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  1. monk

    Prayers please...

    You got it.
  2. monk

    Kent or Sandberg?

    I did this because someone daid Kent was better in another thread and since it was in a basketball forum, I was unable to stomp that notion into the ground so I used this forum to make my point. You can't imagine my disbelief when a few more people actually picked Kent.
  3. monk

    What are you listening to right now?

    Do or Die by the Dropkick Murphys
  4. monk

    For monk (8/31)

    The board was nuked on my birthday so I didn't get a birthday thread. Considering I was waiting all year for that glorious moment, you can imagine the injustice I felt. I tried to let it go, but I just couldn't so here it is. Happy birthday, monk.
  5. monk

    strange story

    You gotta PC-proof your examples or you will get nowhere.
  6. monk

    Stupid People

    She may have been joking. I was in the .99 store once and I asked everybody that exact question. Then I informened the checker that the .98 store across town started a price war and asked if they would match prices to keep my business. She said no so I pretended I was irritated and left without...
  7. monk

    Stupid People

    I love stupid people. They increase the chances my kids will be successful considering the quality of their competition.
  8. monk

    strange story

    I knew that when you mentioned slavery you were giving an opportunity to take focus away from the argument for the sake of the examples used. I never bring up race, slavery or abortion when trying to make a logical point - it's too easy to get clouded by emotion.
  9. monk

    strange story

    It's not obvious that he hadn't done everything he could. Perhaps he is poor and lives in a rural area where the cost of gas to get to an animal sheltor would be a financial burden. All we know is that he couldn't get rid of puppies and killed them after he failed. We know nothing about what he...
  10. monk

    Kent or Sandberg?

    I guess bias is the only way to pick Kent. My avatr is Stephen Hawkings, although there is a Ricard Belzer resembelence. The Hawkings giveaway is the 4ft height.
  11. monk

    Kings still have work to do - ESPN Insider

    Coach had two options: Work him in slowly and possibly have greater success in the regular season and risk not having him ready for the playoffs or play him as many minutes as he could to increase the chances he'd be ready for the playoffs at the risk of possibly hurting the regular-season...
  12. monk

    strange story

    People > other animals
  13. monk

    strange story

    If you believe what you just posted, you would also support a ban on vetrinarians putting dogs down?
  14. monk

    Kent or Sandberg?

    Also, Sandberg: Third in 2004 HOF voting, will probably make it next year. Kent: Not a chance.
  15. monk

    Kent or Sandberg?

    Anybody? That was easy.
  16. monk

    strange story

    This summarizes my view pretty well. By killing cattle by shooting them in the head, we as a society have established and accept that it's a humane method of killing an animal. The next logical step is to say that it's also a humane way to kill a dog. We can talk about whether or not it's...
  17. monk

    strange story

    I still don't underatand your logic, but I acept it. I still think it's because dogs are cute and loyal and cows aren't, which doesn't merit unequal treatment. There are people I like more than others, but I still have to treat them equally. Anyway, back to this example: What did this guy do...
  18. monk

    Who were you? Change your name?

    I used to be 'monkeyboy' but newbies kept thinking I was in high school so I shortened it about two years ago.
  19. monk

    strange story

    I've heard that argument before, which doesn't address it's inhamane-ness, which is the argument against shooting puppies. Inhumane should be inhumane, no matter what we do with the corpse. Eat it or bury it - an animal was shot in the head. I'm not calling you (or anyone else here) a...
  20. monk

    strange story

    Of course not, but I am trying to get at why it's OK to shoot one animal in the head but not another?