And the countdown begins and other news, rumors, etc.

Let me ask you something... I see you say you go to this sonic rising site. Obviously, They are going to be biased up there. They want a team! we all know the reasons why. Now we have 4 situations at hand..

1) Sacramento keep team, Seattle gets nothing

2) Kings stay in Sacramento, Seattle gets expansion

3) Kings go to Seattle, Sacramento gets nothing

4) Sacramento keeps Kings, Seattle gets expansion

I assume that one of those options was supposed to be Seattle gets Kings, Sacramento gets expansion team. Which I still think is on the table for the BOG. The question is, how do they view the similar decision to deal Charlotte in 2002? They lost some of their fanbase when they finally returned, although it was a completely new team which they're only now rectifying (Hornets becoming the Pelicans; Bobcats becoming the Hornets again). If the Kings move to Seattle, they will cease to exist only to be resurrected if Sacramento is awarded an expansion team. The only way this scenario happens is if the BOG is afraid of what the Maloofs might do if their sale to Hansen isn't allowed. Yes, the BOG controls sales and relocations, but are they willing to go so far as to take the team away from the Maloofs if necessary? Just saying that we should remember that Sacramento getting the expansion team isn't completely out of the picture.
I won't trust any expansion talks without any legit sources.

Plus I really think the BOG wants to rid themselves of Maloofs. If they give Seattle an expansion team then the Maloofs can tell Sacramento to **** off and they just hold on to the team and continue to run it into the ground. They may rather go broke doing nothing with the team and forcing the league to contract than to sell off at a reduced bid (which would happen is Seattle gets an expansion).
Hoovtrain @hoovtrain 3m
Expansion not off the table.

There you go, it's legit
Stern just said Expansion is not being discussed. whose word do we go with? Holt or Stern?
It's not off the table, but it's not yet being discussed. Both can be correct.

The key is that there's no indication that they're seriously considering it yet, but that still may be considered a solution later.
I really hope we can focus on something other than NewKingsFan916. He/she is passionate and that's a good start at being a great Kings fan.
The other ingredient to being a Kings fan is constant sense of impending doom and pessimism, combined with masochistic need to keep caring, so that's a plus too.
Yeah but what a horrible news day. Right? Right bro? I mean everything sucks and KJ already let us down and has a lot of 'splainin to do...
I can say with complete confidence that we're all going to die.

Seriously, I've been saying for months (along with lots of other people) that expansion makes the most sense. It's the one thing they can do that keeps everyone happy and doesn't screw anyone over. Seattle deserves a team, in my opinion, but the Kings fans don't deserve to lose theirs. This is the solution. Hopefully they take it.
Stern just said Expansion is not being discussed. whose word do we go with? Holt or Stern?
I'd say we can go with both.

It's not being discussed actively, but it's not off the table.

My guess is there are some internal BOG politics going on here in that Stern always tries to avoid looking like he's strong arming the owners. So he lets the process take its time, and lets Holt introduce the idea publicly in a gentle way. That way the idea comes from an owner.
I assume that one of those options was supposed to be Seattle gets Kings, Sacramento gets expansion team. Which I still think is on the table for the BOG. The question is, how do they view the similar decision to deal Charlotte in 2002? They lost some of their fanbase when they finally returned, although it was a completely new team which they're only now rectifying (Hornets becoming the Pelicans; Bobcats becoming the Hornets again). If the Kings move to Seattle, they will cease to exist only to be resurrected if Sacramento is awarded an expansion team. The only way this scenario happens is if the BOG is afraid of what the Maloofs might do if their sale to Hansen isn't allowed. Yes, the BOG controls sales and relocations, but are they willing to go so far as to take the team away from the Maloofs if necessary? Just saying that we should remember that Sacramento getting the expansion team isn't completely out of the picture.
If they offer an expansion team it goes to Seattle. First, they would rather have the expansion team. Two, their arena will be built at least a year later and they wont have to retrofit Key arena.
I know this was probably already posted but...

Peter Holt, who owns the San Antonio Spurs and is the chair of the Board of Governors, said the committees are "not even close" to coming to a decision over whether to approve an agreement the Maloofs have to sell the Kings to a group in Seattle.Holt expressed a slightly different take after the meetings than Stern on the expansion issue, saying it is "not off the table."
"The world is growing," he said. "We're focused on China and India and those kind of places."

Read more here:
Anyone else see a very KEY word in that quote? ;)
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This is in reference to the whole binding/non-binding confusion from earlier....

Michael McCann ‏@McCannSportsLaw 29m

@blykmyk44 @panthiesba Maybe negotiations still happening but Maloofs can't be party to contract w/SAC without breaching/exiting Hansen deal

Michael McCann ‏@McCannSportsLaw 1h

@panthiesba Has to be non-binding- Maloofs would breach contract with Hansen if they simultaneously entered into contract w/Sacramento group
This is in reference to the whole binding/non-binding confusion from earlier....

Michael McCann ‏@McCannSportsLaw 29m

@blykmyk44 @panthiesba Maybe negotiations still happening but Maloofs can't be party to contract w/SAC without breaching/exiting Hansen deal

Michael McCann ‏@McCannSportsLaw 1h

@panthiesba Has to be non-binding- Maloofs would breach contract with Hansen if they simultaneously entered into contract w/Sacramento group
I can see a couple different scenarios with the whole binding/non-binding thing from today.

It could be an overzealous reporter (or a few) who asks whether the Sac offer is binding or non-binding. The source(s) say "no" because that wouldn't make sense, but the reporter(s) report it and people run with it as if it is a significant development.

Or, it could be that by binding, they simply mean binding backup offer, as in "if the BOG rejects the sale to Hansen, this offer would be binding pending league approval". That would make sense, and also not be a good thing for the Kings, but may also not be a bad thing if it's based on the NBA and Stern's instructions.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I can see a couple different scenarios with the whole binding/non-binding thing from today.

It could be an overzealous reporter (or a few) who asks whether the Sac offer is binding or non-binding. The source(s) say "no" because that wouldn't make sense, but the reporter(s) report it and people run with it as if it is a significant development.

Or, it could be that by binding, they simply mean binding backup offer, as in "if the BOG rejects the sale to Hansen, this offer would be binding pending league approval". That would make sense, and also not be a good thing for the Kings, but may also not be a bad thing if it's based on the NBA and Stern's instructions.
From :

A binding offer is an agreement that is considered legally binding if an offer is made and accepted between the involved parties. It contains elements such as offer, acceptance and intention to create legal relations. Any breach of contract can be disputed in a court of law.
The Maloofs CANNOT accept the offer because they have a binding agreement with Chris Hansen, pending the approval of the NBA. Therefore, the offer tendered by our ownership group cannot be classified as binding because there is no acceptance.
The Maloofs CANNOT accept the offer because they have a binding agreement with Chris Hansen, pending the approval of the NBA. Therefore, the offer tendered by our ownership group cannot be classified as binding because there is no acceptance.
Thanks for that, but the point remains that people could be using (incorrectly or otherwise) the term "binding" in ways other than based on the legal definition of the term. Just because it has legal meaning doesn't mean reporters, sources, etc, are not using it colloquially.

I'm not arguing the non-binding thing is bad news. I'm pointing out there are different ways to interpret the reports, with some bad and some irrelevant, so we really don't know much at all and there's no reason to jump off a cliff.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Thanks for that, but the point remains that people could be using (incorrectly or otherwise) the term "binding" in ways other than based on the legal definition of the term. Just because it has legal meaning doesn't mean reporters, sources, etc, are not using it colloquially.

I'm not arguing the non-binding thing is bad news. I'm pointing out there are different ways to interpret the reports, with some bad and some irrelevant, so we really don't know much at all and there's no reason to jump off a cliff.
True, and I think that's exactly what may have happened in this case. :)
Did anybody see channel 3 news where David Stern Answered the question on whether or not the Sacramento ownership group put a down payment on the Kings? Stern said the Sacramento ownership group did put a down payment on the kings but the way he said it was kind of weird. It was almost as if he sighed before he said yes. He seem to of paused for about 5 to 10 seconds before he said yes. And the look on his face was something of despair.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Did anybody see channel 3 news where David Stern Answered the question on whether or not the Sacramento ownership group put a down payment on the Kings? Stern said the Sacramento ownership group did put a down payment on the kings but the way he said it was kind of weird. It was almost as if he sighed before he said yes. He seem to of paused for about 5 to 10 seconds before he said yes. And the look on his face was something of despair.
I noticed the hesitation and the sigh. I don't think I would call his facial expression despair, however, I think he was trying to formulate his response very carefully, so as not to give hope or false hope to either side. Almost like the down payment isn't going to be a major factor, that it's about something totally different than just the amount of the bid, but he cannot say that.
You're truly going off the deep end. There are much brighter minds involved in this process that have come way too far to do something stupid. Not as serious as Hansen? Hogwash. All Hansen has done is promise to keep throwing money at the Maloofs. Our group, on the other hand, is talking about globalization, new technologies, revitalizing an entire community's economy, etc.

Everyone was warned this would get very ugly towards the end. You either have faith in our group or you don't. It's really that simple.
Sort of off topic but even thou I defended him in a previous thread, Chris Daniels is really beginning to get on my nerves. For the last little bit, especially the last few days, his tweets have been deceptive (can't think of the right term). Embellishment of the truth might fit?


Super Moderator Emeritus
Sort of off topic but even thou I defended him in a previous thread, Chris Daniels is really beginning to get on my nerves. For the last little bit, especially the last few days, his tweets have been deceptive (can't think of the right term). Embellishment of the truth might fit?
He's from Seattle and, as push comes to shove, he's going to give the local bias to the stuff that's capable of being interpreted more than one way. Art Thiel, also from Seattle, seems to have a slightly less biased outlook.
He's from Seattle and, as push comes to shove, he's going to give the local bias to the stuff that's capable of being interpreted more than one way. Art Thiel, also from Seattle, seems to have a slightly less biased outlook.
Yes, I know. I defended him before. It just seems much more pronounced than before. I'm sort of disappointed.

It's funny how we have ragged on the Bee in the past for being a rag, but their coverage on this has been IMHO very good. They have seemed to have given both sides but then again I'm biased.
Sort of off topic but even thou I defended him in a previous thread, Chris Daniels is really beginning to get on my nerves. For the last little bit, especially the last few days, his tweets have been deceptive (can't think of the right term). Embellishment of the truth might fit?
Daniels is absolute trash.

Lowenherz assessed him accurately in this thread:

Mentioned more succinctly by other posters before me, but nothing Daniels is doing is accidental. He's using the same tactics grocery stores use to get you to buy more cans of beans than you'd want by advertising them as 10 for $10. They aren't lying, but they're leaving out the important part that the cans are $1 each anyway, knowing the sign is going to be interpreted as meaning you have to buy 10 to get them at a discount price.

The whole article is rife with these "lying by omission" and "loaded words" sleights of hand, but the real glaring example is this graf:

"Sacramento has scrambled since the Seattle deal was announced in January to put together a term sheet for an arena deal and investor group to counter the Hansen-led bid. Billionaire Ron Burkle was expected to join the Sacramento effort, but dropped out of the investment group this week citing a business conflict. Burkle has an ownership stake in Relativity Media, which has a division representing NBA players."

First off, "scrambled" conjures imagery of haphazardness, chaos, futility and unprofessionalism that "raced," "sped" or even "rushed" among many other possible word choices would not. But it's key when considering the sentence that follows and otherwise has absolutely no connection to the first. Burkle removing his name from the investor group and instead focusing on the redevelopment and arena building aspect (another inconvenient fact omitted) is not at all related to the hurried and, to put my own biased spin on it, nigh-miraculous pace at which Mayor Johnson has forged together said term sheet and investor group. But because the sentences are adjacent and the word "scrambled" is already implanted in the mind, the reader is left to assume they're connected.

And then Daniels drives home this perception by dropping the coup de grace of his three pronged attack, the anonymous source.

"A league source said the conflict was just one factor in Burkle's decision. Burkle “wasn’t all that fired up about this deal," the source said."

A "league source" could be anyone at all related to the NBA, from Commissioner Stern down to a hot dog vendor at Sleep Train Arena, and that's the least damning part of this quote. Let's not forget that Burkle was the first investor tapped by Mayor Johnson to take control of the team more than two years ago and instrumental in preventing the team's move to Anaheim, had a person-to-person private meeting with Commissioner Stern fairly immediately after the sale to the Seattle group had been announced, handpicked the K Street Mall site over the Railyards and is still a major player in the development aspect of the project. Given the evidence to the contrary, the quote makes little sense unless the "league source" is a master empath and can read the mind of this absurdly private man or you're a Seattle reader who knows none of that and believes Burkle was just one of the many California billionaires whose name KJ "scrambled" to slap on the term sheet.
I won't trust any expansion talks without any legit sources.

Plus I really think the BOG wants to rid themselves of Maloofs. If they give Seattle an expansion team then the Maloofs can tell Sacramento to **** off and they just hold on to the team and continue to run it into the ground. They may rather go broke doing nothing with the team and forcing the league to contract than to sell off at a reduced bid (which would happen is Seattle gets an expansion).
Who are you and where did you come from? You know nothing of the magoofs! They will never "just hold on to the team" now. Why? #1-they are broke, #2-they are greedy, and #3-they are failures at just about everything they have tried on their own. Look at their history. It speaks volumes. They wont run it into the ground becaause the NBA wont let that continue. There are minimum standards that must be met and they cannot meet them any longer, hence, the reason for the sale. Georgie porgie has convinced the family that they cannot continue to bleed $$$. They need to invest that money into what they will most certainly think will be a cash cow, which the Kings are not.

Another point; your sources you have used are not legitimate and credible therefore most likely wrong and they are probably someone trying to spin something in their favor from the magoof or hanson camp. If CNN can get their facts wrong, so can you.

I predict the NBA has been steering the Hanson camp to backing out of this agreement they have with the magoofs. Ultimatly, the magoofs will accept the Sacramento offer, Seattle will receive their expansion team and there WILL NOT BE A VOTE IN FAVOR OF SACRAMENTO OR SEATTLE as we all expect. Only a vote to approve the sale of the team to new ownership in Sacramento. Seattle will walk away with the promise of an expansion team and all will be right with the world.

You are right about one thing though. The BOG DOES want to rid themselves of the magoofs. Who wouldn't?
Stern just said Expansion is not being discussed. whose word do we go with? Holt or Stern?
Not being discussed and not off the table dont necessarly contradict one another. Its not like Stern saying, " Expansion is off the table and will not be discussed." There is a lot of room for maneuvering in both Holt's and Stern's comments. Neither one boxed themselves into a corner.