Kings trading Evans for Vasquez/Lopez

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I can try and answer that from the FOs perspective. Iggy plays SF, a position of need, Evans doesnt. Iggy is an ELITE defender, Tyreke isnt in that category yet. Iggy is unselfish and knows how to play team basketball. He is an all-star and Olympian, Tyreke isnt. He provide veteran leadership, something this team is severely lacking. Iggy would easily be the most athletic player on last years roster, and second most this year behind McLemore.

My guess those are the reasons they were willing to go that high on Iggy and not on Reke.
But Iggy will be 30 in january and once a player hits 30, they are likely to start declining especially if they rely on their athleticism as Iggy does! As a glorified role player (an all-star type role player) who was never "the man" experiences that more than most. Just look at how rapid a decline Gerald Wallace is on!
Well, my opinion has been consistent with that of said paid professionals. So there's that

I stated numerous times that I would match the deal if Reke was our long-term plan at SG. Because we have tangible evidence that he can produce their and can improve at that position. Obviously, that was not our intention.
Consistency really doesn't change the fact of what you and I are doing.

But otherwise, I don't disagree with you in principle. (As in I agree to disagree with your assessment with Evans) Just don't come out and one-sided call us "pretending to know better than paid professionals" when we are all doing the same thing. :p
No one is paying attention to Pelican's new roster. Their front office has done a very good job.

Maybe a 40-plus wins for New Orleans this coming season. They are slowly, but surely getting there.

This trade is hard to swallow. I wish we could have had a better return for Tyreke, like say a Rondo.
Hornets have $25 mil tied up into the SG position and $37 mil tied up into the back-court alone.

Someone please enlighten me how that is a "good job"
But Iggy will be 30 in january and once a player hits 30, they are likely to start declining especially if they rely on their athleticism as Iggy does! As a glorified role player (an all-star type role player) who was never "the man" experiences that more than most. Just look at how rapid a decline Gerald Wallace is on!
The breakdown of Wallace was predictable considering how recklessly he treated his body. There is absolutely no sign at the moment that Iggy is about to break down. And again, I was just trying to give a perspective of what the FO was thinking.
I wonder how this deal will impact DMC view of the franchise. Will he stay motivated and overcome another year of losing? Will it impact his decision to resign with the Kings or will he tell the new FO he simply feels there is no sense in staying in Sacramento wasting another 3-5 years of his career?
I m a bit worried right now...
Hope it turns out well after all.
Actually, no I don't. 4 days into this group's first offseason, with a roster full of mismatched parts and overpaid stiffs. If you didn't think things were going to change then I dont think you were seeing things clearly. I was hoping it wouldnt be Tyreke to go, but I'm not entirely surprised either.
Neither am I expecting to see things remain the same, but we are giving up a great talent, or to quote sdballer
A great rookie campaign derailed by the most incompetent coaching and front office in the league. A dominant skill set that is in high demand by the best teams in the league. A 23 year old that dealt with all of the challenges without complaining and whose physical profile suggested room for more improvement.
That much we should be all clear about, regardless of if you like him or not, or if you think he's a PG or not. Even though apparently our FO has a different idea on how to build this team forward, we all have to agree that as much as we expect things to change, it would seem foolish to give up a 23 year old talent.
The same kind of moves everyone defending this trade is sure we can make after with our remaining players to put some kind of competitive lineup on the court. Did the guys left on the team suddenly become more valuable after this trade?

If you can take in extra money and lessen the burden on a team in the trade, yes, they become more valuable. That space is a valuable part of the trade. Might be pretty valuable too in the near future. Triple tax is coming.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I'm saying the only way to get them both was by moving a good chunk of the guaranteed deals on the team. Financially it was just plain unlikely. Re-signing Tyreke to this deal would have put the Kings up to the cap limit. The Kings would have only had about 5 million in space after using the amnesty on Salmons, where is the other 8 million coming from?
Tyreke's cap hold disappears after we match his offer and the first year would start at just under 10 million (same deal that Curry got). Salmons contract alone is 7.5 million so amnestying him adds 7.5 million in cap space not 5. And Igoudala's offer of 52 million for 4 years would start at about 11.5M.

Evans 9.887
Thornton 8.165
Hayes 5.722
Thompson 5.643
Cousins 4.916
Patterson 3.105
Outlaw 3
Fredette 2.574
Thomas .884
McLemore Cap Hold 2.413
Total = 46.309

Reported Salary Cap 2013-2014 = 58.044

58.044 - 46.309 = 11.735 available cap space

Igoudala at 4yrs/52M with estimated raises = 11.55 , 12.494 , 13.515 , 14.619 (total = 52.178)

So by this calculation, we actually don't have to move anybody. I might be wrong on how cap holds are calculated for contracts. If it's by the average over the duration of the contract, then Tyreke's goes up to 11 and Igoudala's goes up to 13. That would put us at 60.422 so we'd need to lose 2.378 in salary -- basically just Jimmer's contract.
I wonder how this deal will impact DMC view of the franchise. Will he stay motivated and overcome another year of losing? Will it impact his decision to resign with the Kings or will he tell the new FO he simply feels there is no sense in staying in Sacramento wasting another 3-5 years of his career?
I m a bit worried right now...
Hope it turns out well after all.
Well they said "Evans and Cousins aren't necessarily peas and carrots", as in they aren't the best of friends. If that was true, then I doubt DMC feels too much about Evans departure.
If you can take in extra money and lessen the burden on a team in the trade, yes, they become more valuable. That space is a valuable part of the trade. Might be pretty valuable too in the near future. Triple tax is coming.
We freed up 4M for one season and still have holes to fill and Vasquez up for a new deal next year.
Neither am I expecting to see things remain the same, but we are giving up a great talent, or to quote sdballer

That much we should be all clear about, regardless of if you like him or not, or if you think he's a PG or not. Even though apparently our FO has a different idea on how to build this team forward, we all have to agree that as much as we expect things to change, it would seem foolish to give up a 23 year old talent.
Unless the new regime doesnt see his skills fitting into their vision of this team going forward, especially at the cost of 11 mil/year.

It seems clear that before FA began they set a value on Evans, at somewhere around 8-9 mil, and once he got an offer that exceeded that they decided it was best to move on. I know its weird to compare this situation to other sports but its a similar tactic the 49ers have taken in recent years. Each position/role on the team is assigned a certain value and they absolutely will not overpay, seems like the new regime is employing the same strategy.
I kind of agree with you when it comes to skill set of Tyreke.

BUT...Tyreke had never shown he's got that "fire" in him. He was the exact opposite of Cousins. Tyreke was just too passive about what went on during his years here in Sacramento. Never complained strongly about his messed-up development. And maybe because of this "too nice" attitude, the new FO never sees him as a real "winner".
Which is the same criticism times x when it comes to his replacement in Mac.
A great rookie campaign derailed by the most incompetent coaching and front office in the league. A dominant skill set that is in high demand by the best teams in the league. A 23 year old that dealt with all of the challenges without complaining and whose physical profile suggested room for more improvement.
I kind of agree with you when it comes to skill set of Tyreke.

BUT...Tyreke had never shown he's got that "fire" in him. He was the exact opposite of Cousins. Tyreke was just too passive about what went on during his years here in Sacramento. Never complained strongly about his messed-up development. And maybe because of this "too nice" attitude, the new FO never sees him as a real "winner".


Hall of Famer
I think we'll have 5-7 M but I'm not positive about that.
I love Tyreke and I am one of the "other guys" as some of you refer to us. However, I see possibilities here. I think Tyreke is a spectacular ball player and we may regret trading him but he is an awkward piece. He always has been. I presume Vasquez is more standard and, no, I am not saying I think he may fit because he is a pure PG. I don't want to have that argument. As a distributor he may be ideal for the lob hungry shooter, McLemore. He may help McLemore become a star.

As to Lopez, I don't know. If he is better than JT on defense, I will feel better about this trade. I don't know how he is on defense.

Now we need to use the cap space to get a SF that is better than Salmons. If we have the $5-7 mil in cap space, that can be increased to roughly $14 mil by amnestying Salmons. That should put us in the hunt for AK47 on a short term deal.

My full feelings in this depends on how the rest of the summer plays out. My first reaction was very, very bad but as I think about it, not so bad. As I said, it depends on getting a SF or even a better defensive big. This is crucial or I will see this as a major screw up. The moves have only started and I think the FO has something in mind. I sure hope so.

I presume Lopez can't be traded soon but now we have legitimate bigs that will help in a trade for a mega big. Lopex plus MT or JT plus MT or (name your combo) is a darn nice set of people to dangle in front of a team with a great defensive big or mega SF. This is a round about way of turning Tyreke into a better Kings team.

The sun will rise in the AM.

Edit: I still think we got played by the cooperation of NO and Tellem.
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I love Tyreke and I am one of the "other guys" as some of you refer to us. However, I see possibilities here. I think Tyreke is a spectacular ball player and we may regret trading him but he is an awkward piece. He always has been. I presume Vasquez is more standard and, no, I am not saying I think he may fit because he is a pure PG. I don't want to have that argument. As a distributor he may be ideal for the lob hungry shooter, McLemore. He may help McLemore become a star.

As to Lopez, I don't know. If he is better than JT on defense, I will feel better about this trade. I don't know how he is on defense.

Now we need to use the cap space to get a SF that is better than Salmons. If we have the $5-7 mil in cap space, that can be increased to roughly $14 mil by amnestying Salmons. That should put us in the hunt for AK47 on a short term deal.

My full feelings in this depends on how the rest of the summer plays out. My first reaction was very, very bad but as I think about it, not so bad. As I said, it depends on getting a SF or even a better defensive big. This is crucial or I will see this as a major screw up. The moves have only started and I think the FO has something in mind. I sure hope so.

I presume Lopez can't be traded soon but now we have legitimate bigs that will help in a trade for a mega big. Lopex plus MT or JT plus MT or (name your combo) is a darn nice set of people to dangle in front of a team with a great defensive big or mega SF. This is a round about way of turning Tyreke into a better Kings team.

The sun will rise in the AM.
He absolutely is. I know you don't listen or like metrics, but he grades out very well in every single one. Also, for you BPG goobers, he was 14th in the NBA with 1.6 at 26 MPG. Although not as talented as his brother offensively, he's also got a nice feel around the rim and a decent little jumper. His biggest weakness is his rebounding by far. But next to Cousins, that's not a huge concern. And pretty much everyone was prepared to go forward with Ppat next to Cousins.

He's a big 7'0 255 pound frame who can protect the paint and understands that he's a role player and won't play outside that role. He's instantly our best big defender by a large margin
He absolutely is. I know you don't listen or like metrics, but he grades out very well in every single one. Also, for you BPG goobers, he was 14th in the NBA with 1.6 at 26 MPG. Although not as talented as his brother offensively, he's also got a nice feel around the rim and a decent little jumper. His biggest weakness is his rebounding by far. But next to Cousins, that's not a huge concern. And pretty much everyone was prepared to go forward with Ppat next to Cousins.

He's a big 7'0 255 pound frame who can protect the paint and understands that he's a role player and won't play outside that role. He's instantly our best big defender by a large margin
I agree with most of this though I think we're overstating his ability to play next to cousins. He played next to Ryan Anderson and Anthony Davis but cuz obviously has very different defensive abilities than those guys. I'm guessing he'll play 20-25 minutes off the bench (with cuz at times especially depending on match ups).
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