Yes, Cohn appears to want 30 more than 50.
Save your time on Sheedy and work on Pannel and Cohn.
I did not see the meeting, but it was said that Pannel said something about she might vote for this later. Actually, that makes a lot of sense. If you want to vote for this but you are worried that some of the people in your district are going to give you are hard time about it. Then you vote to both kill this will a June advisory vote and to green light it a week later. When it comes time to vote, this allows Pannel to say, "Look, I think you should have had the right to vote, and I voted that way and tried to swing votes that way, but it didn't pass. After talking to as many people as I could, I voted yes because that's what a majority wanted. In addition, I think it's a good project and here is why."
If most people are for this, but there will be an angry group, it makes a lot of sense to vote no and then vote yes next week.