Organized protest last game of season?

I think as many people as would should stand for the first quarter in silence and turn their backs to the court. I bet many would join in.
As a football (soccer) fan over the years we have had many protests some peaceful some not so peaceful... I will give you a list of all the clubs peaceful demos in a few mins when i have the time to do so and this could help...
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How about this idea as a protest?
Everyone will go to the game, just as usual.
But at the opening tip, we will put on a tie over our eyes as blindfolds.
And we will just sit there, the entire first quarter, with blindfolds.
In addition, we can put a sticker or write with a marker on the tie, "Keep our Kings in Sacramento" or someting else (But of course we all need to write the same thing).
So ask your dad for a spare tie :)

So what do you think?
Right where too start....

Manchester United against the glaziers (who have run the club into massive dept and are still taking money)

they now wear green and gold scarfs in the stadium to show there anger against the owners they even get players and most notibly david beckham to wear the scarf after the game

Newcastle United against Mike Ashley

Mike ashely took over the club under faulse hope for the fans he has sold all the players and chnged the name of the 100+ year old stadium he has refuse to spend at the club too and is actuvly trying to sell the club at way over the odds and nobody will sell to him (basicaly he is a greedy sod)

they unvailed banners during the games and sing abusive songs at the him only after or before the game has started (so not to upset the players)

they also do loads of outher stuff t0 get on the tv to show there message (including holding a funeral to show the death of the club) pton_Wanderers_2/r/%3Fref%3Drss&docid=Dny1Iyp9uC8oDM&imgurl=,r:3,s:0,i:71

i will do the outhers in a minuet....
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How about this idea as a protest?
Everyone will go to the game, just as usual.
But at the opening tip, we will put on a tie over our eyes as blindfolds.
And we will just sit there, the entire first quarter, with blindfolds.
In addition, we can put a sticker or write with a marker on the tie, "Keep our Kings in Sacramento" or someting else (But of course we all need to write the same thing).
So ask your dad for a spare tie :)

So what do you think?
Huh? Is this some kind of strange reference I'm not getting? That would come off as more just weird and be a distraction.

What I'd suggest is that everybody wears black. It's a symbol of the pain and mourning caused by the Maloofs. Plus, it simple, so more people are likely to oblige, and it's noticable on TV, and in pictures. The media will deliver the message about what the black is about, but you should come up with a less than ten word explanation.

Also, I would wholeheartely encourage random anti Maloof chants. Don't see anything wrong with that, AT ALL. Could range from: "MALOOFS MUST GO, MALOOFS MUST GO" to "SELL THE TEAM" "SELL THE TEAM" to "SCREW THE MALOOFS, SCREW THE MALOOFS." I could see the crown REALLY getting into those! And, all the more powerful coming from black clad mob! It's not violent, but passionate, simple, and not overly bizarre. It's something Carmichael Dave or other DJs could easily mention. Oh, and signs. Lots of signs.

I also wouldn't be opposed to several people going up to them and giving them an earful while video taping it with their cell phone and then posting to youtube, and/or accidentally dumping beer on them, a couple times. Honestly, knowing how loyal our fanbase is, and how bad we've just been ****ed over, would not surprise me one bit if there was a serious rain of beer possibly other food/objects. Just hope they show up. Even if they don't, the chants should continue, because they'll be mentioned in the media.
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Huh? Is this some kind of strange reference I'm not getting? That would come off as more just weird and be a distraction.

What I'd suggest is that everybody wears black. It's a symbol of the pain and mourning caused by the Maloofs. Plus, it simple, so more people are likely to oblige, and it's noticable on TV, and in pictures. The media will deliver the message about what the black is about, but you should come up with a less than ten word explanation.

Also, I would wholeheartely encourage random anti Maloof chants. Don't see anything wrong with that, AT ALL. Could range from: "MALOOFS MUST GO, MALOOFS MUST GO" to "SELL THE TEAM" "SELL THE TEAM" to "SCREW THE MALOOFS, SCREW THE MALOOFS." I could see the crown REALLY getting into those! And, all the more powerful coming from black clad mob! It's not violent, but passionate, simple, and not overly bizarre. It's something Carmichael Dave or other DJs could easily mention. Oh, and signs. Lots of signs.

how about red.... red is not usually associated with the club and it will grab the attention of the media


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Staff member
how about red.... red is not usually associated with the club and it will grab the attention of the media
I was about to suggest the same thing. The Kings are pushing black this year (alternate jerseys, shirts, commercials, "Back in Black" ticket packs, etc. I don't think black would grab much attention as a protest color.
Funeral theme

Update: I actually think all black is perfect if there is a funeral theme. I suggest everyone who attends brings kings stuff and we make a shrine and light candles. Black umbrellas, rosaries, crucifixes, veils for women, etc. The idea being that we are in mourning re: the loss of our kings. Again, silent and passive but with strong imagery and media present. 6 of my friends and family have already agreed to come and I can get many more on my own. Looking for others to committ and spread this idea. I encourage others to come up with additional ideas along this track. We need to agree on an idea/theme so proper preparations can be made.
If I were a Laker fan.. a die hard Laker fan with nothing but contempt and disdain for the Kings.... I still would find it in my heart to join a Kings fan protest, and hold a sign that said "keep Kings in Sacramento, Eff the Maloofs" or something like that, on the last day of the season. I wouldn't want the Kings in Anaheim, and all competition aside (friendly and not) - everybody hates a true douche like George and his family have proven to be.

Laker fans and Kings fans side by side in the Arco parking lot protesting the Maloofs would be epic.
I have added a public facebook event: "RIP 'Sacramento Kings' Silent Protest." Please take a look and add yourself to the event if you are intersted. Spreading the word is just as important, so do what you can to share this with friends and family. We can still be heard!

I have added a public facebook event: "RIP 'Sacramento Kings' Silent Protest." Please take a look and add yourself to the event if you are intersted. Spreading the word is just as important, so do what you can to share this with friends and family. We can still be heard!

i typed it in on FB and cant find it. Can you post the link.
Honestly, I don't want to do a protest at the last game. I already have tickets to take my brother and SIL, who are visiting.

It will likely be unbearable to be there. If I know most Laker fans that will be there, they will gloat over this and taunt Kings fans. Just another reason for them to denigrate Sacramento as a worthless cow town. A few may be sympathetic, but most will delight in having abig reason to lord it over Kings fans.

It's going to be unbearable. :(

By the way, folks, I hate the Warriors almost as much as the Lakers. If the Kings are moved elsewhere, I won't be rooting for any other NBA team.
why dont we just try and sellout and start a "sell the team" during the whole game for every last homegame we got instead of not going lets go and show our team we still love them just need new owners..


Super Moderator Emeritus
Each Kings fan will have to decide for himself/herself what action, if any, he/she is going to take. I do think personally that not showing up is the worst thing we could do. The players on the court deserve our support and have done nothing wrong, except try to play under conditions that are uncomfortable at best. I still firmly believe the best course of action is to show up and cheer for the team but make a kind of silent protest, such as standing and turning our backs to the court at a given moment, would make more news.
Are you kidding? Seriously? I have been spit upon at Kings-Lakers games by rowdy Lakers fans. A very dear friend of mine had the back window in her car smashed out because it had a large Kings logo on it at a Kings-Lakers game. I have seen numerous fights, I have heard language that would have made a sailor blush and I have actually quit going to Kings-Lakers games because of the total lack of anything resembling respect by a large number of Laker fans. You can "be sure many of them actually feel sorry for us" but I think you're delusional. Yes, there are good Laker fans - a couple of whom actually post once in a while here - but the number of rude and rowdy Laker fans who actually go to Kings-Laker games is easily much higher.

Emotions will be sky-high already, as they always are at Laker games. If you add in the frustration of a large number of Kings fans to the mix, you're pretty much begging for something that will end up on the national news. But it will be something more like a riot than a peaceful demonstration. And you want to add families with kids to the mix? Dude, you are not thinking straight. I pray this does not come to pass because it will not end well.
i remember being at one of the kings lakers games and it was ugly. we almost got in a fight with them if it weren't for the security to break it up.

i like the paper bag idea someone posted on another thread. it would be wild if a whole section wore paper bags
i remember being at one of the kings lakers games and it was ugly. we almost got in a fight with them if it weren't for the security to break it up.

i like the paper bag idea someone posted on another thread. it would be wild if a whole section wore paper bags
Paper bags will be taken by the media as us being ashamed to be Kings fans. We have nothing to be ashamed about.

Black shirts. That's the best. Simple, visual, everyone can do it, and the meaning will be obvious.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Paper bags will be taken by the media as us being ashamed to be Kings fans. We have nothing to be ashamed about.

Black shirts. That's the best. Simple, visual, everyone can do it, and the meaning will be obvious.
Or black arm bands. Even simpler and eloquent at the same time, symbolizing our mourning for the death of the arena deal. Add in the standing moments of silence and I think we might be on the right path.

Is it evil that a part of me actually hopes they're dumb enough to show up?
Honestly, I don't want to do a protest at the last game. I already have tickets to take my brother and SIL, who are visiting.

It will likely be unbearable to be there. If I know most Laker fans that will be there, they will gloat over this and taunt Kings fans. Just another reason for them to denigrate Sacramento as a worthless cow town. A few may be sympathetic, but most will delight in having abig reason to lord it over Kings fans.

It's going to be unbearable. :(

By the way, folks, I hate the Warriors almost as much as the Lakers. If the Kings are moved elsewhere, I won't be rooting for any other NBA team.
just ask them what theyre so happy about. if the kings move, they wont be able to see their stupid lakers live in sacramento anymore. they can only see them on tv or shell out more money go back to socal to see them.