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  1. RoyalDiva

    What are you eating right now?

    A blueberry cereal bar and a cup of really gross coffee. It tastes like hot water with a touch of old coffee filters in it. Won't be buying that kind again.
  2. RoyalDiva

    The Towers - Sacramento.

    The new arena will be on the very top floor of one of the towers. I hope the neighbors don't mind the constant thumping.
  3. RoyalDiva

    The Towers - Sacramento.

    Agree with VF21. We slowly but surely are. Gorgeous towers. Wish I could afford to buy a condo there. Can't wait to see the final product!
  4. RoyalDiva

    Monarchs Win!!! An Afternoon Matinee w/Storm

    Darn, I forgot they were playing a matinee today. I would of listened her at work. Oh well, who cares. They won!! :D
  5. RoyalDiva

    Last one to post on this thread wins!!

  6. RoyalDiva

    Last one to post on this thread wins!!

  7. RoyalDiva

    guess who

    Denis Leary
  8. RoyalDiva

    Bee: Well-known Sacramento musician killed in head-on crash

    RIP. What a sad loss to the Sacramento music community and his family/friends. I wish all people would drive safely out there.
  9. RoyalDiva

    Last one to post on this thread wins!!

  10. RoyalDiva

    Erin reacts to a foul

    Now that would be an interesting arena snapshot.....
  11. RoyalDiva

    Erin reacts to a foul

    LOL....she looks like she is so mad that she is taking off her shirt. Is that a new way to react to a foul?? ;)
  12. RoyalDiva

    late night roll call

    Too bad I don't have a computer at home, or I'd of been joining in with you guys this week with my insomnia. Not as bad as it usually is, though. Last night I would of gotten to sleep earlier, if my neighbors hadn't decided to use their stereo and play The Carpenters at 11:00PM. Oh well, it...
  13. RoyalDiva

    There is no topic

    Oh, so that's where they're airing! I read that the show was on adult swim, but I didn't know what channel. I was looking on Comcast's InDemand adult swim section.
  14. RoyalDiva

    What's your guilty pleasure?

    My latest guilty pleasure is watching these really awful creature-feature movies being shown on the SciFi channel lately.
  15. RoyalDiva

    WNBA's Greatest Moments Presented by

    Mine isn't on there-Monarchs win their first title. ;) The voting thing is a little confusing-is this done on the WNBA website or??
  16. RoyalDiva

    What are you reading right now?

    'Fame' by Karen Kingsbury.
  17. RoyalDiva

    Last one to post on this thread wins!!

    I missed nobody.
  18. RoyalDiva

    7 blasts rock India trains; at least 100 dead

    :eek: Yikes glad that you are okay!! And that all your friends/family are accounted for as well. What a tragedy. :(
  19. RoyalDiva

    what was the last movie you watched?

    You certainly are touchy about this.
  20. RoyalDiva

    Pink Floyd founder Syd Barrett dies

    RIP to an amazing, talented musician. He masterminded Pink Floyd's distinctive sound.