7%!! Odds of #3: 15.6%! Odds of #4: 22.6% Odds of #5: 26.5% Odds of $6: 4% Odds of a Top 1-2 pick: 31.3%!!! Odds of a Top 1-3 pick: 46.9%!! Odds of a Top 4...
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    2009-10 Kings draft position thread

    Wwooohooo! WIZARDS wiN!
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    The Kings' present and future

    I am not sure what has been said about his weight by others. But DeMarcus Cousins, by NBA player standards, is fat. In fact, by athletic standards, he is fat. Just look at his physique, he has a gut and not a lot of muscle definition. Now, I don't view his physique as a significant...
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    2009-10 Kings draft position thread

    Yep, and Pistons are up 4 late in Miami!
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    2009-10 Kings draft position thread

    Wizards are Destroying the Celtics 7:09 3rd Qtr Washington 64 Boston 39 Yeah baby! As an aside, Kevin Garnett needs to retire.
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    2009-10 Kings draft position thread

    I agree we could slip to 7th or worse, but not for the reasons you believe. The Pistons have 3 more winnable games @ CHA, TOR, @ MIN. The first two teams they are catching on second of back to back. And last game against the Wolves may be without Al Jefferson. I see the Pistons winning at...
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    As much as I hate the Lakers, I would like to see us go ahead and lose out. 24 wins, 25 wins, 27 wins? Who cares the final tally, it is still a terrible record. We have a decent shot at third worst record, or at least tying. And that could be huge in this draft, which is looking rather thin...
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    Worried about Casspi

    Omri on the Road I went to the Kings - Clips games at Staples last weekend, and it was a scene like I haven't witnessed before at a basketball game. Before tipoff I am sitting lower level, and opposite side of the court there is a group of about 100 fans. They have signs and matching...
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    Realistically: Who do you think we go for in FA? really think we are set with Beno as starting SG? I'd beg to differ. Beno as combo guard off the bench? Yes. Starting off guard on elite team? No way.