Evans for Vasquez

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Is this really all that surprising?

Everybody complaining about how "we're not actively pursuing defensive specialists" needs to remember what this coach did in golden state over the past few years with a sub par defensive squad (on paper). Does anybody think Steph Curry is a better defender than Vasquez? Who thinks Klay Thompson has better defensive potential than Ben? Lee over thompson? Bogut over cousins? On paper this roster looks easily AS good on defense as golden state, and it just so happens we have the same coach that lead them to a catastrophic turnaround in a 2 year span. I'm tired of all the negative nellies. We should all still be happy to have a team and be looking forward to what this new group puts on the court.
At the end of all this. I really don't see paying 11 mil a year for a bench player. we pay thornton 8 and i don't like that.
I'm a bit surprised that Tyreke accepted a bench role too. I guess the 11 million was enough for him to be happy with it but that will all sort itself out. Going to miss the guy but time to move on now.
Just speaking for myself, I'm upset because I think Reke had more value either playing for us or as a trade piece on the open market. I think small markets have challenges that are rarely filled through cap flexibility alone. Too hard to convince the best players to play here. I would have liked to try and use him with a good coach/team and if that failed try moving him.
Then we're stuck with a 11M per year contract (with 3 more years to go) to move with a player who hasn't worked with three different coaches. Not exactly sure what we could get on the market, but we would have to take back some serious contracts just for salary reasons. So then we're stuck with players and maybe some future assets that we don't exactly want and we don't have future cap space to use on players that fit our system and our coaching staff.
Im liking the trade. Im sure we are all close to evans as fans because of the memories (half court shots, owning gilbert arenas, game winning shots) but our team is focused and im not prepared to judge them on their first transaction when we are just getting started. I praise our front office. Obviously we need a change so lets roll with it till game 1 of the season
I'm not exactly sure what all the complaining is about. Think about it, we COULD be watching the Seattle Sonics' offseason. We got a tremendously underrated/low salaried 6'6" TRUE PG, something we haven't had in a long, long time (the TPG)...and he's 6'6"! We are now $12 to $20 million UNDER the cap for a FA or a few. We got Ben McLemore, who will be a tremendous player......and it's only July 4, there's a LOT more coming, I'm sure about it.
That might be a lot closer to the truth than some want to believe. NO front office gets every single player they want and has all their proposals accepted. At least our front office is doing something. They're not done, folks. Vivek rose to the occasion to keep this team in Sacramento. There were a lot of bumps in the road that went on behind the scenes to make that come true. Why not allow him a fair chance to do the same with rebuilding our team? It's not gonna be an overnight process. Our roster, with a couple of exceptions, is pure crap ... unmatched pieces with no logic or reason. Give PDA and the rest a fair opportunity to make things better before you throw in the towel.
But.. but... It's much more fun to throw this FO under the bus 2 weeks before summer league starts, declare how we lost the next great superstar in Reke, and how we're now stuck in lottery hell the next 10 years! :rolleyes:

I absolutely agree with you. Malone/Vivek/PDA deserve a chance to put their stamp on this team. People are acting like we're a powerhouse franchise and the new management came in and completely destroyed it.


Hall of Famer
Disregard my previous snark. I hadn't seen this when I posted it.

New snark: And you're totally convinced this is what's going to happen when we've been into free agency for four days? Sorry, but I'm going to wait a while before I declare this new front office to be total failures.
Totally convinced? I said heading towards a certain direction. I didn't say they're total failures.

Don't put words in my mouth and fabricate strawman arguments. My opinion is based on what's transpired thus far, the evidence we have, while you're banking on hope, per usual.

If you want to hope the rest of the off season goes beautifully, go right ahead. I however will stick to the evidence we have. I'm not banking on the unknown from a rookie owner and rookie GM.
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And let's face it, regardless of how much we all like Tyreke, we need a team that is assembled as complimentery pieces that actually fit and work together, more fitting cogs in the wheel, not just a bunch of spokes.
You said we were all blind if we couldn't see where the team was heading.

So please tell us blind folks where the team is heading?
He said it in his earlier post, that the plan was to tank for the 2014 draft like a lot of other teams out there seem to be doing.
And if nobody else has already said it, although I'm sure many will disagree, Tyreke is not/will not be a PG no matter how many times you tell him he is. Vasquez (IMO) is a much BETTER PG than Tyreke will ever be and he's at a fraction of the cost.
And let's face it, regardless of how much we all like Tyreke, we need a team that is assembled as complimentery pieces that actually fit and work together, more fitting cogs in the wheel, not just a bunch of spokes.
I don't disagree with the sentiment but I do with the notion that a traditional pg is the way to get there. I think we could have built the right support pieces around Reke and cuz.


Hall of Famer
I'm a bit surprised that Tyreke accepted a bench role too. I guess the 11 million was enough for him to be happy with it but that will all sort itself out. Going to miss the guy but time to move on now.
I'd bet they move Gordon within a year and it becomes a Holiday/Reke backcourt at some point. Move Gordon for a SF and with the maturation of Davis they will be damn good.
Vasquez has a 14-4-9 statline...... incase some of you didnt know. We need a true facilitator anyways we all know it. So get on the band wagon already. Much better basketball player than tyreke. Maybe not 1 on 1. As a team player. Im convinced.
I'd bet they move Gordon within a year and it becomes a Holiday/Reke backcourt at some point. Move Gordon for a SF and with the maturation of Davis they will be damn good.

Boy you really like to jump into the future don't you. That trio haven't even set foot on the court yet.

Remember when people thought the trio of Evans, Thornton, and Cousins would be the foundation of the team?
Vasquez has a 14-4-9 statline...... incase some of you didnt know. We need a true facilitator anyways we all know it. So get on the band wagon already. Much better basketball player than tyreke. Maybe not 1 on 1. As a team player. Im convinced.
COMPLETELY AGREE. Although you and I may be in the minority now, I think this is a GREAT trade personally. I think Vasquez is going to fit very, very well in this young team and the guy can FLAT OUT PLAY.
I'd bet they move Gordon within a year and it becomes a Holiday/Reke backcourt at some point. Move Gordon for a SF and with the maturation of Davis they will be damn good.
Yeah, that's true. And Tyreke may end starting a lot of games even if Gordon is on the roster because of how injury prone he is.
Just speaking for myself, I'm upset because I think Reke had more value either playing for us or as a trade piece on the open market. I think small markets have challenges that are rarely filled through cap flexibility alone. Too hard to convince the best players to play here. I would have liked to try and use him with a good coach/team and if that failed try moving him.
I think the FO felt that signing Reke to that deal would have put a halt to this years free agency pursuits and they would be playing the wait and see game to determine if Reke would work. If they let Reke go to free up cap space now, they can be aggressive and change the team culture quicker. I agree that you could have gotten more if you signed Reke and then shopped him during the season, however, the FO doesn't want to be in holding pattern. Didn't we all want an aggressive front office? Are you not entertained?
Everybody complaining about how "we're not actively pursuing defensive specialists" needs to remember what this coach did in golden state over the past few years with a sub par defensive squad (on paper). Does anybody think Steph Curry is a better defender than Vasquez? Who thinks Klay Thompson has better defensive potential than Ben? Lee over thompson? Bogut over cousins? On paper this roster looks easily AS good on defense as golden state, and it just so happens we have the same coach that lead them to a catastrophic turnaround in a 2 year span. I'm tired of all the negative nellies. We should all still be happy to have a team and be looking forward to what this new group puts on the court.
seriously? YES!!! I love boogie, but he's a terrible defender, whereas Bogut is a great defender. it's also very much to the point that the Warriors always had a starter to clean up the messes their wing guys left them with, be it Ezeli or Bogut.
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