Fourth whale spotted!!!


Super Moderator Emeritus
Did you ever have one of those dreams where you were a kid and wanted a pony and, to your surprise, you got the pony, along with your own amusement park, every video game known to man, an authentic fully-functioning robot and a visit from your favorite sports team all at the same time? This is beginning to feel a lot like that.

I'm reduced to saying the same thing over and over...

Holy freaking crap.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I lived in the Sacramento area my whole life. I look forward to watching the entire downtown area emerge as a shining beacon and an example of what sports can do for a city. This is truly #BiggerThanBasketball. #WeAreSacramento


The Game Thread Dude
Hey ignoramuses... Do you still not think that the fans make a difference?

These whales are fighting because we're fighting. Every new revelation is a testament to the power of the greatest fans in the world.


Hall of Famer
Wow.. Looks like Sonicsfalling site is putting everything into spin mode now. Like saying our arena deal is crap (huh?) and our offer is late (huh?)..

Wow.. They went from happy to worried. I like this. They should be worried...

It's funny because when they don't get the Kings they will try to say the NBA stole another team from them.. Ahem* Seattle? That team was NEVER yours to begin with. Now go read a book at starbucks with the rest of the douche hipsters you have up there.

So the deal that we had last year was signed off on by the NBA before the Maloofs backed out (meaning it was a good deal by NBA terms), but this deal we have this year is better (by a lot) and it's somehow crap? Please enlighten me on how the Seattle arena is any better? idiots.
Do you mean to tell me that the "Arena Deal" is NOT actually a cover for a Millionaire Dog fighting ring funded with a tax on the homeless?


Super Moderator Emeritus
Hey ignoramuses... Do you still not think that the fans make a difference?

These whales are fighting because we're fighting. Every new revelation is a testament to the power of the greatest fans in the world.
And a mayor who was willing to put everything on the line.


Hall of Famer
do all these dipsh*ts not involved from the Sac end just have their collective heads up their *sses?! Unreal the false crap that gets spewed.
I can't be that cruel. I think they don't understand that the team was not sold until the BoG approved it. Nothing is "too late" until April. They also don't know the history behind it all including the simple fact that Sacramento didn't know the team was for sale until it was sold. The Maloofs have deliberately tried to keep us out of the loop and to get back into the loop is not easy. What is amazing is that the investors have accomplished what I suspect the Maloofs didn't think was possible AND FAR, FAR MORE. Now it is simply a battle between Sacramento and Seattle with the "sale" to Hansen/Ballmer, the amount of money in the billfolds of the investors, and the like is all equal. Now, it is just a question of whether the Sacramento Kings should remain the Sacramento Kings and not the Seattle Sonics.

I suspect the Seattle fans also don't understand that Stern is on our side and always has been especially when he heard the name "Burkle." The Seattle folks have to really open their eyes to a group of people who blocked the Kings from going to Anaheim. If they don't think we can buy a team, they should look at the precedent with the Anaheim move. The NBA is on our side and no, folks, the NBA owes you nothing. In fact, it owes Sacramento more as two wrongs don't make a right.

It is breath taking how quickly this whole project has come together.
I can't be that cruel. I think they don't understand that the team was not sold until the BoG approved it. Nothing is "too late" until April. They also don't know the history behind it all including the simple fact that Sacramento didn't know the team was for sale until it was sold. The Maloofs have deliberately tried to keep us out of the loop and to get back into the loop is not easy. What is amazing is that the investors have accomplished what I suspect the Maloofs didn't think was possible AND FAR, FAR MORE. Now it is simply a battle between Sacramento and Seattle with the "sale" to Hansen/Ballmer, the amount of money in the billfolds of the investors, and the like is all equal. Now, it is just a question of whether the Sacramento Kings should remain the Sacramento Kings and not the Seattle Sonics.

I suspect the Seattle fans also don't understand that Stern is on our side and always has been especially when he heard the name "Burkle." The Seattle folks have to really open their eyes to a group of people who blocked the Kings from going to Anaheim. If they don't think we can buy a team, they should look at the precedent with the Anaheim move. The NBA is on our side and no, folks, the NBA owes you nothing. In fact, it owes Sacramento more as two wrongs don't make a right.

It is breath taking how quickly this whole project has come together.

I wonder what exactly is Stern's role at the BOG vote convening? does he serve as an advisory role, giving his personal opinion before the official vote begins?


The Game Thread Dude
I wonder what exactly is Stern's role at the BOG vote convening? does he serve as an advisory role, giving his personal opinion before the official vote begins?
Stern's advisory role probably consists of him saying "Hey guys, vote this way." And most of the owners probably will.


Hall of Famer
Yes, to the fine people above. Remember, all we need is 8 votes.

As Biden said to Obama, "this is a big ****ing deal."

And a little more (man, I need to calm down!) :) I DO take offense at the Seattle folks making fun of the fans' efforts. It is the fans that the investors point to as a reason for investing. What would these Seattlites want fans to do? Do they think the fans role is to sit on their rear ends and do nothing? Maybe it is our activity that makes us unique. That passivity could cost them a team.
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The Game Thread Dude
OP used to be among my least favorite former Kings ever. Not anymore.

Vivek Ranadivé ‏@Vivek 3h
Truly exciting: leaders from all over California are coming together to revitalize the Capitol of the state we all love. #HereWeStay

olden polynice ‏@OldenPolynice1 2h
@Vivek That is awesome. Thank u for your efforts.. #HereWeBuy

Sonics R.I.P. ‏@SonicsRIP 1h
@OldenPolynice1 @Vivek Olden Polynice was the worst Sonic of all time. He was a much better fake Police officer than NBA center.

olden polynice ‏@OldenPolynice1 1h
@SonicsRIP @Vivek you mad cause I'm supporting Sacramento. It was wrong when they did it to Seattle so its wrong now. Kings belong in Sac.
Viva Vivek! Just watched his interview, got me pumped. Talks of how his ties to India can really help with the NBA's ideas of expanding their reach there.
He's a real humble, chilled out guy. Was probably a big fan of Kings during their incredible run. He'll be great for the Kings and the NBA!
Arash Markazi ‏@ArashMarkazi 13m
I'm sorry Seattle but I'm begining to think the Kings are staying in Sacramento.

Arash Markazi ‏@ArashMarkazi 10m
Vivek Ranadive is a key part of the Kings ownership group. NBA is making a big push in India and having him as an owner would be huge.

Arash Markazi ‏@ArashMarkazi 8m
The NBA has no problem leaving cities that offer nothing. The city of Sacramento plans to contribute $258 million to build a new arena.

Arash Markazi ‏@ArashMarkazi 4m
If anyone other than Kevin Johnson was the mayor of Sacramento, the Kings would be long gone. He's made miracles happen.

^^^Wow, just wow!! :)
He's not going to move them here. Penguins are a huge part of Pittsburgh

Yeah, the other poster was saying that this ownership group was going to own another team here.. I thought he was referring to the NHL like he did in another thread, and I was saying as long as Burkle is a part of the Penguins there won't be another team (nhl) here under 'this' ownership


The Game Thread Dude
Yeah, the other poster was saying that this ownership group was going to own another team here.. I thought he was referring to the NHL like he did in another thread, and I was saying as long as Burkle is a part of the Penguins there won't be another team (nhl) here under 'this' ownership
Ah, gotcha. One possibility tht is already in the work is an MLS team. Tell you what, if that happened, the first game against the Sounders would probably be intense.
So stoked about the news. I had a feeling something big was gonna happen today. I just finished watching Sonicsgate for the first time... I should've watched it earlier to get more perspective on where the Seattleites were coming from. From what I gathered the fans did what they could to save their team.

The city of Seattle shot themselves in the foot over and over again. By the time the Ballmer group came around it was far too late. Seattle's only chance at keeping the team was through litigation which was very unfavorable to the NBA. Bennet was a snake for sure and the fans got screwed.

I don't blame the sonics fans for any of what happened. However, watching the documentary made me even more disturbed by some of the comments that i've seen directed our efforts. Sonicsgate was all about the heart and soul of the fans and how that should have meant something. Yet now it seems that us showing that very same heart and soul gets us ridiculed. Every move we make is too late or not enough. We are delusional, misguided, and ultimately "sad" to watch. I find it extremely hypocritical to create a huge testament to the loyalty of the Sonics fanbase, only for many of them, and even some who helped make the film, completely disregard that message and state how this is "purely business" now that it favors their situation. Instead of fighting the power that ultimately screwed them out of their team, they now instigate it.

Lucky for us, our city has chosen to not follow the example of Seattle. Everyone has done and is doing their part. From the mayor who has been a godsend, to the investors, to other leaders in the city, to the fans of our team. Some people say our efforts don't matter. Our chants and RV road trips may not be enough to sway the opinions of anybody, but guess what? Our support for this team since 1985 is ultimately what is going to lead us to victory. It was OUR love for this team that did it. Our passion reached its pinnacle during the early maloofian years... in a way the Maloofs actually are going to help us keep our team. Not only by fielding a team that brought us as a fanbase to the top of our fanatical mountain, but by attempting to destroy it so loudly that it awoke the sleeping giant.
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