[Grades] Grades v. Warriors 11/5/2012

Who would you have drawn up that last shot for?

  • Cousins

    Votes: 15 24.2%
  • Thornton

    Votes: 36 58.1%
  • Brooks

    Votes: 8 12.9%
  • Jimmer

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Well...better ugly (I'm looking at you Reke) than not at all I suppose. These Kings games certainly are exciting, in a headslapping what the hell did you just do sort of way. But hey, we've now got the same record as the Lakers, and they've got 3 HOFs on the squad.

Note: we held another team under 40% FGs. With the Spurs hitting 47% against Indiana its entirely possible we are #1 in the NBA in Opponent FG% now.



Stats: 29min 7pts (2-8, 0-2, 3-6) 2reb 2ast 1stl 2blk 0TO
Johnson ( C- ) -- continues to play very hard on defense and make numerous excellent plays on that end. And continues to be an absolute menace, to his own team, on offense. Still not giving us much on the glass, but Barnes was no better and Cousins took care of the boards tonight, so less of a concern. Started the game immediately saving a basket stopping Barnes on the break. Forced a drive and got blocked by Bogut, but raced all the way back to challenge the Warriors' three on the break. Finally hit a long two in the late first...which unfortunately seemed to encourage him to keep on throwing stuff up. Great steal up top and then fought for the ball, led the break, and hit Thornton with a nice little behind the back drop off pass for the layup. Got his only other hoop of the night on a nice feed from Reke for a dunk on the move, but then went back to missing. Brought back in at the 1:40 mark of the 4th for a terribly struggling Tyreke, although they ended up closing the game together as we went with our all defensive lines. After we got the stop with 5 seconds to go, was the guy who ended up with the ball and intentionally fouled. Only hit 1 of 2 to leave the door open for the Warriors, but we survived. Did a few mroe things, had a few nice plays, and we won, so I'm going to risk creeping this grade up despite more 25% shooting.

Stats: 27min 6pts (1-2, 0-0, 4-4) 6reb 0ast 0stl 2blk 1TO
Thompson ( C+ ) -- stayed completely out of the way on offense, but in the first quarter in particular was an effective wingman for Cousins, solid on the defensive glass and mixing in strong defensive plays with defensive mistakes. Had one great one man defensive stand on against Lee where he stopped him twice before finally getting scored over the third time as Boogie was late getting back to help on the glass.. After half grew even quieter, to the point he was no longer a solid presence so much as a non presence. Invisible offensive game, but began the 4th with a physical post move that fell through. Hitting his FTs again, as he has done early in this season. A welcome change. The emerging pattern of him giving way to Chuck for late game defense repeated itself here. Meager numbers, but less doing stuff wrong then just not doing enough right. Had good energy early, but it didn't sustain.

Stats: 34min 23pts (10-16, 0-0, 3-5) 15reb 1ast 2stl 2blk 3TO
Cousins ( A- ) -- hey, finally we got the Cousins we were promised this season. The big beefy dominant centerpiece able to match numbers with the league's best bigs. There were still moments of slop, of wavering mental focus, but I'm afraid there will be bits of that lingering for years before t all bleeds out. But on the whole, knew what he wanted to do, and did it consistently against a guy known as one of the league's better defensive bigs. Also avoided foul trouble, and while that didn't prevent his own coach from holding him out in an apparent point shaving scheme, it did mean when he was on the copurt he could afford to play all out rather than having to walk on eggshells as he was the first 3 games. Started the game off wiht a turnover, throwing a ball well over Reke's head trying to hit him as a cutter. But the slop was mostly missing this time out. He settled down, got a big follow dunk a couple of plays later for our first points, and began to really work the glass. He was pouring it on about the time it was ready for a rest, and you will have to ask Keith Smart how you hold a guy out who is dominating the game until the final :40 of the half. You read that right. not 4:00. 40 seconds. Returned int eh third and resumed his work with back to back great plays, spinning and avoiding the travel for a dunk. And stepping in from behind for one of those up top steals and breakway dunks. Used his mobility to go right around Bogut, and started using his length and extra fouls guarding the rim on defense. At which point we obviously benched him again and waited until we'd almsot sacrificed the whole lead before bringing him back. After finally returning not much happened for him. We struggled to get him the ball, after Brooks threw a bad entry pass for a turnover around the 3:00 mark we in fact did not go back inside to him until the final minute, and when we finally did go to him for game icing attempt at the 11 second mark, Curry snuck in from behind to rip the ball away leaving the Warriors with a chance to win it down 1.

Stats: 29min 3pts (1-9, 0-2, 1-2) 3reb 2ast 0stl 0blk 2TO
Evans ( F ) -- ok, um....ouch. Just simply did not have "it", whatever "it" is, from the very beginning. Maybe somebody slipped him a roofie before the game, but whatever it was, this was one of the worst we have seen from him. Was very quiet from the beginning -- attempted a couple of drives that got blocked but otherwise almost had zeroes across the statsheet, which is incredibly rare for the most do it all talent on the team. And had a few moments in the early going that madey ou wonder about his focus -- depsite a lot of good defense, one time for instance just flat fell asleep on defense and barely moved as he let Barnes slash backddor for a dunk. Now the itneresting thing is that despite doing nothing, until the very end of the game we were noticeably better with him ont eh court. And not only on the court, but with hi running the team as we seemed to clearly be trying to play the little guards as scorers and Reke as the creater for much of the night. In fact early on there was an interesting event -- we were struggling mightily to score, the only guy who was scoring was IT...and then he got pulled in the mid quarter with Smart talking to him animatedly. Thornton was inserted in his stead, Reke took over the PG reins, and suddenly the offense jolted to life. When we came out in the third it was with Reke running point and Isaiah off the ball. Despite again not putting up any numbers himself, and an ugly flurry of midrange pullup jumper bricks that seemed straight out of Smart's you gotta shoot it playbook, we again were moderately effective on offense -- in fact this was our best offensive game, mild as our success was. And with Reke's defensive activity picking up as well, by the end of the third I had a would be star level player sitting on 0pts and maybe 2reb 2ast, and yet it did not feel like an F. Other than the jumpers, he wasn't forcing things badly. He was working on defense, trying to set people up. And we were winning his minutes. But after his return in the 4th things toook a turn for the ugly. Came in and initially picked a good time for his first hoop, scoring to snap a long drought that has seen the Warriors cut it to 5. But then the wheels finally fell off, and he crossed that threshold from just not getting much done to actively hurting us with some terrible decisionmaking. Just in a haze. Bad decisions on the break, turnovers, forces, and finally even a pair of defensive mistakes. Reached such a fever pitch Smart finally took him out at the 1:40 mark to try to save the game, although he was back a miute later for defensive purposes as we tried to hold on. Just a poor poor game. One of his worst.

Stats: 21min 10pts (4-8, 1-3, 1-1) 0reb 0ast 2stl 0blk 2TO
Thomas ( C ) -- interesting how this one played out. In the early going we were struggling offensively, and IT was about the only guy scoring, first on a three on a Reke kickout, then two he created himself. But he also threw a terrible long pass ahead on the break trying to slip it between three Warriors, and made the same mistake in the early third on a similar play. And thing is, we weren't scoring, and Smart pulled him before any of the other starters and seemed to be talking to him forcefully about something. Given that it was another 0 assist 2 TO night, I am guessing it had something to do with running the new offense. Got his final points scooping up a loose ball up top and scooting the other way for a +1 finish which he probably should have dropped to one of his 3 trailing teammates. Then gave way to Brooks for the 4th quarter again, aside from the final couple of defensive stands when we brought him back. Statline was 10pts 0reb 0ast 2stl 2TO. Grade is because he gave us some scoring...but it may have been outside the confines of the offense. And he's still just not giving us anything as a creater or rebounder -- the latter is an of course due to his stature, but he was much better last year. On the season right now averaging 11.5pts 1.0reb 1.3ast 3.0TO. In similar minutes last year it was 11.5pts 2.6reb 4.1ast 1.6TO. Not sure what to make of it, but he didn't look happy on the bench.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat

Stats: 30min 16pts (6-15, 2-8, 2-2) 4reb 3ast 1stl 0blk 0TO
Thornton ( B- ) -- played a dynamic first half where he did everything you want your 6th man to do. Hit his first three on a kick from Cousins out of traffic, and juiced our offense by getting out and running. Started heating up and bombing, through alley oop passes TRob's way, but more than that was around the ball at all times. Even got very active defenively as well. Was our leading scorer at halftime (our coach benching the big guy dominating the game helped), but we never saw that same guy in the second half. When he returned at the end of the third forced up a 1 on 1 jumper...that luckily swished through. But that would be his last bucket of the night. Wasn't consistently getting shots, and the ones he did he missed, including a terrible 1 on 1 force off the side of the backboard at the 3:15 mark as we were losing our composure. Made another mistake with a lane violation that gave the Warriors another FT at the 1:49 mark, which they converted. Pulled for defense for the last few stands, but was ont he court for our last offensive possession when we drew the play up for Boogie instead Given MT's second half, and Boogie's game, seemed the right call no matter how much MT likes the moment.

Stats: 20min 12pts (5-8, 1-2, 1-2) 0reb 2ast 0stl 0blk 2TO
Brooks ( B- ) -- his play in the second quarter was suspect, but he was putting up numbers. rather than really direecting much offense, he was mostly just using one on one dribbles into jumpers. Took another questionable shot when he pulled up for a 28 foot three that swished. Wasn't playing great, but we were, and so was a surprise when he randomly got Smarted and with 3min to go in the half suddenly Jimmer got inserted in place of Brooks despite us having the momentum and pulling away. Our offense broke down after he returned in the 4th and hit a tough tough falling down jumper thatwas forced, forced another deep deep three etc. But all the forcing and tough shots ultimately may have saved us when he hit two big ones, the first forced, the second a tough one into traffic, in the final two minutes to hold the Warriors off. Tough grade, because he was a major factor in us winning this in the end, he hit over 50% of his shots, and yet few of them were shots you ever want to see him taking.

Stats: 24min 4pts (2-3, 0-0, 0-0) 6reb 1ast 0stl 0blk 1TO
Hayes ( C+ ) -- similar basic statline to last game, but not as effective. In in the second and we kept on rolling with Cousins and Thornotn handling the bulk of the duties. Got his hands on several offensive tips, but was mostly just the other big, and not as involved with the passing -- I hope even if we are going back to our old offense that we leave in the Hayes high post passing sets, as they were one of the few things working. Got his now customary late game minutes in place of JT for defense, but was not as effective this time. Made a mistake on Lee taking an up fake and watching him fly by for the dunk (and was visibly pissed at himself -- nice to see a guy who takes pride in his defensive work). Just too short to stop Bogut at the 1:00 mark as the big guy just shot right over him. Was solid, but not much more this time.

Stats: 13min 2pts (1-4, 0-2, 0-0) 3reb 2ast 0stl 0blk 2TO
Outlaw ( D+ ) -- like a recurring rash, he just keeps on popping up again. I assume this will cease once Salmons is back from diaper changing duty. Of course missed an loff balance midrange jumper to start, that's his staple. Miserable again (shot 29% in preseason, 25% so far in the regular season), but in the early 4th did have a nice defensive stand and snatched the rebound aggressively. I could go lower here, but what's the point.

Stats: 12min 6pts (3-6, 0-0, 0-0) 4reb 0ast 1stl 0blk 0TO
Robinson ( B- ) -- game is beginning to take on the elements of a roleplayer, and that's a good thing as he is starting to settle in and be effective now. Started off trying to do too much, and threw up a terribly fugly airballed post attempt in the mid 2nd after we went to that impotent all backup crew. But we kept on trying to get him alley oops, some successful, some not, and he scored on a travel across the lane that fortunately was not called. After returning in the 4th grabbed an offensive board with the physical finish to lay it in. Looking his best when he just plays "dunking athlete" right now. Efficiency is going up the less he tries 1 on 1. Still not sure where the minutes are going to come from though with Hayes playing well.

Stats: 2min 5pts (2-2, 0-0, 1-1) 0reb 0ast 0stl 0blk 0TO
Fredette ( INC ) -- totally random sub late in the first half with Brooks playing well and our defense smothering, and instantly scored over by Curry and Klay as you could see their eyes light up. Our momentum was broken just like that, and 7 points were shaved off the lead. Got some of them back hitting a +1 runner off the move, then a fake and hit a jumper for our final score before half. Turend a potential momentum swinging disaster into just an odd interlude/head scratching coaching move.
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I wasnt able to watch this one. The evil cable provider comcast will not allow any non comcast subscribers to view ANY games in which the warriors play. I very pleased the kings finally got a win. I WILL be watching the kingsflix highlights on youtube. Im excited to see the Kings are holding opponents to a low ppg average. Keep it up with that defense! I agree with spudfan. The offense should primarily be ran through cousins.


Hall of Famer
This game obviously shouldn't have been so close, but it's nice to see us hold on and not give the game away. Im not so sure if we win this one last season.


Evans --- F
He looked like a boy amongst men. I had no idea Klay Thompson was such a good defender. Oh wait, he doesn't need to defend Reke when all he does is miss jumpers and drive into a pack of opponents getting his shot blocked, turning it over or getting called for an offensive foul.. MT should be starting. It makes me sick that IT is giving the ball to Evans to run the offense. IT is supposedly a leader, he needs to lead, he shouldn't be giving the ball to Evans almost every time down the floor.

Cousins --- A-
Played a great game on both ends of the floor and was the reason we won this game.

Brooks --- B+
Hit his shots when coming off the bench. Basically did everything a bench player is supposed to do.

Thornton --- B
MT needs to start. He's been out most consistent guard this year so far, and he's working his butt off out there while others have been slacking.

Johnson/Thompson --- C
Decent defense by both, and intangibles that don't show up in the stat sheet buy they didn't do enough to help the flow of the game to warrant anything higher than a C.

Thomas --- D-
IT needs to take control of the offense and stop letting Evans dictate the offensive plays. (i.e. driving into a crowd/shooting a fadeaway when there is no need to shoot a fadeaway/offensive foul)

The rest of the team gets a C+ except for Outlaw who gets an INC because he SHOULDN'T be on the floor.
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Starting PG 0 assists 2 turnovers. At the very least, I think Brooks should be the starter.
They need to move IT over to the PG spot full time and bring in MT for Evans.

BTW the starting PG had 2 assists and 2 turnovers.
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Starting PG 0 assists 2 turnovers. At the very least, I think Brooks should be the starter.
We've essentially turned IT into a spot-up shooter to allow Reke the ball and space to create. IT's made some bad plays this season and boneheaded mistakes, but I can't expect gaudy assist numbers from him when he's not the main facilitator of the offense anymore
Look at the anti-Reke crowd salivating over a poor game to justify all their nonsense. If he has a bad game, he shouldn't start, he sucks, he's peaked as a player, etc. Meanwhile, IT isn't having a good season because he's being misused and marginalized.

And for the record, I agree Evans was very bad tonight. I just thankfully have slightly more perspective than some of you.
Look at the anti-Reke crowd salivating over a poor game to justify all their nonsense. If he has a bad game, he shouldn't start, he sucks, he's peaked as a player, etc. Meanwhile, IT isn't having a good season because he's being misused and marginalized.

And for the record, I agree Evans was very bad tonight. I just thankfully have slightly more perspective than some of you.
Reke's been the main facilitator for the offense thus far this season. We're making a concentrated effort to get him the ball in spots for him to create. I for one don't think IT is being "misued" with what we're trying to do with Reke, but you can't expect him to be the same player he was last year when he's not running the team anymore.
Look at the anti-Reke crowd salivating over a poor game to justify all their nonsense. If he has a bad game, he shouldn't start, he sucks, he's peaked as a player, etc. Meanwhile, IT isn't having a good season because he's being misused and marginalized.

And for the record, I agree Evans was very bad tonight. I just thankfully have slightly more perspective than some of you.

I have been criticizing his game for three and a half years now. Where have you been?

The reason IT isn't putting up assists is because he's giving the ball handling duties to Evans.. Other than that IT is playing good defense and is shooting the ball at a good percentage. (46%fg 41%3pt)

Basically IT is doing the things that Evans should be doing that we all talked about before the season started, but it looks like they are using Evans as a PG again which baffles me because Evans was never any good at PG. I don't know if it's a respect thing or what, in regards to IT, but he needs to just take the ball and do his thing.

But saying IT is not having a good season? That's crazy talk. You do realize that he's not playing PG full time, right? It's like he's in there to be a SG on offense. He's done well, and he has been playing good defense on the opposing PGs so what more could we ask him to do?
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Starting PG 0 assists 2 turnovers. At the very least, I think Brooks should be the starter.
Pretty hard to get assists when you are finding guys on the perimeter who can't shoot and for some reason they keep shooting. I mean it's not the end of the world if you freeze out Travis Outlaw. This isn't the same IT that we had at the end of last year. Essentially right now the Kings are running without a guard who can run a team. It's an endless stream of ball handlers making bad decisions most of the time.
This game obviously shouldn't have been so close, but it's nice to see us hold on and not give the game away. Im not so sure if we win this one last season.
it wouldnt be a kings/warriors game without it being close at the end. i was having flashbacks of those tough last second losses but i agree glad we held on.
I have been criticizing his game for three and a half years now. Where have you been?

The reason IT isn't putting up assists is because he's deferring the ball handling to Evans.. Other than that IT is playing good defense and is shooting the ball at a good percentage.

Basically IT is doing the things that Evans should be doing that we all talked about before the season started, but it looks like they are using Evans as a PG again which baffles me because Evans was never any good at PG. I don't know if it's a respect thing or what, in regards to IT, but he needs to just take the ball and do his thing.

But saying IT is not having a good season? That's crazy talk. You do realize that he's not playing PG full time, right? It's like he's in there to be a SG on offense. He's done well, and he has been playing good defense on the opposing PGs so what more could we ask him to do?
Oh, I'm well aware that you've been criticizing him for a long time. The vast majority of your posts do nothing else. IT is tied for the 2nd highest usage % on the team. Not always a great indicator but it's not like he isn't involved in the offense. His assist to to ratio is awful which it shouldn't be even if the ball isn't always going through him. His assists are bad because he is making sh*&* passes. His defense has been ok and he shooting well. But that mean's he is having a good season? If Reke was held to a similar standard, he's been our 2nd or 3rd best player.

Meanwhile, Evans has been our best or 2nd best defender this year, is our 2nd best rebounder, has the 2nd highest assist % on the team, yet he should be moved to the bench.

At this point, you have all your cards on the Reke can't play pg, shouldn't start, isn't developing etc. thing that your posts are just getting silly. Why can't it just be that Evans had a really bad game. Everyone would agree. But arguing that IT has had a good year while Evans needs to go to the bench is stupid, misguided and too full of your 3 year anti-Evans bias.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
But saying IT is not having a good season? That's crazy talk. You do realize that he's not playing PG full time, right? It's like he's in there to be a SG on offense. He's done well, and he has been playing good defense on the opposing PGs so what more could we ask him to do?
That's baffling. IT has been pretty bad. Not the same player at all. About the only thing he is doing is hitting spot shots kicked out for him. He's had one strong half in the first 4 games. He's pressed, turned it over. Not dynamic, and it may just be a relative thing with the rest of the starters picking it up, but he's actually looked the least energetic of any of the starters through many of these early games. There is a reason Brooks keeps on getting handed the ball late.


The Game Thread Dude
Oh, I'm well aware that you've been criticizing him for a long time. The vast majority of your posts do nothing else. IT is tied for the 2nd highest usage % on the team. Not always a great indicator but it's not like he isn't involved in the offense. His assist to to ratio is awful which it shouldn't be even if the ball isn't always going through him. His assists are bad because he is making sh*&* passes. His defense has been ok and he shooting well. But that mean's he is having a good season? If Reke was held to a similar standard, he's been our 2nd or 3rd best player.

Meanwhile, Evans has been our best or 2nd best defender this year, is our 2nd best rebounder, has the 2nd highest assist % on the team, yet he should be moved to the bench.

At this point, you have all your cards on the Reke can't play pg, shouldn't start, isn't developing etc. thing that your posts are just getting silly. Why can't it just be that Evans had a really bad game. Everyone would agree. But arguing that IT has had a good year while Evans needs to go to the bench is stupid, misguided and too full of your 3 year anti-Evans bias.
Thus far, the only thing IT has really been good at this season is being kinda bad.
From what I've seen, nobody but Chuck Hayes is facilitating the offense. It's mostly everyone facilitating their own shot. I think IT has struggled from the change in offensive strategy. It doesn't help that the floor spacing has been pretty awful, so even when they go PnR, there's little space to drive or no angles to pass.
The offense needs to go through him more even if he's just facilitating the play.
This has needed to happen for so long now, not that I'm making comparisons, but this worked for C-Webb, and the same needs to happen for DMC...I don't know why Smart doesn't see this...the offense needs to run through him and nobody else. That would open up so many more easier/open shots for Thornton, Brooks, and Isaiah. As far as Tyreke's role, he needs to work on driving to the hole off screens/picks DMC sets. Its not rocket surgery to see the offense needs to run through DMC like Webber and Malone.
That's what Brooks is for.
I disagree
With Chuck, Trob, and Outlaw up front
we needed both Marcus and Brooks in off the bench to score

The bench played well I thought tonight with the three amigos up front on defense and the two guards providing most of the scoring

Thats probably why smart left them in through the end of the half?

Except for the Jimmer sighting at the end of the half where he got 5-6 pts in 2 min?
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Good to finally get a win. and against a warrior team that just went into LA and beat the Clips. Defense still looks good, hopefully with the weapons we have, the offense will come around. still hate Smarts rotations


The Game Thread Dude
Good to finally get a win. and against a warrior team that just went into LA and beat the Clips. Defense still looks good, hopefully with the weapons we have, the offense will come around. still hate Smarts rotations
Only major issue I had with Smart's rotation was the inexplicable Jimmer sighting at the end of the 2nd quarter.
Fun fact of the night.

We held opponents to 93 points or less in 12 out of 66 games last season. We've done it 3 out of 4 times this year
Reke may have had a horrible night on offense, and i mean horrible, but he still played great defense and the team defense was noticeably better when he was on the court