Chris Webber on KHTK 1140

After the interview with Cherly Miller and Mayor KJ, Reggie Miller commented saying that the vote was "rejected" and the KJ, ever the politician was just "spinning" the story, trying to "save face for the fans..." Webb agreed with him, saying "yea" about the "political spinning."
That would be the sensible conclusion if you were confused on the issue. I figure they must have thought the only way an arena gets built is to put it on the ballot and hope it passes, so when they heard it failed to get on the ballot, they thought the deal was dead. I'm sure lots of people were confused about it. I recall the day it happened some people were reading it as bad news for the arena. Unless you follow it day in and day out like most of us here do, it would be an easy mistake to make,
Given that so much attention is being placed upon this feud (putting the story on a TV newscast? seriously?) only reinforces my strong belief that we all need more to do in this town.

Let's get this thing built and start having more fun.


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That would be the sensible conclusion if you were confused on the issue. I figure they must have thought the only way an arena gets built is to put it on the ballot and hope it passes, so when they heard it failed to get on the ballot, they thought the deal was dead. I'm sure lots of people were confused about it. I recall the day it happened some people were reading it as bad news for the arena. Unless you follow it day in and day out like most of us here do, it would be an easy mistake to make,
It's only an easy mistake if you don't do your homework. And that is EASY to do. Just ask KJ before the game what the scoop is!
Technically, they did have the facts straight, they were just confused about what the facts meant. I have to disagree that it's their duty to research something like this. They're personalities/entertainers whose primary job is to talk about the game, the players, etc. not local politics regarding the arena. The whole thing has really been blown out of proportion.
If they didn't want to take the time to get their facts straight, then they shouldn't have brought it up in the first place. And it wasn't just that they got it wrong, when the Mayor corrected them they said he was just spinning it and continued to state that their "facts" were right.
I will agree with your take here, for the most part. And I will agree that my dislike/distrust of Grant when it comes to things like this was certainly part of my reaction.

BUT Grant is the professional. He should have handled it better.
CWebb is a professional now as well, and should act like it. I would mention that Jodi Bacon tweeted that she talked to Webber after the game about coming on Grant's show and told him exactly why they wanted him on. So it isn't just Grant that Webber is calling a liar.


Hall of Famer
Reggie Miller said that KJ was spinning what happened but that it DID get voted down.
What is "it?"

The whole confusion comes in what got voted down and what does voting it down mean. In most cases, at least the way our national government works, if an item is not brought to a vote, it dies. In this case, if the arena issue is brought to a public vote, it probably dies which is counterintuitive if you follow politics. If anybody at TNT is told that the arena agenda was denied a vote of the people by action of the city council, it can very well sound like the arena issue was killed.


Super Moderator Emeritus
CWebb is a professional now as well, and should act like it. I would mention that Jodi Bacon tweeted that she talked to Webber after the game about coming on Grant's show and told him exactly why they wanted him on. So it isn't just Grant that Webber is calling a liar.
Sorry, but Chris Webber is NOT a professional, especially when compared to Grant Napear. He's doing the job of a former athlete turned commentator, which is a lot different than what Napear has done for over 25 years.

What Bacon said may not have been what Webber heard. I'm not going to argue this further, but I do not think Chris Webber is a bald-faced liar.

Have a nice evening.

What Bacon said may not have been what Webber heard. I'm not going to argue this further, but I do not think Chris Webber is a bald-faced liar.

Have a nice evening.

The University of Michigan might disagree with you.
I like Webber, but think he was in the wrong on this.
CWebb is a professional now as well, and should act like it. I would mention that Jodi Bacon tweeted that she talked to Webber after the game about coming on Grant's show and told him exactly why they wanted him on. So it isn't just Grant that Webber is calling a liar.
of course she is going to stand up for grant and herself. but by your reasoning if two people call someone a liar than its true? so if the reggie and cheryl miller called kj a liar, what does that mean? my main reasoning why i'm siding with cwebb is logic. if someone told you that i'm going to put u on the radio because u made a mistake on tv and i'm gonna have the host that you have a history with call you out on it. are u going to go on? what if she said hey some of the fans want to talk to you and show you some love because of last night? are you going to put matters aside with the host and go on to talk to the fans? if just doesn't make sense


Super Moderator Emeritus
The University of Michigan might disagree with you.
I like Webber, but think he was in the wrong on this.
Wow. You're really going to bring that up? Dude, I'm trying very politely to bow out of this discussion. If you really need to have the last word, feel free but I've already conceded. I'm not quite sure what you're going for her. You keep saying you like Webber, but your posts are pretty passive-aggressive. At least IMHO.

Again, we'll agree to disagree. Okay?

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
If your going to be a broadcaster on national TV, then get your facts straight.

I am confused. Did you guys think you were watching the eleven o'clock news? I'm not touching this "who was right" debate with a ten-foot pole, but I have to pick this nit. They're color commentators, not journalists; they don't have a responsibility to maintain journalistic integrity. Does it make them look stupid if they don't get it right? Pretty much. Is it it their job to get it right? Not only no, but hell no.
of course she is going to stand up for grant and herself. but by your reasoning if two people call someone a liar than its true? so if the reggie and cheryl miller called kj a liar, what does that mean? my main reasoning why i'm siding with cwebb is logic. if someone told you that i'm going to put u on the radio because u made a mistake on tv and i'm gonna have the host that you have a history with call you out on it. are u going to go on? what if she said hey some of the fans want to talk to you and show you some love because of last night? are you going to put matters aside with the host and go on to talk to the fans? if just doesn't make sense

If Chris didn't think he would be asked that question HE used no logic. The question was straightforward and he could have put an end to it by simply saying he messed up. Instead he denied he even made a mistake and went on a rant about how dedicated and loyal he has been to sac.


Look, I LOVE Webber (ask you can see in my avatar) but he was clearly in the wrong here. Let's not make excuses for him just because he is the former face of our franchise.
I am confused. Did you guys think you were watching the eleven o'clock news? I'm not touching this "who was right" debate with a ten-foot pole, but I have to pick this nit. They're color commentators, not journalists; they don't have a responsibility to maintain journalistic integrity. Does it make them look stupid if they don't get it right? Pretty much. Is it it their job to get it right? Not only no, but hell no.
Bullsh*t. Their job is to do their homework On the games/teams they are covering. And in this case they did not do their homework, nor did they do their job.


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Staff member
I am confused. Did you guys think you were watching the eleven o'clock news? I'm not touching this "who was right" debate with a ten-foot pole, but I have to pick this nit. They're color commentators, not journalists; they don't have a responsibility to maintain journalistic integrity. Does it make them look stupid if they don't get it right? Pretty much. Is it it their job to get it right? Not only no, but hell no.
Why bother to get anything right then? We can have Tyreke being a 5' 2" center........on the 49ers. The Kings play their home games in Turlock. The former ARCO arena is now named after Peanut Butter instead of a rubber band. And hey, we won the NBA Finals last year, didn't you know?
I am confused. Did you guys think you were watching the eleven o'clock news? I'm not touching this "who was right" debate with a ten-foot pole, but I have to pick this nit. They're color commentators, not journalists; they don't have a responsibility to maintain journalistic integrity. Does it make them look stupid if they don't get it right? Pretty much. Is it it their job to get it right? Not only no, but hell no.
Last time I checked Cheryl Millers job was a sideline REPORTER. Reporters dam well should get the fact right.


Hall of Famer
I am confused. Did you guys think you were watching the eleven o'clock news? I'm not touching this "who was right" debate with a ten-foot pole, but I have to pick this nit. They're color commentators, not journalists; they don't have a responsibility to maintain journalistic integrity. Does it make them look stupid if they don't get it right? Pretty much. Is it it their job to get it right? Not only no, but hell no.
Come on dude, I have respect for you. You can't seriously mean that. Your telling me that a paid professional on national TV can just make up what ever he or she wants and can't be held responsible. Webb wasn't being a color analyst when he was talking about the arena vote. He was giving out important imformation about the situation. He got it wrong. Its that simple. I don't think he should be crucified over it, but he could at least admit the made a mistake. I love C. Webb, he's one of my all time favorite Kings players. I also love my wife, but if she's wrong, I'm going to tell her she's wrong. I have the scars to prove it.


Hall of Famer
It is the job of the behind the scenes producers to get the facts right. The pretty faces regurgitate it. These ex NBA guys aren't investigative reporters but there is no excusing the TNT staff for letting this BS on the air. Certainly they control their on camera personalities faces to a great extent. I'm with S£im on this one. What C-Webb did must have been done with the blessing of his behind the scenes staff. If not, TNT is running a shoddy product.

Do you think Jay Leno reads up on his guests to know what to ask? He has staff that does that. That's the way it should be on TNT.
It is the job of the behind the scenes producers to get the facts right. The pretty faces regurgitate it. These ex NBA guys aren't investigative reporters but there is no excusing the TNT staff for letting this BS on the air. Certainly they control their on camera personalities faces to a great extent. I'm with S£im on this one. What C-Webb did must have been done with the blessing of his behind the scenes staff. If not, TNT is running a shoddy product.

Do you think Jay Leno reads up on his guests to know what to ask? He has staff that does that. That's the way it should be on TNT.
I think this is pretty much it.
It is the job of the behind the scenes producers to get the facts right. The pretty faces regurgitate it. These ex NBA guys aren't investigative reporters but there is no excusing the TNT staff for letting this BS on the air. Certainly they control their on camera personalities faces to a great extent. I'm with S£im on this one. What C-Webb did must have been done with the blessing of his behind the scenes staff. If not, TNT is running a shoddy product.
This pretty much sums up that part of the issue.
I remember when I was hearing it live I thought it really seemed like Chris was, as usual, wearing his heart on his sleeve that's all. A guy on another message board said it best I think and I'm paraphrasing: This was Webber's pent up reaction to many years of Grant's general douchey-ness. I think that is pretty much what it was.

Disclosure: I love CWebb and hate Grant


Hall of Famer
I remember when I was hearing it live I thought it really seemed like Chris was, as usual, wearing his heart on his sleeve that's all. A guy on another message board said it best I think and I'm paraphrasing: This was Webber's pent up reaction to many years of Grant's general douchey-ness. I think that is pretty much what it was.

Disclosure: I love CWebb and hate Grant
I'm with you. I can't say I hate Grant but he has that New York edge that probably has a lot to do with the way he comes across. It's far more tolerable for people from New York, I'm sure. Interesting discussion and I hate to beat a dead horse (where's that gif? :) ) but I think Chris has earned respect from the people of Sacramento and Grant. Imagine the interview if it was done with Jerry Reynolds. Or don't if that scares you. ;) Jerry's from my part of the country and undoubtedly would have got the information he wanted without creating such a fuss.

But then "creating a fuss" is what gets a guy ratings, isn't it? Grant seems to be milking this for everything it is worth. I don't like this especially when it is done at C-Webb's expense.


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Staff member
But then "creating a fuss" is what gets a guy ratings, isn't it? Grant seems to be milking this for everything it is worth. I don't like this especially when it is done at C-Webb's expense.
Oh, I agree on this and don't like it at all. But I think this is a separate issue.
Let's not forget that Grant Napear the radio personality is a caricature. He is following the same model used by countless others in sports media, political media etc. You know, be obnoxious with your opinions and get people all lathered up to sale air time. So in essence, when he went off on Chris he was doing his job as a shock jock.

The same model is used right here on this board by many. Don't confuse the person for the role they are portraying.


Let's not forget that Grant Napear the radio personality is a caricature. He is following the same model used by countless others in sports media, political media etc. You know, be obnoxious with your opinions and get people all lathered up to sale air time. So in essence, when he went off on Chris he was doing his job as a shock jock.

The same model is used right here on this board by many. Don't confuse the person for the role they are portraying.
Grant didn't 'go off' on Webb. He simply asked a question.