[Game] Game Thread: Kings vs. Nuggets 1/25

The rules around here are no player bashing. Don't like it, click the red 'x' in the upper right corner (or left, if you're an apple person), 'cause they ain't changing.
Some of the enforcers don't even follow that rule. The acceptability of player bashing seems to determined by the player. Bash Salmons or Outlaw, no one bats an eye. Bash Tyreke, and you'll probably get called a troll and told to shape up or ship out.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
I think with this game the Kings have been eliminated from playoff contention.

Dudes, just give him the three.


Northernmost Kings Fan
I like that Jimmer's shot is falling, hopefully it will keep falling when it counts because so far he's only had good games during garbage time.
It's troubling I see the most effort/intensity out of the two rookies and DeMarcus, who also happen to be three of the guys here the shortest amount of time. I almost get the impression this organization zaps the life out of players.

It appears the guys we have consistency/energy issues with the most often, going back a few years, are the guys who've been on the roster longest.
So they were lucky to beat a team that was 9-0 at home and lucky to beat another one of the top teams in the league. Got it. I guess since it was luck we shouldn't give them any "props". When they have a few terrible games while missing their leading scorer though, that is definitely something we should tear them up about. /sarcasm
I like that Jimmer's shot is falling, hopefully it will keep falling when it counts because so far he's only had good games during garbage time.
That's kind of hard to avoid because about 3/4 of the Kings games go into garbage time. It's hard to know what a player can do in a good game when the team doesn't play good games.
Remember the last two seasons we pretty much competed every night even against the best teams? We lost alot of close games. Now we get blown out every night. What the hell happend to this team? Trading Beno and not re signing Dally seriously regressed this team. Dally alleviated our abysmal perimeter defense and Beno was the floor general. Now we have neither, this team seriously needs a veteran pg leader.
They've been blown out two times each now by the Nuggets, Grizzlies, and Trailblazers. The most disturbing thing about that is that in the second games, I didn't see a Kings team with a chip on their shoulder looking for payback. If you can't even bring it for the teams that kicked your butt a few weeks ago, it doesn't say much about your heart and pride.
Only positive tonight was that Jimmer's shot was continuing to fall, so hope we see more of that in the future. Now lets get through this season one loss at a time and hope for a productive offseason. Things can change quickly in pro sports, especially basketball. Anyways, I'm out. Good night everyone, look forward to seeing what girls brick throws out there.
It seems like certain teams match up against us so well, and they will blow us out every time, ie Portland, Memphis, Denver. Teams with any shotblocker that can prevent Tyreke from penetrating will shut us down. The key to stop Tyreke is to put a tall athletic defender on him, and to backup that defender with a shotblocker ie Camby, Nene, etc.