Jimmer is awful and not ready to play



He looks like a middle schooler playing against adults. Even his best has been woeful. Im not gonna get excited about anything he's done. He's been completely unimpressive he makes Quincy douby look good. Beno looks like a shut down defender compared to him. Jimmer looks lost every single second.

I really hope he's not this awful and can improve but other than outlaw he's the worst player on our team... its also obvious he lacks any natural PG abilitys, and will be a serious serious project as a pg... maybe he can be like eddie house? Or jj redick? He looks that bad.
I don't want to hate on him but his shot has been failing him for the most part and his DEF is so bad. He loses track of his man so easily and tries to chase but it doesn't matter after that.
Jimmer needs a real system. You won't see that unless Smart puts one in over the next few weeks. He doesn't work in this freelancing as well because he is young and making rookie mistakes. He gets to spots, where he's used to players being in spots from college, but they aren't there now. I am not judging him until he gets put into a real role in a real system.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
It's too soon to throw in the towel on a kid who stepped onto a team without a system and without a summer camp, real training camp, etc.
He looks like a middle schooler playing against adults. Even his best has been woeful. Im not gonna get excited about anything he's done. He's been completely unimpressive he makes Quincy douby look good. Beno looks like a shut down defender compared to him. Jimmer looks lost every single second.

I really hope he's not this awful and can improve but other than outlaw he's the worst player on our team... its also obvious he lacks any natural PG abilitys, and will be a serious serious project as a pg... maybe he can be like eddie house? Or jj redick? He looks that bad.
Jimmer has never played point guard here. He would surprise you. Before this season is over you will be grateful you have Jimmer.


Not only is his shot not falling but its more about how pedestrian he looks. He hasn't flashed anything "special" at all! Its disturbing how even if he was shooting 50% from 3 he would still be lacking in every single category.
Most rookies get summer league, preseason, and a professional offensive system to grow in. Jimmer has had neither, Im willing to give him a pass for awhile.
He looks like a middle schooler playing against adults. Even his best has been woeful. Im not gonna get excited about anything he's done. He's been completely unimpressive he makes Quincy douby look good. Beno looks like a shut down defender compared to him. Jimmer looks lost every single second.
I agree. And he is not 6' 2" as has been advertised. He looks more like under 6 feet.

Isaiah Thomas is the same thing. Too damn short and skinny, too slow to cover his man, and just gets easily pushed by the big men on the court. The funny thing is every one is bigger than him, so everyone can just push him out of their way. So who is he supposed to be guarding or matching against?

I know it is cute to see these little players playing, but they are most oftentimes a big liability. They are not helping the team and they should be sent to the D-League until they are ready. What have they done anyways (other than bring the ball halfcourt which anyone of the other guards can do) to merit these long minutes of playing time?

Keith Smart. I hope you are that smart to see that.
His defense does drive me crazy, but overall he takes good shots and in general plays within himself on the offensive side. I never expected Jimmer to be more then a good bench scorer. I think he has shown he can fill that role in the future.

Also why would you use Reddick as a negative comparison? JJ has been excellent the last couple of seasons.
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Jimmer will be fine, the whole team is/was a mess so you can't really expect a rookie to know what he is doing 8 games into his first season without any practice time! A month from now, W/L record aside, the Kings will be playing much better basketball and Jimmer will begin to flourish! This team is so young and seeing how they celebrate after victories brings me back down to earth. With age comes wisdom. With wisdom comes playoffs! Just imagine if we play like we did in that 2nd half all the time... with Cousins not fouling out. Teams will literally not know who to guard. Just thinking about that puts a smile on my face :D
We drafted Jimmer at #10. He is currently at #7 on NBA.com's Rookie Ladder. Not to mention he has been playing for the worst offensive system in the league for the last week. These "Jimmer sucks" threads can stop now.
Jimmer had a nice bounce feed to Cuz in the paint. Cuz grabbed it in motion and went up for an easy basket. That hasn't happened around here in a long long time. Feeding the post has been horrible.
Why go Negative Nancy on the Rookie 7 games into the season? No summer league or training camp and you want to dump on the kid, I don't get it???

There is a lot going on that's not normal for an NBA season or team right now. It looked like the game was moving way too fast for him tonight, but I'll give him a pass. I'll Let him get some games under his belt, stability and time to adjust before I label him.
Jimmer gonna be your new target huh Sactownfan???.... You just need someone to be bagging on all the time don't ya?... we've all seen these incessant negative threads from you in the past... and they're always ridiculously wild. Ease up with knee jerk stuff and enjoy something dude.
I agree. And he is not 6' 2" as has been advertised. He looks more like under 6 feet.

Isaiah Thomas is the same thing. Too damn short and skinny, too slow to cover his man, and just gets easily pushed by the big men on the court. The funny thing is every one is bigger than him, so everyone can just push him out of their way. So who is he supposed to be guarding or matching against?

I know it is cute to see these little players playing, but they are most oftentimes a big liability. They are not helping the team and they should be sent to the D-League until they are ready. What have they done anyways (other than bring the ball halfcourt which anyone of the other guards can do) to merit these long minutes of playing time?

Keith Smart. I hope you are that smart to see that.
Jimmer is 6'2... he did look a bit smaller than Beno who is 6'3+ i'd say... who I've stood right next to him a few times.
rookie mistakes have been made and 5 games out of 6 nights does take your legs off when you shoot but when you watch his man rarely leaves him why cause he is a shooter.. this man is one less to double reke and cuz.. also runs the floor well. the defense will get there the kid wasnt asked to play much D in his college days being the funnel of all their offense. he is NOT ready to play starter minutes but seeing him there till the late game stints will give him experience..
Jimmer will be fine, the whole team is/was a mess so you can't really expect a rookie to know what he is doing 8 games into his first season without any practice time! A month from now, W/L record aside, the Kings will be playing much better basketball and Jimmer will begin to flourish! This team is so young and seeing how they celebrate after victories brings me back down to earth. With age comes wisdom. With wisdom comes playoffs! Just imagine if we play like we did in that 2nd half all the time... with Cousins not fouling out. Teams will literally not know who to guard. Just thinking about that puts a smile on my face :D
Ditto. No summer league, very little practice before the season and very little practice during this young season due to the tight schedule and everything under PW. Now Smart will implement his style and a new 'system' will have to be learned. It'll take some time.


Hall of Famer
Not only is his shot not falling but its more about how pedestrian he looks. He hasn't flashed anything "special" at all! Its disturbing how even if he was shooting 50% from 3 he would still be lacking in every single category.
Your starting to sound like a troll, and I hate to say that because I used to have respect for you. I won't even respond your opinion, because you done't even know what the hell your talking about.