Cousins SENT HOME????

I read so many of the posts here and it seems pretty rediculous to me that so many people want the coach fired and Cousins given a pass. I think Cousins is very talented but anyone can see he has a major attitude problem. He has a look of anger on his face half the time. He gets technicals and has been thrown out of games on too many occasions. You can only imagine what goes on behind the scenes. If there is some way to get this kid some counceling as he is his own worst enemy. It would be a shame to lose him and I have my doubts we would get what we desreve for him because he is a major head case. It is in his own best interest to cooperate and get his head glued on straight. He stands to lose alot, as do the Kings.
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Also, Jason Jones raises a pretty valid point:

What about demanding a trade requires a player be kept at home (and all this hoopla)? Dwight Howard demanded to be traded, but he didn't sit out on any games...I know there's a difference between Cousins and Howard, but still.
Also, Jason Jones raises a pretty valid point:

What about demanding a trade requires a player be kept at home (and all this hoopla)? Dwight Howard demanded to be traded, but he didn't sit out on any games...I know there's a difference between Cousins and Howard, but still.
You should know by now it's more than Cousins demanding a trade. That point has been made here and by Coach Westphal. It was a serious of things leading up to latest blowup. And comparing Cousins assorted fits and now demanding a trade with any similar actions of any NBA veteran or a superstar like Howard is - ridiculous. Cousins simply needs to grow up and stop acting like a little kid.
What a revolting development. Let's hope that when we wake up tomorrow that DeMarcus and coach Westphal have reached an amicable solution and that Cousins has rejoined his teammates, is on the plane, playing cards as the team flies to Memphis.
demarcus cousins @boogiecousins

Dnt listen to everything u hear ...smh glad to knw who the real fans are tho ...thanks

50+ Retweets
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10:02 PM - 1 Jan 12 via TweetCaster for iOS · Details
demarcus cousins @boogiecousins

Dnt listen to everything u hear ...smh glad to knw who the real fans are tho ...thanks

50+ Retweets
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10:02 PM - 1 Jan 12 via TweetCaster for iOS · Details
Wow! That is just going to add fuel to the fire! This could turn real messy...even messier than it is now!


What- Me Worry?
I don’t hate Westphal but he is the most expendable and I think that we can, at least, all agree that he is not the coach that’s going to take us to the promise land. Why not dump him now and get it over with. That said, I would then keep Cousins on a short leash and if he ever starts to pull this cr*p again I would dump him too. I’m willing to give the guy a little more time to see if his actions can solely be attributed to immaturity or if it’s ingrained in his personality. Any organization will flounder or fail with incompetent leaders and/or problem employees.


Hall of Famer
I seem to have blown it in my analysis of Cuz. I am seldom wrong and I say that as it is the truth. I seem to be wrong about him but I think this apecific situation is more complex than we know. It is difficult to believe that so much disharmony can develop over three weeks as that is what I presume we are to believe. Perhaps it is so.

Although Cuz is a handful, some people can handle handfuls. I certainly can. I am going to take a step back in what I think of him. I won't step back in what I think of Westphal. This specific situation is one where none of us will knw the truth in what went on.

I would love to hear the opinion of other players but if we can break this down to an either/or situatuion, they either see him as a problem or don't and we will never know as to say anything in support of him could lead to a benching.

Just because Cuz can be a pain in the *** doesn't mean Westphal is correct in what he is doing with the blessing of the owners apparently.

Nothing that has happened has changed my feelings about Cuz or Westphal. I like Cuz. I'll leave it at that.

Anyway, it is important to me to admit I whiffed on this one.


Hall of Famer
Gp is seeing him on monday and that conversation will determine if he makes the roadtrip.
THIS I would love to hear and is a good move. I hope Cuz doesn't see GP as the enemy or it could end poorly. I have some faith in GP's mellowness to deal with this.
You should know by now it's more than Cousins demanding a trade. That point has been made here and by Coach Westphal. It was a serious of things leading up to latest blowup. And comparing Cousins assorted fits and now demanding a trade with any similar actions of any NBA veteran or a superstar like Howard is - ridiculous. Cousins simply needs to grow up and stop acting like a little kid.
Yeah, I know. Which is why, if you notice, I said there was a difference between Cousins and Howard.
What he is basically saying he didn't asked to be traded. Sound like Westy is feeling the heat and has to find someone to blame.
True but ask yourself a question here...

How will Westphal react to thing and at this point who do you think the front office will back?!

Westphal is obviously covering his *** and the team cannot sack him immidietly since it would be seen as siding with Cousins and that teaches Cousins nothing in the process!
Also, can anyone confirm who goes on regularly? There was a mention on Sactown Royalty that they had completely removed Cuz from the site.

Now, I know - Cousins may have been completely in the wrong. But I do not like how the FO has been handling all of this.


Hall of Famer
Cuz probably made the demand, but wasnt serious, just having a tantrum in practice.

Dude seriously hates Westphal though, and I dont blame him. Westphal was a punk to Cousins his rookie year (not that Cousins wasnt just as big a punk).

I have to agree with those in the thread saying that Cousins is acting childish and entitled to have demanded the trade (although he did do takesies backsies), but Westphal seriously needs to go. Dude is terrible.
Also, can anyone confirm who goes on regularly? There was a mention on Sactown Royalty that they had completely removed Cuz from the site.

Now, I know - Cousins may have been completely in the wrong. But I do not like how the FO has been handling all of this.
I don't remember seeing MT with Reke and Jimmer on

I was at the game and they took out DMC from the intro video while he screamed and instead they inserted Jimmer screaming.
I don't remember seeing MT with Reke and Jimmer on

I was at the game and they took out DMC from the intro video while he screamed and instead they inserted Jimmer screaming.
Wow. If they spent as much time editing out players they don't like as being competent and knowing what not to release to the public, maybe this situation would be slightly more easily reconciled.


Hall of Famer
I don't remember seeing MT with Reke and Jimmer on

I was at the game and they took out DMC from the intro video while he screamed and instead they inserted Jimmer screaming.
I hope an adult intervenes. This seems childish from both sides.


I don't remember seeing MT with Reke and Jimmer on

I was at the game and they took out DMC from the intro video while he screamed and instead they inserted Jimmer screaming.
Call a 20 yo childish if u want. Im sure he was mad as hell after the loss as i would have been. But puttin jimmer in place of him in the intro was the most childish thing iv seen
I know everyone secretly wants to believe Westphal is lying about the whole thing.

That would be perfect wouldn't it? Cousins never asked to be traded! Westphal is evil! and then he gets fired. That would be awesome.

I just don't see it though. Something happened here. Cousins asked to be traded in some form. And that's just not cool. Its not good. I don't care how unhappy he was with the coach. Its his second year in the league.. how come other guys can restrain themselves and he can't? I love the guy, but I can't be part of the crew that is enabling him to do whatever he wants. He messed up. Westphal may have messed up more for all I know, but Cousins messed up too.
anyone watching gametime on nbatv. sam amick said the trade demand might have been taken out of context. believes cousins probably said something along the lines of "if you think im so bad for this team or a cancer to the team, trade me now" or something like that. also said he talked to petrie and said they are not entertaining offers for a trade or putting him on the block, just trying to send him a message or "scare him straight"

i hope the not trading him part is true. mostly for selfish reasons because i just got a black cousins jersey for christmas :p
I'm sure the trade demand was taken out of context, but this was never really about the trade demand (except that it was probably yelled out in front of the team as an act of pure insubordination and thus required a response).


spin it anyway you want to, this guy is a headcase,was from day one. I told you guys a year ago this was to be expected, hes nothing more than a Benoit Benjamin/Derrick Coleman type, me me me me me me selfish sob!!!!
I know everyone secretly wants to believe Westphal is lying about the whole thing.

That would be perfect wouldn't it? Cousins never asked to be traded! Westphal is evil! and then he gets fired. That would be awesome.

I just don't see it though. Something happened here. Cousins asked to be traded in some form. And that's just not cool. Its not good. I don't care how unhappy he was with the coach. Its his second year in the league.. how come other guys can restrain themselves and he can't? I love the guy, but I can't be part of the crew that is enabling him to do whatever he wants. He messed up. Westphal may have messed up more for all I know, but Cousins messed up too.
I mean, I don't want to defend Cousins behavior. I think he most certainly is immature. I think the difference between him and other guys who were drafted is that the Kings team development is stagnant, much like it's offense, and it must be even more frustrating to start of 1-3 with the dismal season last year. With no major player moves (like picking up a significant vet, etc), it must seem like the same old story as last year. Yes, he is very reactionary, and needs to learn, but the Kings should not be getting blown out by the Knicks. Personally, I think maybe he feels the weight of the unrealistic expectations that maybe he thought people had after they beat the Lakers, only to go back to what seemed to be the old ways, worse than ever.

But that's alot of maybes. Hopefully this all clears up though, and this is all figured out.
And also, DMC's college coach was able to handle him just fine. Maybe it's coming from a winning culture in college ball, also expecting that you can win any game, to going to, well, this.

I mean, it's on him for not handling this maturely, and he has no right to make demands as a second year player, let me emphasize.

But Westphal has a history of throwing players under the bus, did it in Seattle, and was disliked at Pepperdine. And I don't need to go into the whole Spencer Hawes debacle.

He punishes one player, not taking the high road and doing it underground through the media and suspensions, and letting the other go. Tyreke's remarks were not exactly optimistic, and were relatively scathing of the offensive system.

My question - ok, so both people's fault. Takes two to tango. But when do we say enough is enough with Westphal? This will take the media attention off him for a short stretch longer...but when is enough?
spin it anyway you want to, this guy is a headcase,was from day one. I told you guys a year ago this was to be expected, hes nothing more than a Benoit Benjamin/Derrick Coleman type, me me me me me me selfish sob!!!!
No one has ever doubted that he is very immature and what many would call a headcase or a cancer. However, his skills are unique and a great coach WILL get the best out of him. Artest or should that be Metta World Peace is a headcase but Phil Jackson got the best out of him. Rasheed Wallace was a cancer/headcase but Brown got the best out of him. Same could be said of Webber in his early years and its not until he was coached by Adelman that he turned it around.

Cousins is far too talented for a team to turn their back on him. What he needs is a coach that he can trust and a coach that he believes has his back and won' throw him under the bus when the going gets tough. Could you seriously see someone like Phil Jackson or even Adelman pulling the same sort of crap that Westphal has pulled here?

I can't!