Cousins Clutch time statistics (Inside 5 minutes of the 4th quarter where neither is ahead or behind by 5)
Total Efficiency-- .211 eFG%
Jumpshots---- .143 eFG%
Close(5-10 feet)---- .182 eFG%
Dunk---1.000 eFG% (5% of his total attempts inside of 5 minutes)
Inside(Inside 5 feet)--- .250 eFG%
These are the kind of things that need to improve if he wants to be our closer.
Total Efficiency-- .211 eFG%
Jumpshots---- .143 eFG%
Close(5-10 feet)---- .182 eFG%
Dunk---1.000 eFG% (5% of his total attempts inside of 5 minutes)
Inside(Inside 5 feet)--- .250 eFG%
These are the kind of things that need to improve if he wants to be our closer.