Best news yet! Deal is done!

Hooray! Now I can finally open that bottle of champagne I've had in the fridge for lo these many weeks. Sorry, I can't invite all of you to toast our victory but this is one bottle I'm going to drink all by myself. Thanks to everyone who kept the faith! Sleep well my friends.
VF was right when she said once the dominos start falling.............
1st Macys agrees to sell to just about close the deal on the new arena and now the maloofs finally sell. I can't even explain how excited I am to see what this arena is going to do for downtown sac. I can't wait to see what becomes of rundown K st.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
There is nothing dreaded about this offseason my's the most exciting one we've had in many years.....I can't contain my excitement.
This is nothing but the truth. We finally have hope again. Years and years of terrible ownership are behind us. A new era for the Kings and Kings fans everywhere!
To quote a nice song:

Darkness exists to make light truly count.

The darkness is over so let's make sure we make the light count. Support the team. Buy tickets. Show up at events. Send a message to the league that they picked the right fanbase. Go kings
Anyone know how long this will take to get completely finalized and approved by the league? So basically when can they get started on HC/GM options, Free Agents, etc?
Anyone know how long this will take to get completely finalized and approved by the league? So basically when can they get started on HC/GM options, Free Agents, etc?
"The NBA is expected to officially approve the agreement next week. The person said the agreement has to be closed by May 31."
Exactly my friend.
Ive been tempering my enthusiasm for so long cause the maloofs were still in the picture. Didn't want to end up getting maloofed!
IT'S OVER!!!!!!!
Exactly how I felt as well. I didn't want to get my hopes after the 7-0 vote and even after the relocation news from yesterday, but I'd say it's safe to bust out the champagne now.