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  1. RoyalDiva

    There is no topic

    I do hope that this doesn't mean that the airlines will not serve liquids on the plane! They just mean you can't bring aboard, correct? Especially on an international flight. Are you flying JAL? They load you up with all sorts of food/drinks.
  2. RoyalDiva

    "Unprecedented grassroots campaign..."

    Will we be allowed to wear our Kings gear when we vote?
  3. RoyalDiva

    Top 5 Most Recent Promising Careers Wasted Because of Bad Decisions

    There was also some other guy, I can't remember his name right now. He was a bball player from Sacto who had a promising NBA career, but it was cut short by his cocky attitude alone. He ended up jumping off the Tower Bridge to his death in the early 90's. Anyone here remember his name??
  4. RoyalDiva

    Favorite Gangster Movie

    Nothing could ever top the Godfather trilogies part one and two. Never seen part three, and don't want to. The second best gangster film would be Goodfellas.
  5. RoyalDiva

    Remember me?

    Wow-that's pretty impressive, J!! Don't have too much fun now jumping out of planes. Best of luck to you.
  6. RoyalDiva

    Which Star Wars movie is your favorite?

    Rats, I forgot all about the option of making it a public poll. Sorry! But I think most everyone who voted are leaving their comments here anyway. Oh, and I picked 'Empire'. It doesn't get any more story depth than that! So many major plotlines uncovered in that one.
  7. RoyalDiva

    suggestions needed

    I don't know since I don't do much of that, but the Sacramento News and Review and The Bee (Encore and Ticket sections) have some great restaurant listings. Old Sac should have some restaurants like that.
  8. RoyalDiva

    Which Star Wars movie is your favorite?

    Okay, geek poll time! ;) Just kidding.
  9. RoyalDiva

    Ex Crying Foul On Hoopster

    :eek: Holy cow. I had heard about his marriage to Tami Roman based on her TV show appearances and articles about it, but I didn't know that he had all these other wives and kids. So Tami had to sell her Cartier watch, oh dear. I wonder if she'll next next have to sell her Hummer, the one with...
  10. RoyalDiva

    What are you eating right now?

    Venti mocha from Starbucks
  11. RoyalDiva

    Yolanda Kicked Out of Practice

    Let's not wring our hands with worry over this unless it becomes a continuing pattern. It's a very heated, emotional time, and things like this are a natural consequence sometimes.
  12. RoyalDiva

    Floyd Landis - Tour de France

    Agree with 1kingzfan. There are a lot of people irate enough to the point of taking action about the fact that non-Europeans have won the Tour the past eight years straight. I would not put sabotage past them. Not saying that it is definitely sabotage, but that another investigation needs to be...
  13. RoyalDiva

    what was the last movie you watched?

    Wolfcreek. It's an Australian indie horror film that I found on Netflix recommendations. It got raves at Sundance, so I thought I'd check it out. Truly terrifying, horrifying, and chilling. I usually don't watch the behind the scenes DVD extras, but I had to with this one because I was so scared...
  14. RoyalDiva

    Ask The Person Below

    Indian Same q
  15. RoyalDiva

    Any Bollywood film fans ?

    I haven't watched much, but have really enjoyed what Bollywood films and entertainment I have seen. My favorite Indian restaurant has a plasma TV that plays them throughout the day. I'd watch more if I could find a TV channel that plays them.
  16. RoyalDiva

    Floyd Landis - Tour de France

    The problem is, it will take at least another six months of investigation by another source before we find out their answer. That's gonna be a very loooong six months for everyone.
  17. RoyalDiva

    Ask The Person Below

    Batman-he has the coolest car. What were your best and worst subjects in school?
  18. RoyalDiva

    SacBee article on Joey B's closing

    There's a place called the Palm Street Pub and Grill in Carmichael on the corner of Fair Oaks Blvd. and Marconi/Palm. My brother and I watched a few Kings games there in the past, and it was a great place. I have no idea if they show Monarchs games, but I can't imagine why not.
  19. RoyalDiva

    Teddy Bear massacre-not for the faint of heart

    It didn't say so in the story, but I imagine that they would have to pay something. Pretty stupid to leave a dog in the vicinity of things that are definitely a chewing temptation.
  20. RoyalDiva

    Teddy Bear massacre-not for the faint of heart

    Hound dog mauls Elvis's teddy bear Thu Aug 3, 2006 10:41 AM BST LONDON (Reuters) - Barney the guard dog went berserk at a teddy bear exhibition and ripped the stuffing out of Elvis Presley's beloved bear Mabel, exhibitors said on Thursday. Wookey Hole Caves, a popular holiday destination in...