Unanimous vote to block relocation!!!!

Not sure if there was ever a time for the skeptics to bring up concerns but as a fellow one, I assure you this isn't it. Today is amazing news and there is such a tiny chance this doesn't end well that it isn't worth discussing. Just crack open a drink and celebrate.
I'm a skeptic. I'm sure they'll try. Maybe some BS about downtown being better than the railyards and wanting to work with the city on the downtown deal. They know there is no downtown deal with them, but they'll still try to sour things somehow. If not that way, they'll try to do it some other way.

I'm a skeptic - but not worried at all. Can't wait for them to try something only to get slapped down by Daddy Stern. The Clowns are as done as the hamburger currently on my grill... It's dinner time!


Super Moderator Emeritus
Why in the hell should i stop? According to these posters, it's possible (but highly unlikely) but the maloofs will retain the team for the upcoming season. I want to see new owners come in and that new arena built, but the maloofs are the last obstacle in the way of that dream.

These clowns did the unthinkable and pulled off this bull****. I just want them out but i have a gut feeling that it won't be that easy. Today, I am relieved that the relo committee voted no but i have a bad feeling that these clowns have one more stunt to pull.
Because you're a buzz kill. Today is a day to celebrate and rejoice. You're acting as though you're the first person to think of this stuff when, in actuality, it's been discussed in this forum for THREE MONTHS. The chances of the Maloofs retaining ownership of the team is about the same as you being hit by a truck while dancing the macarena on the moon. Too many very smart people have worked very hard to make this day happen and you're acting as though they're fools or something.

This is a day to be happy, not a day to wrack your brain trying to think of a way this can all go bad. Let people enjoy the moment, dude. It's like Grant said, "The Maloofs just aren't going to be a topic today."


Super Moderator Emeritus
It sounds like it was actually a 7-0 vote, but everything else in your post was right on. Today's vote made it clear the NBA doesn't want teams moving when the fans and community support the team.
It appears the confusion came because of the combined committee. Latest reports are that only the relocation committee voted; since they voted unanimously (7-0) to reject the relocation, and since the relocation was a key condition for the purchase by Hansen, the finance committee did not make a recommendation to approve or disapprove the sale. (That could also be wrong, but sounds right...)
It appears the confusion came because of the combined committee. Latest reports are that only the relocation committee voted; since they voted unanimously (7-0) to reject the relocation, and since the relocation was a key condition for the purchase by Hansen, the finance committee did not make a recommendation to approve or disapprove the sale. (That could also be wrong, but sounds right...)
Yeah, was thinking the same thing.

Also, the fact that the NBA didn't announce anything about the finance committee makes it pretty clear the story is that the move was denied. The NBA's language was "unanimous". If there was any significant dissent then they would not have used that language.
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I really figured they were gone. Never been so happy to be so very wrong. Props to the many less pessimistic folks who fought so hard to keep the Kings where they belong, chief among them being KJ.

Were gonna be a real franchise again guys!
thank god heather fargo isn't the mayor.
Ditto!! LEADERSHIP MATTERS as Mike Tavares said - and especially Mayor Johnson's all out push of more than just city efforts, but strong regional backing, even statewide participation in keeping the Kings in Sacramento, California.
wasnt even worried today, since stern hates the maloofs. i would have bet anyone my car we wouldve stayed, llike grant said today, give me a reason to take away our team!!!big ups to kj
As stupid as i sounds I was never really nervous about this team leaving. Guess that just goes to show the amount of confidence I have in Kevin Johnson. In KJ we trust... haha. Now to get rid of the Maloofs. :D
Congratulations to the City of Sacramento and to all the KINGS fans worldwide (myself included) I am happy that i get to continue rooting for this franchise...

Now the quicker the MaGoofs sell the team the better off we will be...
Victorious fist pump!
This is a gigantic double win!
30 more years of Kings basketball AND we have wayyyy better ownership!
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Seattle people are so uneducated on the topic and so ignorant its disgusting. my buddy who lives in SEA posted "Well we tried" on facebook (my buddy is cool and supports Sac, not a troll)
here are some responses on his facebook post:

"David stern is a idiot the sonics should have never been aloud to leave"

"Makes me ****in sick, Keep a team in a bankrupted city.. Genius"

"This is some bull****, if I were the Maloofs I wouldnt accept any deal from local buyers unless it was well over the price that Chris Hansen offered up. This is why the NBA is so ****ing retarded. They make dumb *** decisions like this. They are loosing so much money if they actually vote"

"What's ignorant are people who call themselves King fans only when this started to be talked about. The kings wouldn't be up for sale because of bankruptcy if their fans bought tickets to support them."

this is the best one......
"pretty sure its been a 3 year long plus affair with this whole are we arent we losing the Kings. takes a last minute ditch effort by the major to possibly save the kings... also why is KJ trying to morgage his city to save a Basketball team? I dont really care for basketball but its the key to getting a pro hockey team to seattle so I want to see this happen. The NBA is STUPID as **** to pass on this as they will loose millions of dollars. Sac town is a **** market compared to Seattle. Stern and the NBA need to pull thier heads out of thier *** and tell KJ and Sacramento to **** off"
So apparently Hansen doesn't want that possible expansion team after all.


Not over until it's over.
He sounds like every other Sonics homer:

"we have a binding transaction to purchase the Kings for what would be a record price for an NBA franchise, have one of the best ownership groups ever assembled to purchase a professional sports team in the US, have clearly demonstrated that we have a much more solid Arena plan, have offered a much higher price than the yet to be finalized Sacramento Group" ...

This, however is interesting:

"we remain fully committed to seeing this transaction through" ... and then some fighting words.
Yeah, it's disgusting isn't it? I try to keep out of it but they are even going to KJ's facebook page and posting their own special brand of crazy. I'm trying to crack back on them, but it's like playing whack-a-mole.
He sounds like every other Sonics homer:

"we have a binding transaction to purchase the Kings for what would be a record price for an NBA franchise, have one of the best ownership groups ever assembled to purchase a professional sports team in the US, have clearly demonstrated that we have a much more solid Arena plan, have offered a much higher price than the yet to be finalized Sacramento Group" ...

This, however is interesting:

"we remain fully committed to seeing this transaction through"
... and then some fighting words.
Until the BOG votes their relocation down and then the BIG RED VOID STAMP comes out and places itself on the "binding agreement".
I'm a bit surprised that Hansen is as delusional as many of the posters on Sonics Rising. THIS ISN'T ABOUT THEM. It doesn't matter if in fact they have a better market, better offer, better arena deal, more season ticket pledges, more lucrative TV contract potential, or that the NBA screwed them over five years ago. I think there are reasonable questions that some of those may not be true, but even if they are, IT DOESN'T MATTER. It's not a comparison between what the two cities have to offer. We're not fighting over a hypothetical expansion team. The team is already here and has a history of success. The owners have sabatoged the team and arena efforts for years and have been an embarrasment to the league. Sacramento has stepped up and now has a dream scenario coming together. They know the fans will be back. The new owners are rich and inspiring. The Kings belong in Sacramento like the Lakers belong in LA and the Knicks belong in NY. It's that simple. How is it possible that the owners on the relocation committee get that, even though there's a good chance they "may" be sacrificing revenue by choosing Sacramento over Seattle? Because there has to be hugely compelling reasons to rip up a team and move them. In this case, the only thing that's been hugely compelling are that the Maloofs have been taken behind the shed and exposed as the snakeskin salesmen they really are.
I'm a bit surprised that Hansen is as delusional as many of the posters on Sonics Rising. THIS ISN'T ABOUT THEM. It doesn't matter if in fact they have a better market, better offer, better arena deal, more season ticket pledges, more lucrative TV contract potential, or that the NBA screwed them over five years ago. I think there are reasonable questions that some of those may not be true, but even if they are, IT DOESN'T MATTER. It's not a comparison between what the two cities have to offer. We're not fighting over a hypothetical expansion team. The team is already here and has a history of success. The owners have sabatoged the team and arena efforts for years and have been an embarrasment to the league. Sacramento has stepped up and now has a dream scenario coming together. They know the fans will be back. The new owners are rich and inspiring. The Kings belong in Sacramento like the Lakers belong in LA and the Knicks belong in NY. It's that simple. How is it possible that the owners on the relocation committee get that, even though there's a good chance they "may" be sacrificing revenue by choosing Sacramento over Seattle? Because there has to be hugely compelling reasons to rip up a team and move them. In this case, the only thing that's been hugely compelling are that the Maloofs have been taken behind the shed and exposed as the snakeskin salesmen they really are.
Because he is no different than the Maloofs. He associated with them to go behind a city's back and sign a deal to steal the team from Sacramento; he added the non-refundable deposit to try to strong-arm the league; the clause that allowed him to bump up the price at the last minute just in case Sacramento came thru; the buying of all the land to put pressure on the league and the other owners...

He did all that, knowing that what he was doing was not right. Now he's taking a page out of Georgie's "Handbook of the Delusional Developer" and following it to the letter...