2013 NBA Draft thread.

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At least IT knows how to play PG. He's not my ideal PG but he can see the floor 10x better than Evans.
Based on what? He shoots more, barely gets better assists, and the offense sucked both ways. Take him out to 36 minutes a game and he'd be one of the worst pg's in the league in getting assists.
I know there was the report about letting Tyreke walk...but seriously...a backcourt of Tyreke and McLemore has fantastic size and defense...and McLemore's shooting and lack of a handle fits Tyreke perfectly.

I'm going to assume that is the plan until we hear otherwise.

I agree...with the above poster that right now Thornton, IT, Jimmer are all expendable...and I would love to see a trade to get another first to get either Adams or a good sized SF defender who can shoot.
Agree. A great off the ball shooter who's great at movement/cutting/finding space is now a member of our team. Can play D. Aside from his handle not being that good he's a great pairing with Reke.

If we go in another direction before giving these two a chance together I'll be livid.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
So we didn't get an ideal frontcourt pairing, but I really think McLemore is an ideal backcourt mate for Tyreke. We got shooting, length, athleticism, defensive potential. We still have a huge need for a defensive frontcourt player but we don't have to worry about Noel's knee and there's less pressure now to find a deadeye shooter for SF. McLemore is the third scorer, we jettison Petrie's fleet of little chuckers, and we concentrate on adding defensive role players now.
If it's a Reke / McLemore back court I am going to throw up. We can't win if our PG cannot read opposing defenses and get the ball to open players.
The Tyreke at PG thing was always a PR move. The amazing thing is that people still believe in it despite seeing the evidence against it first hand.
Heck yah.. None of us know if Evans will even be here but if he was moved back to PG we are going to go through this whole 14apg 35%fg as a team again.
I've already responded to that in the past that shows the team's stats were barely different with Evans and IT at point. But nice job rehashing it again
I actually like McLemore (but i did want Burke). He's probably going to be a top 3 player when all said and done.

As for the Evans/McLemore pairing, I will quiet down about that until we know if Evans is even going to stay..

So no more of that from me tonight..
I dont care what anyone says about Reke at PG. We have a coaching staff that will actually develop our players and will actually have a system. This is the fresh start we need and if Vivek's and Malone's plan is to have a backcourt of Reke/Mclemore then power to them. Reke has been playing PG since high school. This is finally his time to prove he can be a PG especially with a shooter like Mclemore
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